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About DrWho3000

  • Birthday 08/03/1963

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  • OS
    XP Pro x86

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  1. can i safely delete everything in the 360History file in userdata ? and 360History-journal
  2. this might have been asked when you goto history and clear it all is it all really gone from browser or is there a file that retains it all if so where is it
  3. how do you clear cache and cookies for a "specific" website ? Edit : its ok i found it under Advavce - content settings -cookies - All cookies then deleted from there seems to have done the trick as the website Wouldnt log me out
  4. not sure if you still can But you used to be able to edit the Manifest so these addons would work
  5. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/who-deleted-me-see-who-un/eiepnnbjenknnjgabbodaihlnkkpkgll also https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fluff-busting-purity/nmkinhboiljjkhaknpaeaicmdjhagpep
  6. is there a way of changing the 360 explorer chrome version, as there is a addon i need but it need 88 i have 86
  7. I dont see a file 'Login Data in the settings of the 360 folder ? or profile ? can these p/w been passed over to google chrome?
  8. can someone tell me where the passwords are stored in Artic Fox 360 extreme explorer ?
  9. anyone using fb seen the chat list has disappeared in 360 explorer ?? its also gone in Firefox but us there in google chrome
  10. my version is the Artic Fox one I cant see Nowt in settings of 360, I have got widevine in the coponents folder abd U have put widevine.cdm in the system32 and Systemwow32 folders given them the permissions in security tab https://bitmovin.com/demos/drm widevine demo doesnt play
  11. can anyone help, 360 chrome did used to play Netflix now it doesnt I get chrome//settings/content.protectedContent , where do i find that visiting learn more I get chrome://components, find "Widevine Content Decryption is there a way of making exreme explorer play Netflix again can 360 do widevine ? I got silvelight installed also widevine is in C:\Programs\360 Chrome\Chrome\Application\components\widevine12/ Error code M7702 thnx
  12. If you remember I asked about Why 360 chrome on taskbar I was getting a blank white square I finally figure it out purely by accident now i gave the proper icon it was in users appdata roaming pinned there it was a blank sq delted it and put in the icon not its fine
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