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Everything posted by vinifera

  1. vivaldi and opera bloatware
  2. VM's have been used since "development" of win8 as far as i remember they were just using ISO's on their hyper-v servers
  3. i watch Bryan Lunduke podcasts
  4. as i remember Office XP doesn't use win9x style but rather modern-ish version of it the flat buttons and when you hover over them (or press) they become purpleish with dark purple frame
  5. lol maybe i'm late on the wind0ze 11 train but just saw yesterday they gonna integrate AI into notepad and paint ahahah seems it doesn't matter anymore, as google is ordered by court to sell chrome or dismantle that part of company
  6. icons are held by dll(s) you can replace them manually but this is nightmare job... as for skin, it is baked in just like media players had it, msn messengers... etc... you simply cant
  7. 3 minutes of online search would let you know: you can't unless you set your global skin to Classic
  8. love the browser fork but this annoys the s*** out of me: a freaking mess of sorting names and numbers and whatnot...
  9. any screenshots to see ?
  10. i'm actually surprised this s*** flies through in EU, when they were so adamant to jump MS for IE i guess they changed their minds ...
  11. or use process explorer...
  12. well with 10 they enforced and shamelesly admited they can see what files are on your hard drive with 11 they enforced to record your screen (or to see what you see) you hope for something nicer ?
  13. isn't that only for steam client ? i talk about games that you usually install manually
  14. honestly when they make WINE to play ~90% games (non DOS games) MS-Windows will DIE
  15. "metro" apps ARE .net they just fancified name for it and called universal-windows-platform (or UWP) but this s*** is installable with .net 4.5+
  16. ehh your compositor wouldnt work if you didn't had .net
  17. to the guy above you
  18. problem with your debloat approach is that you're destroying what win7 was not to mention you actually lose performance by killing off GPU driven Compositor and backflopping to CPU classic/basic drawing improvements to OS should never be case of chopping off... might as well revert to classic XP then or even worse win2000
  19. now you got me curious again so i did comparison to different "chosen wallpaper" and transcoded one resolution: 6674 x 3923 size: 18.3 MB and they both are the same, even CRC matches but all my "chosen" wp's are JPG already maybe the OS does transcode only if you chose non JPG pics ? also there is reg trick for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop with DWORD32 of JPEGImportQuality with Decimal value of 100 but this one as i see is for w10/11 not 7
  20. well thats easy to see if you manually remove any traces of .net from your system you will see what will fail to run :S
  21. IDK what is underneath anymore i stopped tracking after win8 but if they are doing what they wanted with NT6 then they migrated everything or most of the stuff to .net by now and that thing is one huge unoptimized piece of shiiiiiii now one could argue, so what if they did ? but do mind that "that new platform" brings its huge pile of shiii with it... in my personal view, winnt isn't anymore what it used to be and with pushing this .net core to be cross-platform just makes me think even more junk they start to replace within OS remember what Longhorn supposed to be ? - an .net OS connected with bunch of Services now take that MS isn't getting money from selling OS-es anymore but services so where does w11 fit in ? then again i could be totally wrong...
  22. or you trust wind0ze too much...
  23. i guess it depends on personal use... when i had 2 GB RAM i never used pagefile at all... granted for todays use oh my... even 4 GB isn't enough...
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