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Everything posted by vinifera

  1. since it belongs to MS internals id recon it was crypted with key
  2. for some veird version, even on compat mode to win95 crash dump still reports that program uses NT 6.1 version of com controlls and not lower ill install 7 SP1 / x86 and report back
  3. well as i said, macromedia director fails to open it in any form trid just gives generic "its a riff" and quickbms spews out errors and nothing extracted or given
  4. its not solely a video, but it contains a video too
  5. aaah i missed important stuff in 1st post maybe you are to try with even older control version try winME or NT 4 i see it uses visual cpp 6 version, these have problems when encountering vista and above and were meant for win9x mostly or maybe just stiff in same folder win2k commoncontrols
  6. i have a specific file (size is over 100 MB) but i can't figure out from header what it is since it was dumped as just file w/o extension the first line among alot of gibberish produce this: XFIRÂ'N LPPApami }!" @ pamm¨ ˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙XFIRÂ'N and few liines below it gives these references: C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Director 8\xtras\Net Support\INetURL.x32D C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Director 8\xtras\Net Support\NetFile.x32E C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Director 8\xtras\Net Support\NetLingo.x32 C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Director 8\xtras\Media Support\SWADCmpr.x32 C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Director 8\xtras\Devices\MacroMix.x32 C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Director 8\xtras\Devices\DirectSound.x32 C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Director 8\xtras\Media Support\Sound Control.x32 C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Director 8\xtras\Media Support\Text Asset.x32 C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Director 8\xtras\Media Support\TextXtra.x32 i did try to rename file and add extension of .x32 and .dir then i tried to open these files in Macromedia Director 8.5 , but it doesnt accept it/them and if it's .RIFF file, i dont know how to even open it, because for a fact i know it contains VIDEO file and "internet" only reffers RIFF to be corel image any ideas ?
  7. well IE transformed into Edge (original), Edge was never written from scratch, hence why it has IE 11 "mode" as for Edge in chromium, they still have this "mode" init, but how much is IE integrated init ???
  8. myself, i stopped caring about any win release ever since win 8 betas came out IMO win7 was last "shiny knight", everything after crappozolla
  9. taskbar is a b1tch, youre limited to 2 pixels and the only way you can do it is via "aves windows style builder", which unfortunately is NOT free if you do find another way to edit taskbar metrics pls let me know, i always wanted to put some vista betas and plex skins
  10. i read they changed icons in new update, must be going "better"
  11. seriously with that little RAM, you should be running XP not 7 (or vista) considering you need 2 GB to run system smoothly, you are left with even less than 2 (i'd guess 1.5 GB coz youre on 32bit OS) your quick fix might be turn on Page file best one would be add more RAM, but i'd guess your laptop can't have more ... ? also some browsers have in options/settings, to only cache active tab, so others dont chew so much memory, look it up but i'd say you're basically shizzle out of luck... so much tabs with so little memory will always take toll on system (especially on more recent/modern browsers)
  12. yea but they talk only about stub app i really doubt mshtml.dll and its brothers/sisters will be removed from system
  13. hopefully every 10 years in reality every 7 and this is coz of hardware change, not b'coz win7 "broke down" like winßlows 10 does
  14. im waiting day when xfce gets thumbnail preview on toolbar for minimized windows (atleast its deafult compozitor)
  15. any sidebar/toolbar linked menu wouldn't work without ie components icons in "explorer" wouldn't show, and probably even function without it taskbar is still bound to it in some way there are probably tons other crap but ... i dont know personally exe itself as Trip said is just a stub... you can remove it all you want
  16. it became worrying as soon they revealed dual behaviour (starting with windows 8) after 12 years nothing has changed = MS is garbage company with garbage products
  17. no graphical polishing will help this sinking ship
  18. but isn't this clashing with itself ? i mean win10 when can't and/or doesn't use GPU "powered" DWM (D3D), uses CPU "powered" mode, which is GDI no ?
  19. i'd go this way: if OS always returns same crap, why not fool the OS that you have it, but you actually don't. a simple example, on win XP, when SP2 came out, MS inserted a stupid service that appears every time user browsed through (i guess) large amount of files in folder which cripple the system to stall, service itself supposed to be some sort of protective thing ... but whatever, safest thing was to replace the calling service with an app which didn't do anyting, but unload the second it was called for https://www.ghacks.net/2009/06/22/dud-is-a-program-that-does-nothing/
  20. all visual complaints can be easily restored the old show desktop button (among others) are just in hidden toolbar (search of quick launch toolbar on google) the up level button (which is pointless) you can have via classic shell, which among many things can tweak your explorer to look and work so much better than in both 7 and XP alot useless things can be removed and SPED UP via registry
  21. isn't that natural progression ? since everything that "was", was improved upon, not copied and left duplicated... not to mention, since they started componentisation thing with reset of Longhorn, the issue with so many crap inside should have been put to minimum
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