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@Dixel Thorium is not fully portable. I know that. When installing extensions, there are corresponding  entries written into the registry. :o

38 minutes ago, Dixel said:

Important. @AstroSkipper

The fact Supermium and Thorium still need these flags can only tell one thing, the portable patch is NOT applied by the author, the information on the site is misleading, to put it politely, so the browser is not fully portable, and if you start this browser without these flags, your old profile is gone!



I always use the flag --disable-machine-id but the flag --disable-encryption only if I move my profile folder.

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Originally intended for XP SP3 x86 (which I use) (but also works now on: Server2003 SP2, XP SP2) (No x64 native versions (and have no plans for this)).

... so your WinXP x64 SP2 setup probably NOT supported :whistle: ...

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6 hours ago, UCyborg said:

All I get with this "Chrome-xp-api-adapter" is this:


So that's completely and utterly useless.



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7 hours ago, UCyborg said:

All I get with this "Chrome-xp-api-adapter" is this:


So that's completely and utterly useless.

I'm getting error 429, says the page "doesn't work".


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4 hours ago, UCyborg said:

So that's completely and utterly useless.

Try the 32-bit build of Thorium, see if (with Chrome-xp-api-adapter) it's quicker than the 64-bit build. Oddly enough, for me, it is (on x64 SP2).


25 minutes ago, D.Draker said:



Works on my machine™ (Thorium/XP x64)

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Posted (edited)

I was trying 32-bit version, 64-bit obviously couldn't possibly load 32-bit DLL. The thing is programmed to call undocumented API NtCreateKeyedEvent with an object name \KernelObjects\SRW_WakingEvent, which fails unless the calling application is run with administrative rights, as KernelObjects namespace is restricted. Why would I run a buggy web browser on a buggy insecure OS with unrestricted access to everything?! I live by the principle_of_least_privilege.

I modified the DLL to use BaseNamedObjects instead. Also changed DesiredAccess parameter of both NtCreateKeyedEvent and NtOpenKeyedEvent calls from 0x2000000 to 0xF0003. Don't know what former is supposed to mean, but the latter has been documented to translate to KEYEDEVENT_ALL_ACCESS, which sounds about right. Browser was unusable crash fest with the original.



5 hours ago, D.Draker said:


There was an error on launch that said:

The application failed to initialize properly (0x80000003). Click on OK to terminate the application.

That was with DLL build 5041, in the latest version 5043, he put a block on XP x64 and most other OS...an error saying it's not supported. Not supported my a**, I removed the block. Can both XP x64 and XP x86 users here check the modified the DLL above and see how it works? If it's broken, should be apparent right away as new versions are about new synch code using keyed events, kinda important.

Edit: Well, non-NT 5.x systems are still blocked, not sure how much mess is in there that it would be needed to prevent the user from getting crappy (non-working) experience...I could throw the check out entirely. :dubbio:

But now it's really late here, so time to sleep. :boring:

Edited by UCyborg
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, 66cats said:

... On mine, too :whistle:; this has been already reported before by him/them, but D.Draker, Saxon (and the rest of the gang :P ), for reasons probably only particular to him/them, have problems displaying ImgUr image embeds inside MSFN posts; so, by linking to yet another ImgUr screengrab, you're not proving anything to him/them :sneaky: ; FWIW, "error 429" is explained here - I have NO issue at all viewing "imgur.com" hosted pictures in any (recent-ish) browser/OS (Vista SP2, Win7 SP1, Win10) in my household :thumbup ...

Edited by VistaLover
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6 hours ago, VistaLover said:

... On mine, too :whistle:; this has been already reported before by him/them, but D.Draker, Saxon (and the rest of the gang :P ), for reasons probably only particular to him/them, have problems displaying ImgUr image embeds inside MSFN posts; so, by linking to yet another ImgUr screengrab, you're not proving anything to him/them :sneaky: ; FWIW, "error 429" is explained here - I have NO issue at all viewing "imgur.com" hosted pictures in any (recent-ish) browser/OS (Vista SP2, Win7 SP1, Win10) in my household :thumbup ...

How's this off-topic, uncontrollable stream of poor imagination, riddled with 2nd grader's smileys and personal insults supposed to help me? 

I understand you're very new to this forum and still learning how to make posts, please take example from UCyborg, who have helped me just fine, fast and even before the usual spam you posted,

From him, I got all I needed to know, and without overly excessive babblery.



7 hours ago, UCyborg said:

I was trying 32-bit version, 64-bit obviously couldn't possibly load 32-bit DLL. The thing is programmed to call undocumented API NtCreateKeyedEvent with an object name \KernelObjects\SRW_WakingEvent, which fails unless the calling application is run with administrative rights, as KernelObjects namespace is restricted. Why would I run a buggy web browser on a buggy insecure OS with unrestricted access to everything?! I live by the principle_of_least_privilege.

I modified the DLL to use BaseNamedObjects instead. Also changed DesiredAccess parameter of both NtCreateKeyedEvent and NtOpenKeyedEvent calls from 0x2000000 to 0xF0003. Don't know what former is supposed to mean, but the latter has been documented to translate to KEYEDEVENT_ALL_ACCESS, which sounds about right. Browser was unusable crash fest with the original.



There was an error on launch that said:

The application failed to initialize properly (0x80000003). Click on OK to terminate the application.

That was with DLL build 5041, in the latest version 5043, he put a block on XP x64 and most other OS...an error saying it's not supported. Not supported my a**, I removed the block. Can both XP x64 and XP x86 users here check the modified the DLL above and see how it works? If it's broken, should be apparent right away as new versions are about new synch code using keyed events, kinda important.

Edit: Well, non-NT 5.x systems are still blocked, not sure how much mess is in there that it would be needed to prevent the user from getting crappy (non-working) experience...I could throw the check out entirely. :dubbio:

But now it's really late here, so time to sleep. :boring:

Thank you @UCyborgfor the detailed explanations, good night!

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Posted (edited)

Huh, I wonder if IDA-RE-Things lurks here, he put changes related to keyed events I described in a new version. :) So far, I didn't get the problem with USB with his DLL. One time, GPU process crashed, at least with 5044 I uploaded above, but it's more difficult to reproduce.

Another bigger issue, which I haven't checked yet if it also occurs with Supermium, the tab just crashes here after navigating to Google Drive main page (requires login). Doesn't matter if I use win32's DLL or IDA-RE-Things' version.

I also wonder if anyone gets the problem with browser being unusable after Windows XP coming out of standby. Same problem with 360Chrome, the window content simply doesn't render, it's a see-through to desktop, have to restart the browser.

Edited by UCyborg
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12 minutes ago, UCyborg said:

Huh, I wonder if IDA-RE-Things lurks here, he put changes related to keyed events I described in a new version. :) So far, I didn't get the problem with USB with his DLL. One time, GPU process crashed, at least with 5044 I uploaded above, but it's more difficult to reproduce.

Another bigger issue, which I haven't checked yet if it also occurs with Supermium, the tab just crashes here after navigating to Google Drive main page (requires login). Doesn't matter if I use win32's DLL or IDA-RE-Things' version.

I also wonder if anyone gets the problem with browser being unusable after Windows XP coming out of standby. Same problem with 360Chrome, the window content simply doesn't render, it's a see-through to desktop, have to restart the browser.

I never found Supermium or 360EE can't to use after XP comes out of standby

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50 minutes ago, UCyborg said:

I also wonder if anyone gets the problem with browser being unusable after Windows XP coming out of standby. Same problem with 360Chrome, the window content simply doesn't render, it's a see-through to desktop, have to restart the browser.

I have in 360Chrome.

But *ONLY* if I listened to "other members" here at MSFN and "removed" the VULKAN files.

I never experienced that issue once I stopped "listening" and *KEPT* the VULKAN files.

Though in my experience, there were TWO SETS of Vulkan files, one in the root dir and another in a sub-folder.

I only needed to keep ONE set (the sub-folder).

That said, I have no freaking clue what "Vulkan" is - but I know for a fact that MY SYSTEM REQUIRES these files !!!

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4 hours ago, UCyborg said:

So far, I didn't get the problem with USB with his DLL.

Never mind, still happens.

3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I never experienced that issue once I stopped "listening" and *KEPT* the VULKAN files.

I only ever deleted D3DCompiler_47.dll as this one is normally not loadable on XP.

3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

That said, I have no freaking clue what "Vulkan" is


Maybe runtime library (vulkan-1.dll) is a hard dependency, even though there aren't any Vulkan drivers on XP. There's more discussion among Linux folks for getting Vulkan working in Chromium, I think I only tried once (unsuccessfully) on Edge on Win10, though it's possible that couldn't work due to Microsoft alone as last time I checked, they prevented ANGLE backend flag from doing anything.

Presumably Vulkan is mostly interesting in combination with WebGPU (for new graphics web apps) on non-Windows systems, maybe as an alternative backend on Windows. No idea if it's supposed to effect webpage compositing in general.


Anyway, I'll see if Legacy Update gets me anywhere on XP. So far, it looks just as bad as I remember, if not worse. Checking for updates for over 50 minutes already...

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On 5/11/2024 at 8:07 PM, UCyborg said:

I modified the DLL to use BaseNamedObjects instead. Also changed DesiredAccess parameter of both NtCreateKeyedEvent and NtOpenKeyedEvent calls from 0x2000000 to 0xF0003. Don't know what former is supposed to mean, but the latter has been documented to translate to KEYEDEVENT_ALL_ACCESS, which sounds about right. Browser was unusable crash fest with the original.


Thanks!!!  This practically solved the following for me:
1) Tabs sometimes crashing
2) Youtube videos stop playing and needing to be reloaded in a fresh tab
3) Sites not loading and needing to be opened in a new tab

Great work!

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