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sunryze last won the day on March 11 2021

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About sunryze

  • Birthday 01/24/2006

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    Windows 11

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  1. Since 2020, the primary developer of Aero Glass has been offline, and not seen on the internet. Nobody knows what happened, but I wish him well, wherever he is now. Aero Glass, of course, still works on older Windows versions prior to 2004. You can find downloads on mirror sites as the original download link is gone. What are the replacements to Aero Glass? DWMBlurGlass - An Open Source utility that adds support for the Acrylic effect to the Windows 10 and Windows 11 title bar, and Explorer UI. Would be considered the community replacement of Aero Glass, supports custom Aero textures and custom blur amounts. Lightweight, customized with a configuration file. MicaForEveryone - An Open Source utility that does the same as DWMBlurGlass, but with more customization options and configuration. Runs as a tray application, and is only compatible with Windows 11. Allows you to use any type of Windows 11 built-in blur, such as Mica, Acrylic, and Opaque. It supports blurring any Win32 application background, and supports whitelisting and blacklisting applications that may not play nicely. Some applications have built in support for acrylic title bars, even on Windows 10. The new Windows Terminal supports Acrylic title bars as a setting built in, and an acrylic background to the terminal. I just felt like making a post like this to organize the replacements, and keep them all in one place. I will update this document with more if I find any.
  2. 2 years later, my opinions have changed, I do agree with your points. I went over to 11 last year when 21H2 went end of life. To be honest, what we do at this point is to just adapt. Nothing stays the same forever. Of course, any OS is perfectly usable; the original Macintosh is usable. It all depends on what YOU need.
  3. It being open source means anyone can contribute these suggestions
  4. To drive back to what we are focused on: I love this. Been waiting quite a while for it to finally come out.
  5. Some people may find this interesting as well. https://github.com/Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass
  6. The job is fine, retail just takes a lot of energy. When I am working in the back it's nice though. The job gave me money to get a much needed platform upgrade. I now have a 7800X3D, 32GB DDR5-CL30, and a B650 board. Runs very nice and its an absolute monster of a system now.
  7. It's really nice to see you back again I also had covid earlier this year. I was pretty dead for a week or two. Though I haven't experienced any of the other things you're dealing with. I hope things are able to turn more positive for you in the future. Thank you guys for your support on being myself. Haven't been as active here, as for most of this year I have felt quite drained on my whole interest in this tech stuff; and a lot of my other hobbies. I recently stored away a lot of my old laptops, computers, etc, as I haven't touched them in nearly a year. I spent most of the year hanging out with a special person, who then proceeded to lay out one of the worst situations I've ever been in 4 months ago. August, September, October, and November all kinda just melted together after that. I got a job a week ago, and that has taken up a lot of my time now.
  8. As one of the youngest people on MSFN, and also have had my several moments of thoughts like these, a lot of it to me boils down to the truth about how we see the world. Me, along with many others my age, see the world in a very pessimistic sense. We see and hear of all the events of mass shootings (especially in the west), increasing cost of living, more and more jobs being replaced by computers, and the continuous argument of each side constantly berating each other to death. If its okay to be transgender, if its okay to be gay, if its okay to do anything, really. We look at the world and just see it as something falling apart and our generation having to be the one to deal with it. The internet has reduced social contact significantly, and many of us are still recovering from the years of isolation especially during the pandemic. Not to mention the unstable politics in the east, with Russia / Ukraine, Palestine / Israel, it really doesn't give us much positivity in the future when all we hear is how horrible the world is. I personally had thoughts of ending it all when I felt like there was no hope. Most people typically have those thoughts when they feel there's no reason to live their life and that everything will continue to be suffering. Especially when we are told to just man up, and deal with it. The younger generation as a whole really values the comfort of living a happy life much, much more than having to work ourselves to death just to make ends meet. A lot of us just want to live happy lives with our friends and close partners. We want to live and be the person we aspire to be, express ourselves not limited to a certain construct, and just be our best self. But the idea that you lose your soul as you get older, are forced into certain restrictions just for society... its a thought that a lot of people can't swallow. I'd love to see a future where people can come together on their differences and make a change for the best interests of the people, not for the best interests of people who agree with you. I'd love to see a future where things are fair and that you can actually get an education for cheap, be able to live for cheap, since we are all humans on this planet. Why does anyone have to be more important than someone else? This is our home. There are no other homes out there for us. We need to respect this planet that supports all of our lives. Battling each other until the death, even if it is human nature, will really be what causes the human extinction. Ourselves. Mental health is so utterly important right now, the focus of humanity needs to really push into improving the health of everyone worldwide, physically and mentally. Along with ensuring both males, females, and however else you identify yourself as, are all treated equally. But even then, its not a problem that can be solved unless the entire world meets and agrees on our problems, and most countries actually take a stand to improve it in response. I just want the future to be exciting, man. But in reality a lot of us aren't excited. We really are fearing the future. We will likely see this as the numbers of young parents will decrease as newer generations decide to not have children.
  9. No, I just meant that the alternative forms of viewing other people’s thoughts online outside of social media are small time forums or blog sites that are usually behind a paywall. Especially news sites. Continuing from this, the whole idea that people get where they want to increase their value exponentially is to what I believe the reason many good things don’t last. If you set your sights on a realistic expectation, a goal that fits your needs rather than making billions just because you can, then you won’t drown in the thoughts of economic loopholes and consistently exploiting your customers for just pennies more per day. If you can be happy with what you have and not be greedy and selfish, then that is a big help towards keeping you and your products healthy and afloat. There are some exceptions though, like a situation where you are able to price your products out and make billions (Apple), but that’s mostly because the American culture nearly revolves around them. Social media can exist if they didn’t fall into these traps and maintained a strict trust and safety team. You’re moderating mostly losers in their parents basement on social media, you can’t let them just roam free.
  10. The importance Reddit had though was that it was the most “real human” you could get at times. Rather than the paywalled blog posts and heavily biased news outlets, you could gather a bunch of information from other people out there if you were trying to make a decision for yourself. Not only that, it was a fairly decent place for focused communities as well. But their ignorance especially to the moderators who do their work for free and the visually disabled who need the third party tools to use the platform really shows they too fell to viewing their platform as a “social media” when it really is still better off as a forum network. People abandoned Facebook quite fast because even the illiterate know it’s a privacy nightmare. Plus the whole image that your grandparents use it drove a lot of the younger generation away. This could also be said for issues countries encounter but that can get too political for here. The companies are quite interesting with how they can be so misled and completely out of the know from what their community wants. What ever happened to customer feedback? Valve is an example of a company that manages well. The layout is nearly identical to an open source repository and everyone just does whatever they want. The company is private and isn’t made to make every penny possible. Their support team is fantastic on steam and their support of Linux is even better. This is an example of what happens when you don’t have $$$$ shoved into your eyes. You can actually do something great and not be greedy.
  11. Within the last few months we have seen the biggest decrease and corporate self destruction I at least have ever seen. Reddit and Twitter, both competing to see who can destroy their platform the fastest! Kinda makes me think after this that even after how advertisers are leaving both platforms, and especially how Microsoft has stopped making major posts (mostly Mojang), brings up the interesting thought that smaller more focused content forums like MSFN and other ones like Planet Minecraft and TenForums may actually grow in popularity once more, especially with Reddit now having upset their user base to no end. Really unfortunate. Now a good amount of my google term + Reddit searches won't be as useful anymore. Really unfortunate though because you can't really tell if the news you are reading is even real or not. Guess everyones back to the smaller places again. The internet honestly, has never felt more emptier to me. I've stopped using Twitter, Reddit, Instagram and Snapchat. Probably for the best, though. I still communicate on Discord. Truly hilarious.
  12. Haha, I can only focus with background music or anything really. I also understand the whole caffiene thing, I can drink a lot of it without issues. But at a point it becomes the opposite and I start bouncing off the walls. December 2022, I drank a Mountain Dew and a Mountain Dew Amp in the same hour, which totals to 200mg+ of caffeine. I ended up bouncing on an exercise ball laughing because it was fun. I also at the same time was tired so I felt like I hadn't slept for weeks but couldn't sleep.
  13. An update about this, this is a feature in 22621. You can enable it with Mica for Everyone, and there are also browser themes that carry the theme into those. Works decently well if you want a modern Aero look.
  14. ADHD is an issue I deal with on a daily basis. It's the feeling of having everything to do and not enough time to do it, since now is the only time I can do anything.
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