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  1. I had never heard of Uniextract till mentioned in your post. It's listed as working on Win7 and called 'Universal Extractor 2' at MajorGeeks.com. Is this the same program that you were referring to in your earlier post? Universal Extractor 2.0.0 RC3 / Requires: Windows 10/8/7 (58.6 MB) https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/universal_extractor_2.html I also found a portable version at PortableApps listed. It seems to indicate it will work on Windows 7, maybe even Win XP. Universal Extractor 2 (UniExtract2) https://github.com/Bioruebe/UniExtract2 System requirements: In short: Windows XP or newer. However, outdated version of Windows only have limited support: Windows 7: sending feedback requires you to follow this guide by Microsoft, otherwise it will fail Windows XP: any online functionality, such as the updater or the feedback dialog, is disabled for security reasons. Also some extractors might not work. Anything to further add about what version ... hoping to be able to go with the 'portable version' ... I hate to install anything on my computer if I don't have to. Again, thanks for the mention of this program. Sometimes 'this question or that question' leads to more information about 'something new'. Thanks to NotHereToPlayGames and the information on 7zip also working. I have that installed but it won't hurt to also have a version of Extractor available for something 'unusual'. ...
  2. OK ... I think I have everything fixed. I just had no idea auto-updates were happening till yesterday. The latest version uBlock 1.62 seemed to be OK but I decided to remove that version and either go with the two versions that were mentioned by Karla Sleutel and NotHereToPlayGames earlier. Karla Sleutel - I'm sticking with 1.49 Developer version, later ones give me headaches, slow start with a yellow exclamation mark. NotHereToPlayGames - I use uBlock 1.52.2. I do notice that 1.52.2 'seems to be' a little faster. So for now I will give version 1.52.2 a try and see how that works for a few months. This is the site where I am finding these (and other) versions ... if others are interested. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/versions/ Thanks to all for the assistance. ...
  3. vinifera ... I just replaced r3dfox - ESR v132.0.0 for Vista+ with a slightly older version that had uBlock Origin 1.61.0 installed. I am sure I had an older uBlock version installed. After about 30 minutes I went and checked the r3dfox - ESR v132.0.0 for Vista+ browser and uBlock was now updated to version 1.62.0. So this is happening on it's own in some way. I am not sure how this is happening ... I may want to stay with an older uBlock version and not want a newer version installed. I may not want to use this browser in the future but I am going to see if I can figure anything out about why these updates are happening. ... In Tools / Add-ons / uBlock ... I reset a change for updates. I thought I had that all set in December, so I don't know for sure how it changed. I think all is OK for now. Will watch this browser for future use.
  4. NHTPG ... Thanks for the reply. I forgot to mention in my last post that I am using and talking about this browser: r3dfox - ESR v132.0.0 for Vista+. I am not using anything with Chrome that I know of. I use at this time only two browsers on my Windows 7 setup ... r3dfox - ESR v132.0.0 for Vista+ and Firefox ESR v115.19 - Legacy Portable. As far as uBlock Origin 1.53.0 is concerned, I came across this version last Feb after doing a search. I just checked my Firefox version and it is still v 1.53.0 which is the only browser I was using with Windows 7 last March. I started using the r3dfox browser in early December. I actually got these two browsers mixed up in my head in my last post. The Firefox version which after I just checked is still version 1.53.0 from last March. At this time I consider Firefox my main Windows 7 browser for banking and such and the r3dfox browser for other places on the internet. So this is my mistake ... the Firefox ESR v115.19 - Legacy Portable browser is still uBlock Origin 1.53.0 from last March. The r3dfox - ESR v132.0.0 for Vista+ browser will be OK. Sorry for the confusion over these two browsers. I think everything is good for now. I do not know a lot about the r3dfox browser but I like it also. ...
  5. Last March 2024 I started this topic stating that I was using uBlock Origin 1.53.0 and after reading the replies and since uBlock Origin 1.53.0 seem to be working OK on my Win 7 computer ... I just decided to stay with this version. However just now ... today ... I decided to revisit this March post and I decided to recheck the version I am using, expecting to see version 1.53.0 still in use but I am now seeing ublock-origin 1.62.0 currently installed. I never asked for an update to be installed. After all this time since March of last year I was under the impression I was still using version 1.53.0 until I checked about one hour ago. I don't understand how I got this newer version installed ... which seems to be a Jan 2025 version. As I mentioned earlier I never asked for a newer update, was just going to continue using v 1.53.0. How did this happen? ... did I miss a setting somewhere that I am not seeing. I will add this ... from what I can see so far this newer version seems to be working just fine. Nothing different from version 1.53.0 ... which is why I never had any reason to check what version I am currently using ... just assumed that nothing had changed with uBlock. I really would like to know how this newer update got on my computer. Thanks ...
  6. I guess this article can fit in under 'Technology News' ... technology probably being used the wrong way. From the article below: "Prosecutors say Smith started working with an unnamed CEO of an AI music company and a music promoter in 2018 to create hundreds of thousands of AI-generated songs for the scheme. The music company allegedly produced thousands of what it called "instant music" songs a week." International Business Times https://www.ibtimes.com/ai-music-streamed-royalty-fraud-3742230 By Luke Funk / Luke Funk @lukefunknews Published 09/06/24 Man Created AI Songs And Used Bots To Collect $10M In Royalty Payments From Streaming Services: Indictment. Computers played the AI-generated songs billions of times on various streaming platforms. ...
  7. All good replies and also the link from Jaclaz. I have been using this password generator for years. I wanted one I could download to use anytime with no connection. It's free and very simple to create any password. I only use it when I am offline ... I don't think it would 'phone home' with any passwords but in today's world ... caution rules. I make a list of around 15 passwords and have them handy. You can check it out and see if it will be of use to you. I just use the portable version 2.0 ... I may update but it works fine on Windows XP. Didn't know till now that there were newer versions ... guess I have been using it for ten years or so. Secure Password Generator https://www.securityxploded.com/secure-password-generator.php Secure Password Generator is is a free desktop based tool to quickly generate strong & secure passwords. With a growing incidents of web server hacking and database compromises, these days there is a greater need to use strong password. This will prevent your password from being decrypted if your password hash falls into the wrong hands. Secure Password Generator helps you to create a strong password using one or more of the following character sets Uppercase Letters (A-Z) Lowercase Letters (a-z) Numbers (0-9) Special Symbols ($,#, ?, *, & etc) It is very easy to use with a nice GUI interface. You can generate passwords of length ranging from 5 to 500 characters. Also being a offline tool makes it easy to use anytime anywhere without internet connectivity. It is fully portable tool and includes Installer also. It works on both 32 bit & 64 bit platforms starting from Windows XP to new Windows 10 version. Version 3.0 : 31st Aug 2015 Mega release with support for generating passwords on new Windows 10 operating system. Enhanced Installer for dynamically downloading of latest version. Version 2.5 : 28th Apr 2014 Automatically copy the generated secure password to clipboard Version 2.0 : 31st Aug 2013 Now supports generation of Password of length up to 500 characters ... just to add ... in the Download Center they have about 250 password tools listed ... maybe free, maybe not ... didn't check. ...
  8. Reading this article today in The Sun about passwords. The article also suggest going to 16 characters from 12 characters. I have been mostly using 12 characters ... sometimes 16 or 18 but not that often. It won't be any problem going from 12 to 16. I don't change passwords every 90 days unless required to do so. I just post the article for reading ... not a password expert. I am curious what other MSFN members are doing. The Sun: You should actually ignore ’90 day’ password rule – as experts warn ‘myth’ is easy way to become instant ‘victim’ https://www.the-sun.com/tech/12146300/password-day-rule-common-mistakes-cybersecurity-tips-avoid/ Mackenzie Tatananni, Science and Tech Reporter Updated: Aug 8 2024 ...
  9. Hi ... anyone notice that Malwarebytes v1.75.0.1300 hasn't updated since March 13th. Maybe someone can also confirm this. There are usually 3 or 4 updates or more everyday. There are 12 updates for March 13 so far. I don't remember ever seeing that many in one 24 hour space. Forget it ... just after I posted I read the post before mine ... just didn't see it.
  10. Thanks D.Draker, Karla Sleutel for the information. Still have limited knowledge on the Windows 7 OS and material. Using the last Firefox Windows 7 portable browser but would still like to have a second backup browser. Firefox works very well at this time. Thanks again ...
  11. 1.5 years? I'm afraid not, and I have the same question. I myself am also interested in the Brave browser. I found this today for a portable version of the Brave browser ... not that old ... December 24, 2023. Brave Portable / December, 24th 2023 - 138 MB - Open Source / Latest Version - Brave Portable 1.61.109 / OS Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64 / Windows 11 https://www.filehorse.com/download-brave-portable/ Is this OK or am I missing something about this download? Thanks ...
  12. Thanks for the replies. I guess I have a slightly newer version. It seems to be working OK. I'm more up on Windows XP than Windows 7 ... so it's all good.
  13. I am using uBlock Origin 1.53.0 currently ... just wondering if this is what most people are using or is there another better working version available. I guess I found this version last October during a search. Thanks ...
  14. This is just pure funny ... a six year old girl with knowledge of swiping her mother's fingerprint and then ordering stuff on Amazon. This girl has been very observant and a fast learner. Wonder what life will be like for the parents when she's ten years old. Thanks to 'the Finder' for posting. This happened last year with a five year old girl ordering from Amazon. "Young Girl Orders - Five Pink Motorcycles, Five Blue Motorcycles, 10 Pairs Of Cowgirl Boots And A Jeep." 5-Year-Old Girl Secretly Orders $5K Worth Of Items From Mom’s Amazon Account. https://theshaderoom.com/5-year-old-girl-5k-amazon-order/ Matthew McNulty / 04 April 2023 ...
  15. The Death of Security: Hackers Can Extract Your Fingerprints from Sound of Swiping Touchscreen https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2024/02/21/the-death-of-security-hackers-can-extract-your-fingerprints-from-sound-of-swiping-touchscreen/ Lucas Nolan / 21 Feb 2024 Researchers have reportedly discovered a new side-channel attack that can extract a person’s fingerprints from the sounds made when a finger swipes across a touchscreen. Toms Hardware reports that researchers from institutions in China and the United States have outlined an innovative attack targeting biometric security in a paper entitled “PrintListener: Uncovering the Vulnerability of Fingerprint Authentication via the Finger Friction Sound.” This attack utilizes the audio characteristics of a finger gliding across a touchscreen to infer attributes of the fingerprint pattern. more ...
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