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5 minutes ago, IXOYE said:


I ask a simple question:
Why can't we access "https://forum.palemoon.org" from Newmoon 28 and 27?
While on Firefox 52.9, Mypal and Serpent 52 ... I don't have a problem.
Is there some kind of revenge out there somewhere...




It could be profile corruption. I'm pretty sure both MyPal and New Moon share the same profile location. They're usually identical, but NM is still based on 28.10 rather than 28.12. So opening NM after running MyPal would be like stepping a version back. Profile data usually fares pretty well moving forward with versions, but less so stepping back. You should always keep profile backups. Start a new profile and see if it still persists.

Posted (edited)

solution for non working sites : https://addons.palemoon.org/ and https://forum.palemoon.org/

part 1
new string : general.oscpu.override
value : Windows NT 6.1

part 2
new string : general.useragent.override.palemoon.org
value : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;rv:52.9) Goanna/20170101 PaleMoon/28.12.0

maybe this can be added in new NM 28 xpmod and other builds and set as default.
many users who do not read this will not be able to get addons from within the browser.

Edited by rereser
Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

The Pale Moon forum is accessible without tricks.

The block was originally implemented (no doubt by M.A.T. :realmad:) in the afternoon (my timezone, i.e. UTC+0300) of August 14th, 2020; it denies access to forum.palemoon.org by UAs containing the PaleMoon/28.10.1a1 slice :angry: ; that one was relevant to recent New Moon 28 builds prior to the latest one (which, at last, has 28.10.2a1 as appversion) :


What is noteworthy is the nature of the error generated, which would have the uninitiated believe it was related to a genuine TLS connection/certificate issue :angry: ...

On that day, @roytam1 "dared" to post in The Official Interlink Mail & News Discussion Thread :


which presumably tripped M.A.T. :realmad: over:


EDIT: Get out of my board, roytam1. You're not welcome here.

But the official forums do not only contain M.A.T.'s "board", who granted this individual God-like rights to ban online community content at a whim?

<OT rant>
I'm not a young person anymore, sadly, but I swear to all of you I hadn't come across, both in my whole real life and in my "digital" one (since ca. 2005...), such a mean-spirited, vindictive and petty individual, and this is also taking into account the latest unethical shenanigans... :realmad: The great Albert Einstein might have said :


“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

... but I must add a third one: human evilness :(

Note to admins: As you all probably know by now, I have shown exemplary conduct in these forums; but this time I had to vent ; I apologise profusely and can only swear this won't happen again... :}
</OT rant>

Edited by VistaLover
Posted (edited)

The addon sites of both Pale Moon and Basilisk are accessible again for XP and Vista!

The evil scripts have been removed.


He used obfuscated javascript, like malware writers often do.

De-obfuscated: palemoon.js

Edited by nicolaasjan

It might be wise to not fully trust software that this petty person touched recently, as there may be hidden nasties inside...

He already demonstrated his desire to harm users.


P.S. it is a "he", right? not a fugly "she"?


Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, nicolaasjan said:

He used obfuscated javascript, like malware writers often do.

De-obfuscated: palemoon.js

... Are you sure this is FULLY de-obfuscated? :whistle: :P

function displayContent() {
    if (X("0x3", "^Mn5") in navigator) {
        uaPrefix = navigator[X("0x10", "wOY$")] + "/5.0 (" + navigator[X("0x5", "&j9b")] + ";";
        if (!navigator["userAgent"][X("0xf", "wkB!")](uaPrefix)) return;
        if (navigator[X("0x4", "G9*&")] && (navigator["oscpu"][X("0x8", "^Mn5")](X("0x9", "Puzb")) || navigator["oscpu"][X("0xe", "73(^")](X("0x11", "e6DU")) || navigator[X("0x0", "DLe0")][X("0x2", "fCh&")](X("0x6", "pseB")) || navigator["oscpu"][X("0xb", "k4n@")](X("0xc", "GBIt")))) return null
    var ig = document["getElementById"](X("0x1",
        "6osW"))[X("0x7", "rMvY")][X("0x13", "czCY")](!![]);
    document[X("0x12", "&iPz")]["appendChild"](ig);
    document[X("0xa", "Y8yJ")]["id"] = X("0xd", "wOY$")
5 hours ago, nicolaasjan said:

The evil scripts have been removed.

... Though he doesn't acknowledge he had anything to do with their removal, Moonchild's account of things:



1. He pretty much (as expected) justifies M.A.T. because he was undeservedly banned from MSFN without notice, as being "a long-standing member with a good track record" (:lol:)
2. Once again, fork users are being called "so selfish"...
The whole affair boils down to two things, basically:
3. MONEY :} ; the addons infra is being maintained fiscally out of M.A.T.'s own pocket; supposedly, "freeloaders" such as the fork-users put a significant extra burden towards bandwidth consumption/server costs... :dubbio:
Edit: Fork users, when using the default Search Engine, DDG, also contribute towards the official project by Moonchild, do they not? :dubbio:
4. Branding (and all related stuff discussed extensively elsewhere in these forums).

NB: The term "out of spite" is never mentioned :angry: ...

13 hours ago, rereser said:

part 1
new string : general.oscpu.override
value : Windows NT 6.1

I must thank @siria for being the first person in these forums mentioning in the past this HIDDEN Firefox pref :thumbup
When SSUAOs for the add-on repos stopped working for me, but I could still access them in my sister's Win7 laptop inside the same WLAN, I became sure I smelled of fish :realmad: ... I arrived to the conclusion he must be checking OS version by Javascript, so I remembered that pref and applied it independently on my own; I did not disclose this early on, fearing the involved person's unpredictability... :whistle:

general.oscpu.override changes the Javascript-detected OS version globally; you can read more about it here :) . However, I wanted something more elegant, that would only work on these two "affected" sites; since I have Greasemonkey for Pale Moon installed, I concocted the following userscript:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Fake 'navigator.oscpu' on PM & Bk add-on repos (25-08-2020)
// @namespace   VistaLover
// @description Changes 'navigator.oscpu' on PM & Bk add-on repos
// @include     https://addons.palemoon.org/*
// @include     https://addons.basilisk-browser.org/*
// @run-at      document-start
// @grant       none
// @version     1
// ==/UserScript==

Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'oscpu', {
    value: 'Windows NT 6.3'

Sharing it now for purely academic reasons, just in case... ;) BTW, navigator.oscpu is a feature of only Firefox and friends, Chromium-based browsers don't (easily) divulge the OS version when queried by JS...

So, one major crisis averted, I'm sure there'll be more coming... :}

Edited by VistaLover
proper English
Posted (edited)

Now I see a conflict of interest. While not entirely without provocation, as there were some instances of licensing/trademark misuse with the MailNews fork-off. Useragent sniffing is very distasteful, and in this case even misleading. I could sort of understand a BinaryOutcast-specific project doing something like this, MT is rather more rigid with rebuilds/redistribution of their projects (which is within rights). But barring access to a Pale Moon affiliated website strikes me as a pretty serious conflict of interest. Especially with the nature of the block. It didn't warn about your OS or user agent. It rather led one to believe there was a connectivity conflict. Even MyPal was reportedly affected, and they do everything by the book. Even created independent branding rather than adopting the generic 'New Moon' brand as requested from M.C.

This was, if  intentional, the biggest abuse of power I've seen from the project yet. I hope to see a reasonable explanation, because occurrences like this will not go unnoticed and potentially jeopardize the reputation of UXP. UXP during this time of chromification is needed more than ever.

But on the other hand. Adopting a unique brand for NM seems in order imo. Serpent is similar in theme to Basillisk without grounds for confusion, I would think. Surely something lunar-themed or nocturnal for RT1's NM can be conjured up too :cool:

Edited by docR


1 hour ago, VistaLover said:

I must thank @siria for being the first person in these forums mentioning in the past this HIDDEN Firefox pref :thumbup
When SSUAOs for the add-on repos stopped working for me, but I could still access them in my sister's Win7 laptop inside the same WLAN, I became sure I smelled of fish :realmad: ... I arrived to the conclusion he must be checking OS version by Javascript, so I remembered that pref and applied it independently on my own; I did not disclose this early on, fearing the involved person's unpredictability... :whistle:

I personally use this: https://is.gd/tBbQGk

For the problems concerning add-ons and the forum inaccessible by the will of M.A.T., I do not blame him, because after reading most of his posts he has all the characteristics

of "Asperger's syndrome ".


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, docR said:

This was, if  intentional, the biggest abuse of power I've seen from the project yet. I hope to see a reasonable explanation

TBH, I don't think Moonchild himself had anything to do with it; that was all pure/unadulterated M.A.T. :realmad: , acting out of spite indiscriminately against forks run on NT < 6.1; proper branding was irrelevant at that point in time; and, of course it was intentional; M.A.T. claiming snarkily, quite proud of himself, on the afternoon of the 25th that



All systems are functioning within normal parameters.

... and some of his sidekicks in that same thread trying to prove the doubters are delusional... :angry: I'm happy for @letmeindude :thumbup for standing up to the lot of them, and for doing major debugging of the issue (both in the PM forums and GitHub).

As for a "reasonable explanation", don't expect one... I'll just refer you to what MC posted on the matter (link in my post just above yours...) -_-

Edited by VistaLover
2 hours ago, docR said:

But on the other hand. Adopting a unique brand for NM seems in order imo. Serpent is similar in theme to Basillisk without grounds for confusion, I would think. Surely something lunar-themed or nocturnal for RT1's NM can be conjured up too :cool:

Wasn't there already a thread with user suggestions on what to rebrand the browser? I suppose it's time to get this a yet another glance.

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