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  1. Past hour
  2. Win32, hello, thanks for everything, please add the ability to customize HTTP2 data like header_table_size and window_size, etc. There's a library that already implemented http2 spoofing: https://github.com/Noooste/azuretls-client I assume you can use their code, I had also sent you a message with another idea, but you don't visit MSFN again....
  3. Is there a chance you try on a totally clean OS? I recently had to help someone with a fresh install and tried several browsers there, all of them started waaaaay faster! I assume it may be a conflict with old software. You can also check and see, Chrome tries to load old codecs upon start. Look here: chrome://conflicts
  4. Today
  5. I think the phrase you intended is "the end is nigh" (sort of archaic English - even native speakers may not be familiar with it) It's fine to post Serpent bug reports here, and this is the correct place for them. It's just that we have no answer for you yet. For the most part, @roytam1 is mainly taking browsers written for Win 7 and making them work with Win XP and Vista. "Upstream" for Serpent is @basilisk-dev, but even he is "downstream" from the UXP project, the browser engine behind Serpent, Basilisk, New Moon 28, Pale Moon, IceApe and others. For what you're asking for, you probably need a UXP fix, which would have to come from Moonchild's team. Moonchild has made it abundantly clear that users of @roytam1's builds are unwelcome in his forums. So to even report the problem, you'd need to: Get your hands on a Win 7 or greater system Reproduce the problem with the latest version of Pale Moon on that system Report the problem on the Pale Moon forum, making no mention of @roytam1, New Moon, Serpent, Win XP, or Vista Be patient because yours is only one of scores of Internet compatibility problems created by the Google/Microsoft/Mozilla goalpost-moving triopoly (and probably not the biggest one).
  6. I'm still having same issues with Win 11 IOT LTSC on 26100.863. I have to disable SAB to get the widgets icon in taskbar to work. With classic taskbar it doesnt work just like 26100.712.
  7. Yesterday
  8. Hi, Steve! Am I the only one to think it might be suspicious to post commercial websites right after registration?
  9. During the last 2 weeks a number of sites stopped working in basilisk and even mypal: linkedin used to work fine in basilisk a few months ago, and in Mypal (vanilla) up to 2 weeks ago. Not any longer. Official EU cites idem. They now just remain empty. EU official sites won't even load in chrome derivatives (thorium or supermium) vanilla. The end it's nite for many sites in XP.
  10. Did you measure their capacitance? New ones doesn't mean good, there's a lot of fakes on the market. I recent;y purchased Samhwa, I was under the impression no one will ever make fakes of such crap. In the end, Samhwa is a terrible brand, They failed within a month.
  11. Those modern boards have a lot of fuses, more likely a fuse gone kaput.
  12. I should've taken into account you were born after 2005, certainly you don't remember and can't compare, which is good for you on one hand, on the other, someone who doesn't know the history is doomed to repeat it.
  13. My personal recommendation is to change your name from NotHereToPlayGames to HereToPlayGames.
  14. In the end I did it, old capacitors out, new capacitors in. The clumsy one just needs a lot of time. Desoldering pump seems to work well, unless you fail to heat the right area well, which must have been my problem. But it was only partial solution at best. The one capacitor where the power goes in must have really been kaput, at least that area doesn't measure 0L on the multimeter anymore. But where second and the last one from where power goes in are connected, with new ones in place, they still read 0L. I did measure new ones before connecting them and they're fine. Something else must still be shorted. I guess this is where easy fixes end. Behavior with more decent power supply remains the same, the power is cut shortly after powering up due to short circuit.
  15. As "downstream", i.e. @roytam1, does not intend to solve this problem in Serpent as he already stated, you will inevitably have to wait until "upstream", i.e. @basilisk-dev, offers a fix. Or, you can do what I always do when a page in New Moon 28 doesn't work on Windows XP. Try the site in question under Mypal 68, and if that doesn't help, under a Chromium Win XP port like 360Chrome or Thorium! BTW, you simply cannot expect that everything you want to call up in a browser will work in Serpent. This will never be the case.
  16. Jumper described the problem. I was stuck with testing in October and couldn't get any further. https://msfn.org/board/topic/181424-firefox-24-52-for-me-and-98/?do=findComment&comment=1252539 https://msfn.org/board/topic/181424-firefox-24-52-for-me-and-98/?do=findComment&comment=1254003
  17. Important, don't install SSU (KB4493730), even if it will be offered to you automatically. The above update KB4499180 installs just fine on a clean Vista SP2 (any edition).
  18. Go with Vista, then, like you wrote in the beginning. No one these days will specifically target Vista. Install May 14, 2019—KB4499180 (Security-only update) (6003 build) it includes the most important security breach fixes and the ability to use the extended kernel, if you ever wish to try it. Install nothing else since all is already included in that pack! https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/may-14-2019-kb4499180-security-only-update-081acd25-afa4-fb15-2dc1-fefcece4325a
  19. Too sophisticated, unless you're a really high ranked government official. Besides, I'm not aware of such cases in real life scenarios.
  20. You're welcome! On the other hand, Thorium may not understand the standard Chromium flags. Usage Stats is what of the most interest. It needs to have a value of zero.
  21. I thought it was before the flags got applied, because those surely look like the telemetry (stats) is in full swing.
  22. yea.. i get that already (i never specified seperent, or XP to them at all, by the way). what about here though ? I've only been using this serpent from Roytam1's links here in this thread, since about 1 year or so. I assumed it was okay to post here... but i guess not apparently ? Since the issue with other forums was fixed last week (about the super large icons in front of posts thing)
  23. BTW, I already posted my Thorium registry entries here: https://msfn.org/board/topic/186133-thorium/?do=findComment&comment=1267362
  24. No. What is seen near the end is a recreation of the Windows Basic theme using the DWMWindow class and custom metrics from AWM, just like a regular DWM frame would. On another note, AWM is now out on GitHub: https://github.com/Dulappy/aero-window-manager. Here's a new showcase video as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEIpzzRSbeo
  25. I will check my registry entries when I am back at my desktop computer. Thanks for the heads up!
  26. TBH, I don't think that any website operator is still interested in compatibility problems of an unsupported and rather unknown browser like Serpent on an operating system like Windows XP that has not been supported for a long time. So don't expect an answer or support!
  27. Zero third-party codecs in 10. Zero in the XP VM that browsers are tested in. Do use an older version of K-Lite on my host XP.
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