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Everything posted by vinifera

  1. what the hell... 1. its for personal use..., any modified OS is... 2. XP's support ENDED in 2014 (and NO, WEPOS doesn't make it extended)
  2. micro XP ISO is 99 MB yet fully functional
  3. tried in control panel advanced settings of it ? they offer manual/new indexing locations, maybe it needs a "push" to start
  4. their naming is ultra retarded a Fall Creators update ? (wasn't there already some stupid creators update ???) a Anniversary ???? whats next, an engagement or wedding ? maybe "Class of 14" ?
  5. I hope mods won't transferr this post to modding section I am aware of various win7 tweaking ... I did it myself ... BUT, my question is, is anyone aware of lets call it such version of win7 that runs fluently on Athlon XP CPU's and its equivalents I know that regarding single core CPU's only Intel with 3 GHz+ was able to run NT 6 without lag but I always wonder what is such thing that causes it... I mean, my Athlon XP unfortunately can run only win xp, but in therms of speed it is 2.6 GHz, yet it lags ... so there you have it, a question above, or is it really hardware limitation ?
  6. nice Noel, at least now I know any interest is gone just like hope in better NT ...
  7. do these ... well i'll call them service packs hahaha even bring something to winblows 10 ? (not trolling)
  8. at least on android you can find and use older versions
  9. to me Linux "dropped the ball" the whole community or whatever it can be called had time since Vista to make at least 2 distros that are "dumb user-friendly" and for gaming winblows 8 just added fuel to the fire, but I don't see anything there, except thousands of distros
  10. so ? you just bring back modified one its not like they update that dll often, if at all
  11. log file is important this way you can't know anything
  12. well they both suck (8 and 10) 10 is just evolution of 8 there's nothing apealing in 8 either
  13. err wasn't 8.1 released to "improve" 8.0 ?
  14. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters] "SMB1"=dword:00000000 sc.exe config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb20/nsi sc.exe config mrxsmb10 start= disabled google for powershell, i don't have it so don't use it
  15. neither my win7 had it on list, but it has disable it via registry, cmd and power shell
  16. so don't install it no brainer there
  17. so... i managed to dump all proper files by cheating but i don't get one thing in this case i was installing the KB for this WannaCrypt crapware but hotfix extracts 90% unnecessary things, for what ? just check this out: *_microsoft-windows-mail-comm-dl *_microsoft-windows-msauditevtlog *_microsoft-windows-d..-japanese-migration *_microsoft-windows-directwrite *_microsoft-windows-advapi32.resources *_microsoft.windows.gdiplus *_microsoft-windows-systemrestore-main *_microsoft-windows-help-client *_microsoft-windows-directwrite-fontcache then there is DVD maker Net meeting installer these are just few... what kind of BULL s*** fix is this for SMB ???? ... ---------------- scratch that, for 1st time in history MS did list of what is hotfix patching
  18. err I'd rather say if they left out NT 5x unpatched, that their statement would be how insecure they are but it doesn't fly as obviously every NT up until latest "10" is insecured funny thing is, nobody will take the blame, nor NSA nor MS its disgusting
  19. the exploit only affects SMB 1 if you kill everything related to SMB, you will kill SMB 2 and 3, which should not be disabled
  20. yeh confusing title... so for us people who customized our OS, and naturally reduced size of SxS folder some hotfixes, in my current state - the fix for this wannacrypt crap KB4012212 refuses to install coz sxs store is corrupted... so my question is, how to forcefully install or dump these files correctly as i see within archive some are manifest files but many are blank any solution to this ? (and no sfc /scannow doesn't help)
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