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  1. Please post if you aware of such projects, just to clarify, only real versions of these browsers are of interest. Thanks.
  2. I've tried using cff explorer and changing the system version there, but the system version displays 5.1 (XP) and changing it does nothing to remove the popup do you guys have any suggestions on what i should do im specifically trying to get the installer functioning (RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe)
  3. I experimented with various options to boot Windows Vista from Windows 10's Windows Boot Manager in UEFI mode and I done it today . - On VMware, I created 2 separate partitions (one for 10 and one for Vista) and installed Windows 10 in UEFI mode. - Then, I set Boot policy to Legacy from Standard to show Windows Boot Manager in text mode. - Then I installed Windows Vista on the 2nd partition and it gives 0x0000001E error (obviously .). - When I press F10 while Vista's boot entry is highlighted, I added /DEBUG /DEBUGPORT=COM1 and /BAUDRATE=115200 to boot arguments (or select Debugging Mode from F8 menu,). - When I did the above things and then pressed ENTER to boot system, somehow, Windows Vista BOOTS with Windows 10's Windows Boot Manager in UEFI mode! It finished SysPrep phase and I'm able to reach desktop. - When I remove DEBUGPORT and BAUDRATE, it gives 0x0000001E bugcheck error. - Also removing BAUDRATE and then L changing DEBUGPORT to USB or, L changing DEBUGPORT to 1394 and setting CHANNEL to 1 also causes 0x0000001E bugcheck error. - Without DEBUG option, adding /DEBUGPORT=COM1 /BAUDRATE=115200 also boots system. - Also, without DEBUG and BAUDRATE option, system boots. - So, I think, DEBUGPORT=COM1 to COM4 does all this thing, I guess . - Then, I tried that thing on a real machine (on my spare laptop, Casper CGA-P847, has text-based Phoenix UEFI BIOS.) and also boots with it! I will write updates to inform you about all things about that. UPDATE 1: I don't know if it is caused from debugging parameters or Windows Boot Manager itself, Windows Media Sharing just won't work. It freezes the system instantaneously. UPDATE 1.1: It looks like debugging parameters causing freeze on system while Windows Media Sharing is open . UPDATE 1.2: Yup, debugging options definitely cause issues with this. I even tried with Windows Vista's original Windows Boot Manager in UEFI mode on VMware. When I disable Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service, the system will boot even when a device is shared. But when I reboot the system, re-enable Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service and when I click start Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service, the system will instantly freeze. UPDATE 2: When I debug output in VMware using serial port, I saw repeating output like this: This pattern repeats over and over again and it's 85 hexadecimal long. And these repeated dots are 7C hexadecimal long.
  4. Anyone got it, please let me know if you have download because i love windows vista and i dualbooting windows 7 and windows vista
  5. Hi! My name is Karla, I'm a girly-girl, hard core PC gamer, originally from a small Danish town, currently staying at my relatives in Canada. The reason I joined, well, I liked this place, love at first sight, yes...ok...the main reason is, I got infected with love to Windows Vista from my father, with whom I'm currently living. Due to the fact we recently broke up with my bf, I now got plenty of time for PC hobbies and gaming! I'm seeking help with setting up modern games to run on Vista. I speak fairly good English, boys, I'm not so chatty, but I'll try to reply to everyone!
  6. will windows vista still be usable beyond 2023? with as much as ive seen drivers slowly disappear from compatibility and all programs not working anymore (even with extended kernel) I just don't know so my question is will it still be usable in 2023-beyond?
  7. Hello members, will you please help me to remove the "non-indexed" warning from Windows Vista. Thanks everyone who helps. Wonderful and friendly forum, as I can see.
  8. Sadly, this came too late, but please try it. It's based on the same AMDXHC driver for Windows XP, but this required just a device check patch. Included are both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) drivers, plus the "switch" driver. - The AMDXHC driver is safe to use and easily installed. - Supports all Intel USB 3.1 XHCI controllers (7, 8, 9, 100, 200 and 300 series, maybe even HEDT chipsets). - "Switch" driver may be needed if you don't get USB3 speeds on Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and Haswell (*) systems (7, 8 and 9 series chipsets). To use this, I'd recommend a backup. Open Device Manager -> System Devices -> PCI Bus Update driver -> Browse my computer for driver software -> Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer Have Disk -> open the folder containing the HCSwitch driver files PCI Bus will be displayed, continue the installation. When finished, just restart Vista. (*) Haswell should work with Vista 32-bit (x86) only. http://www.mediafire.com/file/1kjhhl0fq1ofc2m The original Intel XHCI driver can be modded to work on Vista, but as this one works so fine, I don't have any plans to do it.
  9. We otherwise know about the shortcomings of Windows Vista when it released in 2006-2007 with compatibility issues with software and hardware, high system requirements and bloated features. Fortunately, it was able to somewhat recover with the release of its two service packs in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Among new changed to the UI and the addition to new programs, a couple of components were updated, including Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center, Windows Movie Maker and the DirectX API which was version 10. But the introduction of DirectX 10 brought over a new change to the codec standards for Windows Media Player and the Windows operating system in general, and one by many that can sometimes be called controversial. That biggest change was the removal of support for the only two 16-bit Windows 3.1 video codecs, and those codecs were MVI1 and MVI2, also known as the MotionPixels codec format. In case you don't know about the MotionPixels codec (MVI1 and MVI2), it was developed by a company called Sirius Publishing back in 1996 with at least two versions released. The first being MVI1, which was only used with an old obscure 1996 PC puzzle game called Treasure Quest, which was wrapped in a MVI file format container extension (.MVI). The second and most common version is MVI2, which was wrapped in a common AVI file format container extension (.AVI), and this was used by an old home video format called MovieCD which was first released exclusively on Windows in 1996 and discontinued around 1999 and was also used in a couple of third-party PC games during the late-1990s. The audio on MovieCD was just a standard Windows WAVE sound file with mono sound at the bitrate of 88 Kilobits per second while the MVI2 MotionPixels video codec used on the format had inconsistent resolution between its 131 titles, as the resolution was different with each title with a resolution of either 320x236 or 320x224 (perhaps maybe even 320x240 and 320x220 were also used). The MovieCD format also came bundled with the MotionPixels Movie Player that was used for playback of the format. The catalogue of both TV and feature film programs available on the MovieCD format was mostly spawned from deals with New Line Home Video, Anchor Bay Entertainment, Alliance Video, Trimark Pictures, Rhino Entertainment and Central Park Media, offering genres such as action, comedy, anime, computer animation and music performances. However, the MovieCD format, the MotionPixels codec and even the MotionPixels Movie Player were plagued with so many issues and problems from the start when the MVI2 codec was first released, which prevented it from being compatible with any modern operating systems and computers. These include but not limited to: - The codec was designed with Windows 3.1 in mind, meaning that while it was compatible with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000 and XP, the codec had a ton of bugs that conflicted with other video player & video editing software installed on the user's computer, which can sometimes result in the program crashing. - The codec wasn't natively compatible with the DirectX audio and video codec APIs, as it used the outdated Windows 3.1 audio & video codec APIs. - The MotionPixels Movie Player that came with both the MovieCD home video format and a few third-party PC games had the executable names of AWARE31.EXE, AWARE95.EXE and AWARENT.EXE, and all of which had many software bugs that had never been fixed by Sirius Publishing and has also never been unofficially patched and fixed by software reverse-engineering enthusiasts either. - The MovieCD home video format was released in 1996, which was the same year that the DVD format was released and as such, in addition to competing with LaserDisc, VHS and Video CD in most cases, the format never had any chance to succeed in any form with only 131 titles released on the format. As a result of these bugs and problems caused by the MVI2 codec, and the fact that Sirius Publishing when under in the early-2000s, it's probably been made clear that Microsoft wanted to distance itself away from the MotionPixels codec, and as a result officially dropped support for the MVI2 codec from Windows and DirectX with the releases of Vista and version 10 respectively from 2006-2007 and onwards. As a result, when playing an AVI file encoded with the MVI2 codec, you just get audio and no video, and I even wonder if the aformentioned Treasure Quest game and MVI1 codec isn't compatible with Windows Vista and upward as well. Now that I've got the info regarding the MotionPixels codec out of the way, I've wanted to hear if anyone has ever tested both the MotionPixels codec, the Treasure Quest game and the MovieCD home video format on any Pre-Reset and Post-Reset builds of Windows Vista, mainly as I wanted to see and hear when the codec was last compatible with Windows before the release of the Windows Vista RTM. Hopefully I can get answers from anyone who has tried this.
  10. I have a Vista laptop with all the updates installed and this is the last year where Microsoft support Windows 7, Server 2008 and Server 2008 R2 with ESU (Extended Security Updates). Since Server 2008 is a server counterpart of Vista, I'm wondered if Server 2008 ESU Updates installed in Vista. Can someone help me with the project?
  11. So I know that Office 2013 setup app will not run in Vista because SetWaitableTimerEx is not detected (well my Vista laptop has latest extended kernel) and the CTR (Click-to-Run) is same, I got "The procedure entry point SetWaitableTimerEx could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll" and I already add the CTR into the osver.ini and it goes same plus I am so ****ing busy to find any solutions. Can someone help me to fix SetWaitableTimerEx is not detected?
  12. This is a small tutorial for enabling Windows Aero in Vista build 5219 You will need the following items: 1. A relatively recent version of VMware Workstation. 2. The WDDM Display Drivers (u can use version 6.5, 6.5.2 and 7.0) 3. set the workstation version to 6.5/7.x 4. The Vista 5219 Installation DVD. Open regedit then browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\DWM. (if the key does not exist, create it.) Over there, create a DWORD key named EnableMachineCheck and set its value to 0. Log off/restart to take effect and Aero will automatically enabled (if it not, change the screen resolution) Here is a screenshot If you want to try it on another build, I recommend use 5212 and 5231 (it will work) Happy testing
  13. I've attached RAR5 compressed files with lists of download links for all official updates for Vista 32-bit and 64-bit Post SP2 up to April 2017. Includes all language packs for Vista, IE9 and local Help update. Also included are Ultimate Extras, Optionals and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 / 4.52 with updates. Superseded updates are not included except for a few ones just to satisfy Windows Update. Hotfixes are not included, unless available through Windows Update. Someone please mirror them on Web Archive. ASAP. EDIT: Updated files with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Language Packs. Installing System Updates: If you want to install a language pack, you must do it first, by downloading and running the language pack executable. 1) Download all files from Main_URLs.txt to the same folder. 2) Using WinRAR, sort files by type and unpack all .MSU files to the same folder, overwriting existing files. Then you may delete the .MSU files to save space. 3) Unpack the WindowsVistaSP2_x86_Installer.rar or WindowsVistaSP2_x64_Installer.rar (just batch files) to the same folder where you extracted the files. 4) Open a Command Prompt with Administrator privileges and switch to the folder where the update files are. 5) Run Main_Part1.bat, Main_Part2.bat and Main_Part3.bat. At the end of execution of every batch file, Windows will restart automatically. 6) Optionally you may install local copy of Help update (LangPacks_Help_URLs.txt) and the IE9 language pack (LangPacks_IE9_URLs.txt). PS: It'll take a while to install all 210+ updates. Installing .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 / 4.52 with updates: 1) Download all files from NDP35_45_URLs.txt to the same folder. 2) Unpack the WindowsVistaSP2_x86_Installer.rar or WindowsVistaSP2_x64_Installer.rar (just batch files) to the same folder where you extracted the files. 3) Open a Command Prompt with Administrator privileges and switch to the folder where the update files are. 4) Run NDP35_45_Install.bat, if needed Windows will restart automatically. 5) Optionally you may install a language pack (LangPacks_NDP35SP1_URLs.txt and LangPacks_NDP452_URLs.txt). Installing updates for optional features (only if you have installed IIS, IIS ASP, IIS FTP or Telnet from Program and Features Control Panel extension) Download all files from Features_URLs.txt and run the following .MSU packages if you have installed: IIS: KB4012373 IIS ASP: KB2124261 IIS FTP: KB975254 Telnet: KB960859 and KB3020393
  14. Good afternoon everybody! I follow and appreciate your forum for a long time! thanks to you I was able to apply Windows server 2008 security patches to my Windows vista installation .. now I was wondering: since Powershell 3 is compatible with Windows server 2008 sp2, there is some possibility to update it also on Windows vista ? thanks to those who want to answer me!
  15. Hey there! I found an older laptop in my house, decided to boot it up and it still works. It has an Intel HD Graphics 5500 and a i3-5005U CPU, it has drivers for 7(x64), but not for Vista. Would there be any way I could get the GPU drivers to install&work on Vista? It also has a Realtek RTL8723BE. Thanks! EDIT: By the way, I was able to install Windows Vista, it's just that I need to get the drivers to work somehow, any help would be highly appreciated!
  16. Hello all and thanks in advance for any input. I'm considering an upgrade for one of my rigs . Current config : Q87 Mobo with Intel Pentium G3470 (yes, I know it's a cheap son of a bleach , no jokes please). GPU GTX Titan will stay , I like it . Will H410 chipset and Pentium Gold socket LGA 1200 work OK with 32-bit Vista ? Someone tried this already ? Mobo has USB 2.0 and PS/2 ports. P.S. Why not 64-bit ? I know 64-bit will most likely fail to start some services .
  17. the great battle of the windows versions is still going on and windows vista is still the best please share you experience of why vista is better than 10 (anything about how bad windows 10 is and why vista is better) please answer below
  18. The Poll is now closed but i will leave this thread open for talking about anything vista enjoy (this topic is for talk about windows vista only now and the poll has now closed)
  19. Hello , I really want you to share your Microsoft Windows Vista updates' experience ! I've never installed any updates on my Vista , and I'm still alive and well , no "evil viruses" during all these years (since approx. 2008) , when I first started to use Vista . Yes , I have Framework 4.0 installed , but that's pretty much it . Please stay on topic and try to include your hardware config , also KB number and you service pack , which was installed at the time of the mentioned update , this is a must . The description may be short , for example : "My PC started to freeze after the installation of KB x.x.x.x.", "My boot time increased by xx milliseconds , after KB x.x.x.x. The initial time was xxxx ", thank you very much. The idea is to create a database of the most successful / needed updates for each service pack !
  20. I have installed and run VMware Workstation 15.5.2 on Windows Vista x64. Created a virtual machine but gives the following error. Can I fix it?
  21. Just trying to dual boot vista with windows 7 on my laptop. Setup runs fine, but the first boot results in stop code 0x0000001E and what looks like memory addresses and no more. I know its a kmode error, but it doesnt say that. When i boot into windows 7, it boots fine. The system is configured to use uefi and legacy, with legacy boot set as priority. I know that vista sp2 should be able to boot off of gpt, or even uefi. What is causing this problem?
  22. Windows Vista's Market Share was at 0.59% in july of 2019 however, it's market share is rapidly decreasing! It went from 0.59% in July to 0.42% in August and then to 0.33% in September. Two weeks later, it just sits at 0.31%. I hate to say this but.......... Windows Vista Is Doomed. i've tried to encourage people create Vista Vms on YouTube but with no luck. link to my youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJlntSljsta9FzC2YJeA0NA
  23. Roblox is ending support for Windows Vista™ and Windows® XP! Is there any way to bring back an older version of Roblox after it ends support for Vista and XP like people did with steam because i don't want to have to upgrade to Windows® 7+ just to play a game...
  24. I desire to save into web.archive the update packages still offers to download in my localized language, to prevent a possible future unpleasant surprise when (if) MS will remove them. Could anyone kindly provide me a current reliable list of the relevant updates post SP2 for Vista?
  25. Hello, I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I am looking for the Dutch offline installers of Windows Live Essentials for Windows XP (2009?) and Windows Vista (2011) Does anybody know where I can find them? Microsoft deleted the software from their website, which is no suprise because it's Microsoft Thanks
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