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  3. Hello, I have created and uploaded small workaround for that issue. the build "5061.2". Now here 2 versions of adapter inside archive. One (without suffix) -- dont changes GPU priority process at all, (for those of you, who having such freezes), and another with suffix -- for wery weak CPU's w/o hypertreading (also works for very fast CPU's). Try it and write if it fixes the problem.
  4. Cheers @AstroSkipper. Thanks for creating this thread. Smplayer devs have started building their last version with qt5.6, which works fine in XP, at least in my set up. Better than ever, actually, although still with issues playing composite (DVD like, multiple) files. https://www.smplayer.info/en/download-windows https://github.com/smplayer-dev/smplayer/releases/download/v24.5.0/smplayer-24.5.0-win32-qt5.6-unsigned.exe
  5. Yesterday
  6. As in the previous releases, the problem is not SMPlayer itself but the embedded mplayer which has been discontinued for working under Windows XP. The last compatible version was 37940 from 2017 if I remember correctly.
  7. @66cats, thanks, I have compared 2 your recordings. And have found how to reproduce such freezes. Its occured only on weak CPU's (I have checked on one). When CPU usage is very high. It because in my Adapter DLL, the GPU process priority was fine-tuned for very weak CPU's to prevent whole system freezing, when videos played. (Even on 1-core weak CPU w/o hyperthreading). And to prevent audio glitches (in conjunction with Audio process priority). Even by cost of "freezing" of some video frames. Its here by design of my workaround for it. This problem not happens on fast CPU's, not loading the system very high. (Should not happen at least) I will experiment with process priorities more, and may be provide some switch to configure it, Or set another process priorities.
  8. Hi @Berno_sour, quite interested, really. I have tried the latest smplayer and not only does work in XP as is, but does (on conditions I have not quite yet figure out/explored in detail) play DVD content sequentially, as it is supposed and MPC-HC does (although not always, gotta keep experimenting and most of my dvds I have transformed into mp4, but not all). I would welcome more info on your workflow smplayer-smtube. Thank you.
  9. Can only show you screen recordings: win32's (version 1.1.something) yours (version 1.2.something) Again, if you know of a better way to show you what's happening, i'll give it a shot.
  10. Yes, I have wrote that I have installed "enhanced-h264ify" to enable requered video formats and disable not requered ones. When I have leaved only AV1 as "allowed", The youtube player says me on that page: "The video cannot be played in this browser." Its because youtube gives such formats not for all possible videos on it. And its because I have requested for test link. But have found by myself. All played without freezes and problems with my gfx card and CPU. Can't reproduce on my side.
  11. IDA-RE-things says the dll has nothing to do with the acceleration. Probably nothing more than placebo effect and/or pure coincidence? "We have no any Video decode acceleration handling in progwrp.dll. " https://msfn.org/board/topic/186133-thorium/?do=findComment&comment=1267631
  12. I might have been too quick on the trigger, maybe that file itself is corrupt. Try https://bitmovin.com/demos/av1, see if it freezes for you with IDA-RE-things' progwrp.dll (it does for me), and plays normally with win32's (it does, for me).
  13. I don't have GTX 980 or anything from 900 series, but I've just tried on an El-cheapo Acer notebook with nVidia 820M, Driver version 348.12 (Acer exclusive, came on the disk). It has the same issue with AV1 freezing! S,o we have a third, fully confirmed case!
  14. "enhanced-h264ify" needs to be fully uninstalled for the browser to be able to properly load AV1, HEVC and VP9.
  15. Inability of this browser to properly play such common format as AV1, which is literally everywhere now, is indeed on-topic, so don't be shy to post your issues. I just checked the link, it also froze on me, so we both have the same issue on the same series of 700 nVidia cards, despite being on different OS.
  16. I think he meant the opposite, he only enabled AV1 (and the browser showed nothing, there being nothing to show). That's how i read it.
  17. Because he wrote you, he has an extension "enhanced-h264ify" that prevents AV1 from loading and replaces it with H264. https://msfn.org/board/topic/186133-thorium/?do=findComment&comment=1267642
  18. I've mentioned before that this only happens on this box (980x/gtx770), no AV1 issues on 4770k/gtx980ti (different box). Get an x58 mobo with a 980x and gtx770. Kidding, but what else can i say? The issue is specific to this HW combination, and is consistently replicable on this machine, A different issue (nothing to do with AV1 decoding). Hasn't happened since i posted that screenshot, couldn't reproduce it myself. Feel free to disregard. Edit [long & OT] re. why you had trouble finding AV1 on YT: Wanted to post a screen recording of me opening an AV1 video in YT & it freezing. Recorded, wanted a better take, started recording again & ...it doesn't freeze! Refreshed the page, plays normal. Click on "stats for nerds" & sure enough, been transcoded to VP9. Tried searching YT for "av1 sample video," plenty of hits, each one played without a hitch because ...yeah, all have been transcoded to VP9. Everything on YT becomes VP9, eventually. Elsewhere in the intertubes, found https://test-videos.co.uk/vids/sintel/mp4/av1/1080/Sintel_1080_10s_1MB.mp4. And, of course, it freezes.
  19. I suggest, for the convenience of research, that for the time being we put out of brackets everything that concerns scaling (We will return to this if anything later). How do I resolve the issue with the refresh rate? Having decided at least for the beginning of this issue, you can move on. This is more important in the context of application compatibility. A simple example is that the game requires setting 72hz, instead of 60hz (by default), so that it works correctly under DOS. For another game, 75hz is good. What should I do if I connect DVI? What other options are there?
  20. Moreover, even the monitor scales native 1600x900 approximately exactly as it is drawn on this preview, if you select "Aspect" in the settings of the monitor itself. Thanks, but it doesn't help.
  21. Might only be Vista+, I just hex edited the driver replaced it and it works great !
  22. Of course, if you patch the Windows file, you need to fix the checksum.
  23. @66cats I have used GTX 670 to test on my side. Have installed latest Thorium_SSE2_122.0.6261.171_WINXP_x32.zip Also installed "enhanced-h264ify" extention. to enable/disable several formats. Runned browser without any switches. And with my progwrp.dll replacement build 5061 installed. With AV1 only enabled with this extention, browser dont allow video from youtube at all. :) So you should specify how to reproduce it. Take me a link to the broblematic video. UPD: ok, have found AV1-enabled video, which is played. No problems. No 100% CPU spikes... Used only software decoding/rendering. UPD2: also have checked this video in HW Accelerated Rendering enabled (D3D9) the codecs used (from "stats for nerds"): av01 (397) / opus (251) Also have no any problems and no CPU load.
  24. Also happens with Supermium on this box (980x/gtx770), just checked.
  25. No, D3DCompiler not used, when --use-angle=d3d9 not used. (Except out have anabled it contantly in chrome://flags)
  26. @66котов, can you give me a youtube link where the problem occurs ? as example. And another question -- does it happens also with Supermium with my DLL on your machine with XP ?
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