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Everything posted by vinifera

  1. except MS already admited (it was in some now outdated article), they can see what is on your hard drive and what files do you access.
  2. AFAIK Waterfox (standard) is based on quantum while Waterfox "Classic" is on pre-quantum so you already have that ...
  3. for them, i don't care but what i saw few days ago on TV about my millitary using "sophisticated software" and cameras to track immigrant wave thru balkan routes and then the software ran on winblows 10 ... i was just "oh my f-ing god"
  4. aah that makes sense ! hehe thanks
  5. every now and then when i scan with MBAM it finds H@tKeysH@@k.DLL in my sys32 folder and every time i remove it but it obviously finds its way back, but online search doesn't find what programs or what events make this thing come to PC back.... any ideas/info ?
  6. aint it easier to just boot via any PE cd and do quick change ?
  7. rule #1 don't use MS product if you want actually something to work ! been using voidtools "everything" for years, and for looking at system files jamsoftware's ultrasearch both are ultra fast and light so f'ck MS search
  8. how old are you ? you do realize web didn't change that much since ~2008 ? -> thus any browser since then would work just fine
  9. question is, do these contain telemetry spyware as well ?
  10. not absurd if they do it on purpose ... if they made a "perfectly good OS" they nobody would ever upgrade to next one
  11. actually whole NT6 line was plagued with this, but for a reason in short, all versions (SKU's) were installed on hard drive, all language packs, all components (SxS) so user didn't had to use installation DVD for things... but to surprise, i guarantee you that vista and win7 also fit on 700 MB CD with all updates and also if you manually remove from Install WIM, stuff that you really don't need as "power user", you can also shrink install size to ~1.5 GB (this is case for x86, trust me i done it )
  12. - because nobody tests it right - because they have some agreement with US gov which goes both-ways
  13. cheers, thanks
  14. so its actually a bul*****, and it only applies for those using WU but if you download stand alone MSU, you don't need this crap ...
  15. i meant specifically for this sha-2 thing
  16. i'm in mist with what does this update mean for user what do i gain and/or lose by having/not having it ?
  17. does .net 4.8 (or any in 4x line) and these "universal" 2015-2019 vc++ redist's contain telemetry ?
  18. I'm also using Waterfox for few years now no complaints
  19. this is NOT edge, this is chromium, and as long chromium builds support win7 or whichever... as long will this "new edge" support it/them but this IS silly: which comes to question, why would anyone sane use this garbage on win 7 and 8 at all ?
  20. well I guess both tools would fix the issue if MFT mirror file wasn't damaged aswell, but it was... what annoys me most that this all fiasco happened when i always use "safe remove" ...
  21. i used TestDisk to get the required info chkdsk sucks
  22. nah, this needed full data recovery both $MFT and $MFTMirr were damaged ... stupid POS winblows .... !!! does this happen on Linux as well ???
  23. here's a story, and its true... I plugged in my USB stick, then "ejected it" (properly) later I plugged it in again, and BOOOM ! I got nice "corrupted drive / format it" error the only logical thing came to mind is to run chkdsk and this is what i get: so what the hell do i do now ?
  24. 7-zip best there is ...
  25. ie and edge will die and no this has nothing to do with usage share but google blocking internally edge (search for youtube fiasco) which is kinda sad (globally), i never cheered for MS crap browsers, but this puts one more browser/layout engine out of the game, as Opera was squashed long before, now MS, how loong till Mozilla kills its own product for the sake of Webkit/Blink ? i give it 3-5 years and google will control freaking web, tho they already did since html 5 kicked in and W3C bent over sad future for sure....
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