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About DrWho3000

  • Birthday 08/03/1963

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    XP Pro x86

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  1. can the .sig files not be copied over from google to Thorium or is this not only tied to widevine/browser but also hardware controlled how do know which level off widevine you have L1 L2 L3
  2. I do have latest Widevide and Silverlight so it looks like I am knackered where can I find version v4.10.2710.0 looks like I can No longer get Netflix on 360EE , I used to be able to, even with a newer latest useragent I can only assume that some sites Must do a deeper sniffing at what browser you are using also where can i change useragent in Thorium cant find it like in 360EE
  3. looking un Thorium it looks like Widevine is there so no idea why Netflix will not play also where can i change useragent in Thorium cant find it like in 360EE
  4. how do you play Netflix on Thorium i get error codes cant play anything, Chrome is ok 360explorer no go do i have to install something like Silverlight this is on Windows 10 will installing widevine Widevine Content Decryption Module - Version: 4.10.2557.0 help
  5. does anyone know how to bypass cerifcates as i cant access a site as it has expired i Get Your connection is not private Attackers might be trying to steal your information from en.metal-tracker.com (for example, passwords, messages or credit cards). Learn more NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID i have gone into settings and turned off always allow HTTP, Allow insecure ecen turned off safe browsing doesnt work cant see what to turn off to allow access the site is metal-tracker.com its ok on 360explorer
  6. you could use a program called Classic start i do
  7. ahh that's were the user data is for Thorium, couldny find in its install folder on my 360EE (Artic Fox) Everything is in one folder it didnt have a install as it is portable was just a case of open zip extract and it was all there
  8. I Know where the user data is in 360ee BUT to which folder do you copy it to in Thorium (do you remove anything in thorium need to be sure what to fo before I do it so i dont mess up just I cant find anything in Thorium and google doesnt help reallt need step-by-step
  9. how did you do that did you copy the user data from 360 and replace the 122.0.6261.171 un Thorium i am finding this Thorium very slow and sluggish and pretty unresponsive at times, pages dont load very fast, i am using Thorium_SSE3_122.0.6261.171_WINXP_x32 on a Win 10 PC in the data I DON'T see any file(s) relating to cookies cache passwords
  10. is there a extension to place tabs below the bookmarks like you could do in FF
  11. Managed to get Thorium to work Can I copy + Paste Cookies and Passwords from 360EE data to Thorium How do I set it so when I click Home button it open in a new tab How do i get rid of the apps tab ? it didnt import bookmarks well slowly sorting that out EDIT: managed to get rid of apps tab
  12. looks like I can no longer get netflix on 360ee upto last week i could what is best thorium browser will give that a try thorium wont install dont see a exe in the github trpositry
  13. not sure how to do all that i might have to revert to chrome of FF like Dave-H or a diffferent browser we did have a good run i rather like 360EE as it was portable and lightweight
  14. i did try updating the UA in 360loader no go link i have to imgur is https://imgur.com/ deffo NOT changed anything in 360EE apart from the UA from my search it is calling on the js and jquery looks like either the site or its the javascript gone wonky is there a newer version to what i have the version of 360\ee i hsve is 13.5.1039 86.04240.198 I could try its looking like imgur doesnt like 360EE as it is ok in chrome FF and other browsers
  15. how is this rectified as imgur works fine on chrome and ff BUT not 360EE it used to could it be my version of 360EE
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