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  1. Yea it's kinda buggy but it actually works for me, tested with fully patched XP. May not work through
  2. After almost 10 months of waiting, it's finally out for XP. https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/releases/tag/v121
  3. I didn't, the picture is from a tester. But once Supermium 121 releases this month, there should be a option to it in chrome://flags. EDIT: Seems like they made it as the default by looking at the commits.
  4. Maybe you can try this Blaukovitch's modified Edge. You really need to read what @AstragonQC says before begging win32ss for Chromium 112-122 support.
  5. For those who are curious about the progress of win32ss getting Supermium to run on XP. It's from a tester. ignore the ugly trapezoidal tabs. image is from here anyway https://www.reddit.com/r/windowsxp/comments/18p7wrn/shhhh/
  6. This is what I mean (It is something to do with the theme not being friendly with Windows Classic UI, not the OS/KernelEx itself): Noticed that the URL and the Search bar got faded?
  7. Fixed XPChrome link: https://github.com/weolar/xpchrome/releases
  8. This is how Supermium actually looks like on Windows XP with OCAPI (and with buggy GDI rendering enabled by using XP comp + --single-process). But Dibya accidentally used the wrong picture from OCAPI Github issues about someone managed to run crac_ked Chrome on XP.
  9. I forgot to say this earlier but the browser on that picture is not Supermium, but a crac_ked version of Google Chrome.
  10. Of course it is not possible to launch anything above Chrome 102 as of version 3.0.1 (and 75 for XP 64), however it is possible to launch above 102 (including Supermium/CatsXP 117/118) on XP 32 by adding some DLLs from Wine 8.16 staging (ncrypt and bcrypt) next to chrome.exe and add "--no-sandbox --single-process --disable-webgl". Just tested it on a VM and it seems to work fine (You still can't download files/extensions). Edit: Since One Core API version 3.0.2 got released, you don't need those DLLs from Wine, just set compatibility mode to Vista and it should work (add --no-sandbox if it doesn't start). You most likely don't need to install One Core API when win32ss successfully ported Supermium to XP.
  11. Also, there is some glitches at the title bar when using the Basilisk Photonic theme https://addons.basilisk-browser.org/addon/photonic/ (SP52). But it can be fixed by going to "Customize -> Title Bar to enable it. It also happens on Windows 2000 (with Extended Kernel) as well, but it's not as bad as Windows 9x (no fading effect).
  12. For me it looks like this: contents=std,kexbasen,kexbases.kstub824,kexvista Not sure if I'm on the right track or not.
  13. Now since I added RaiseException=v4 on my Kstub824.ini, tiktok.com and whatismybrowser.com now works fine with WebRTC enabled. Also I replaced Serpent 52 modified mozjs.dll and xul.dll with the one that is unmodified.
  14. Yes, sometime it crashed on MSFN when media.peerconnection.enabled (WebRTC) is set to true (but it's rare and it doesn't crash most of the time). But since I disabled it, most of the websites that crashes now works fine (including MSFN). EDIT: Forgot to say this but "Tiktok.com" doesn't work too (with WebRTC enabled).
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