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Everything posted by vinifera

  1. well if youre switching to linux, nvidia cards are poor p*** supported so beware that too
  2. so with FF 69 you get only 3 reds and with FF 95 considered "modern" i get 17 what the hell ...
  3. i seem to have worse results than you guys 17 reds with uBlock origins ON (and OFF) means FF 95 is bad ?
  4. fixed with following code: :root{ --uc-titlebar-padding: 0px; --toolbar-bgcolor: transparent !important; } /* frost glass */ /* by need add #titlebar, window, #toolbar-menubar, #PersonalToolbar, #navigator-toolbox */ /* tho #titlebar doesn't work */ #main-window{ background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(239, 240, 241, 0.5), transparent, rgba(239, 240, 241, 0.5), transparent, rgba(239, 240, 241, 0.3)) !important; background-color: rgba(239, 240, 241, 0.6) !important; } #TabsToolbar{ background-color: rgba(239, 240, 241, 0.1) !important; background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(239, 240, 241, 0.1), transparent, rgba(239, 240, 241, 0.1), transparent, rgba(239, 240, 241, 0.1)) !important; } result: you're welcome
  5. until 3 days ago i switched to Librewolf, and can only thank to Mr.Scienceman2000 from 1st post i'm obliged to say Thank you sir !
  6. they had many products, some never got to see daylight in official waters
  7. well thats problem with people around you then
  8. 1. can someone tell me how can i get ridd of menubar toolbar thru css (userchrome) coz i got giant EMPTY row that serves nothing 2. can someone tell me how to make bookmarkbar and i guess its navigation bar ?, frosty ?? see my problems: usually i wouldnt complain but on dark background it looks terrible (hence why i want frosted/smoke effect) i have this code: root{ --uc-titlebar-padding: 0px; --toolbar-bgcolor: transparent !important; --toolbar-fill: whitesmoke !important; --toolbarbutton-icon-fill: whitesmoke; } but whitesmoke fill is ignored
  9. yes, i use older ver, and it doesn't allow me to block system files like kernel, svchost and such... tho i use win7 so i'm not worried, but we talk about 11 now so ... ... and win firewall control depends on win firewal ... AFAIK only "tiny wall" is independant/stand alone
  10. that thing allows SYSTEM processes and KERNEL to access net without giving you option to block not to mention it works with Windows firewall
  11. what about spyware inherited from 10 ?
  12. does anyone know, does this new iteration of .net, completely replaces .net 4x, as in can i remove 4x and install this v6 thing ? because i read that who ever made apps on previous versions had to recompile, thus does this core thing even have backwards compatibility or not ? and, is it a spyware ? since it is obviously meant for windows 10 and 11, and does it even support win 7 ?
  13. i think that question should go to vmware devs they control what works under what OS
  14. so revert back to one that had ...
  15. vista is golden egg comparing to this
  16. well isnt that most expecting when you open source something ? i always found it funny that ppl who develop program but open source them, expect Humans to be like little good dwarfs :S
  17. dunno what is all that there about but i'll say, i ditched Pale Moon long time ago, and tried Basilisk only once and it was unstable bloated garbage last ~4 years waterfox "classic" fullfills all my needs
  18. thats not broken aero at all they just made the bar filled with more white layer you still have glass and blur ... this is probably them trying to "follow" windows 11 look (aka frosted glass), which shouldn't surprise you by now... also this effect is actually nothing new either, it was there ever since they went to Australis "UI" and that one is old ... you get it if your tab bar isn't skinned; like so:
  19. problem is we dont know is this meant for fixed screen on some wall and/or fixed anchored panel or for tablet that you carry around if your both arms are using screen (tablet), then original "UI" is better if its on some fixed panel on table or in wall where you use 1 hand, then id say "my idea" is better... all in all not enough info...
  20. i'd personally change d-pad buttons with triangle based arrows and maybe bottom buttons put next to d-pad buttons vertically for faster interaction
  21. what a stupidity just shows how people have nothing smart to make, so lets make s*** that will enable people to play games via browser i mean really... is this the function of web browser ???? to play games ??? to render 3D world(s) ????
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