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Everything posted by netbookdelgob

  1. The windows startup logo says "Professional edition" or "Home edition", when sp2 was released they removed it.
  2. Never happened to me with windows 10 updates. They are laggy. ***** xaml. No issues with this, system uses 1 mb of ram. Bug isnt present in my build. Windows 10 (15063.540)
  3. Nope. Unless its IA64
  4. Check if EasyBCD can recover the bcd entries to boot it. The recovery partition must be there.
  5. Wait for iphone 7. Iphone 6s will get "old" in months.
  6. Just follow the instructions, sorry, i dont have the inf. Well, just edit the original inf, with the instructions. If you cant install the modded inf, just
  7. Realtek has a utility, download the driver for xp/2000 for the Realtek 9181SE. The utility has wpa2 support. But needs the OldCigarettes wrapper.
  8. Try K Lite codec pack, the last version that supports 9x/ME
  9. Well you can install 98 se without ACPI support, but the RAM is a problem, you will have to limit it. Also forget about drivers, and depending on your mobo forget about USB working right without acpi.
  10. You installed it without ACPI support? In some models using NUSB when you plug an usb it freezes the machine without ACPI support.
  11. Yes, there is a ME DDK. So, using windows 2000/xp ddk should work. Just stay away from the 2000/XP specific functionality.
  12. TAKSI: http://taksi.sourceforge.net/ Audio is not captured.
  13. AIDA64 maybe?
  14. I have problems too with realtek hda drivers, only with extended kernel happens. Also gma 3150 official drivers for 2k produces instability. Try installing realtek drivers before extended kernel. And reinstalling it after extended kernel. Worked for me.
  15. Can you post the link? Maybe others are searching for it.
  16. Well if you are going to make it "universal", you shouldnt remove any driver. But i think you can remove the Iomega zip driver, the infrared (My last notebook has it and its a toshiba 320cds...). And the game port... if its the game port for joysticks, i think its safe to remove. Dont know about Windows CE USB host, maybe its safe to remove, maybe its the windows mobile drivers.
  17. Yeah, it happens to me too, this metro explorer sometimes tends to lag, but the win32 things not. This in an APU A4 3300 with 4gb ram. Maybe a high hdd usage at the time?
  18. I dont think so, it depends on dwm.exe and so many functions.
  19. No, they dont use new drivers on 9X, they use the OS without drivers, or they use modded drivers (but the hardware still old).
  20. Maybe an ACPI issue? Windows 9x has problems with new acpi.
  21. Nero - CdBurnerXP
  22. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10/update-history-windows-10
  23. Hello!, i have installed and updated my windows 2000 sp4 installation, and now i want to install the extended kernel, but what version should i download and install? Thanks!
  24. Welcome!! we are glad to help you if you need it
  25. Install 98 without ACPI support
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