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vinifera last won the day on May 4 2022

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About vinifera

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    Windows 7 x64

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  1. just use r3dfox they are doing great job, they track newest FF upstream and still make it work for xp, vista, 7+ dancing at version 128 now
  2. this tells alot about "your knowledge" i installed XP in less than 5 minutes oh wait yes... i modified it...
  3. tried Towel root ? (v3) worked for my andro 4.3
  4. there is somewhere a topic here on msfn forum
  5. well in defence of windoze, NT is evolving system so naturally it became heavier but this "heavyness" should have stopped after win7, granted 8 was mostly invested in ARM code and again forced .NET what they called "UWP" back then but with 10 and 11 oh my freaking gawd... garbage upon garbage i know i've seen on some site dev commenting (think it is that chinese guy on ms blog) how many lines of code had vista versus 10 i think it trippled
  6. doubt you can last time only XP SP1 could be bypassed to run as SYSTEM and win7 SP1 - with some hacks as TrustedInstaller later i never saw people mention it ever again :S
  7. i don't think you can compare phone browsing and pc browsing hence why mobile browsers go to m.website.whatever and pc do not yes you can still use old browsers on phone and not much RAM heck until recently i still used Opera that was ~11 years old for Android, 90% sites ran smoothly but mobile sites were "made" for mobile browsing, not to mention most started for webkit anyway...
  8. you can see this using Opera 11.x to 12.x for "WHY" when "HTML 5" kicked in, new java-script engines had to be made i remember that Opera strugled with this, hence why later it laged behind Chromium/Safari back then what was implemented in processing JS with jumpt from HTML 4/CSS 2.3 to HTML 5/CSS 3 - i don't know, but it was heavy and now you get everything RAM eating bullshido true, RAM problem is not existant nowdays... heck my PC is 12 years old now but i have 8 GB RAM and browsing is not problem but as quoter above said, back then we had 1 GB or 1.5 GB of it and WTF happened
  9. i'm very confused with all this x11 and wayland switch some use it some dont, some partial (xfce) many complain of wayland don't even know what is better nowdays to use
  10. so ad's bother you but the fact they can see what you have on your drives does not ?
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