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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, seven4ever said:

Meta, Tiktok, AI level ?:whistle:

I didn't mean the digital world but the real one. smilie_denk_24.gif The digital world is more of an illusion such as vitual reality is. :P

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

The "comment" didn't look that "bad" to me.

A "rib poke" only escalates if the owner of the rib "reacts impulsively" instead of "acting consciously".

The "comment" was nothing more than a "rib poke".

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me, huh?

12 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

To me, it looked more like a *TEST* - some sort of "watch this, I'll post this and then I'll monitor MSFN, now I will know what members there also read here".

I really doubt that was the case.

It wasn't long ago another lost soul wandered to the wrong forum, though. :P



Firefox folks hate on Pale Moon folks, Pale Moon folks on hate New Moon folks and the Earth keeps on spinning. Nothing new.



Aye, that x.com user agent override works. Weird redirects.

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Thanks for posting, @Jody Thornton. To me, the thread looked like just a straw man attack on Win XP: what happens if I turn off the firewall and connect my PC directly to the Internet without an AV program or even a router for protection? Oh, wow; bad things! Well, obviously the fault must be Win XP, not the fact that I turned off the firewall and connected my PC directly to the Internet without an AV program or even a router for protection!

As for New Moon, there was just that one comment - and he seemed mostly angered by those who ask for NM support at the PM forum, despite the fact that @roytam1 and the rest of us constantly tell anyone who'll listen not to do that! Certainly not @roytam1's fault.

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12 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

I was banned from the Pale Moon forum (decision made by MoonChild) since I provided the OAuth2 code to be entered in MailNews to Roytam.

Of course this was a century ago.....:D

Still working like a charm.

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, UCyborg said:

It wasn't long ago another lost soul wandered to the wrong forum, though. :P


... However, yet another proof of how biased are most PM forum members towards "those XP users:angry: ; the last comment on the thread you linked is by a member called "Night Wing"; he writes: 


"for Firefox, Pale Moon and SeaMonkey"

In essence, he/she is implying (false impression) XP is still supported on Pale Moon and this is why these XP users are coming over to our site for support questions.

His remark is totally out of context, though - but his hatred towards "XP users" is such that he can't even read right :angry: ; 


i.e. GitHub member "NS-Clone" was referring to JustOff's [old] "legacy" extension "Modify-HTTP-Response", which is indeed an XUL-type one, supported in Firefox (<=56), official Pale Moon and SeaMonkey, but NOT supported in Mypal68 ; IOW, Night Wing's last sentence is nothing more than a product of anti-XP "frenzy"... 

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5 hours ago, VistaLover said:

yet another proof of how biased

What comes around, goes around.

I basically view it all as NO DIFFERENT than FIREFOX (and Linux) mentality from the 90s and 2000s.

We have ALL seen it over the years, ask a non-Firefox (or Windows) question, and you are riduculed and mocked and told to "switch to Firefox" (or "switch to Linux").

Again - what comes around, goes around.


BUT...  If we are to be truly honest, even "this" XP USER did that to a Win10 Users just a couple months ago!

My own sister was having issues with Edge on Win10 and with her wireless printer and my FIRST reply to her was I DON'T HAVE THOSE ISSUES ON MY XP.

She still have printer issues - but her Edge issues were resolved by having her try a roytam browser and by trying official Pale Moon (she ended up chosing the latter).

All fine and dandy to me - I've always always always felt that browser choice is ENTIRELY up to the browsee's PERSONAL PREFERENCE.

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Posted (edited)

The PM forum can take a leaf out of MSFN's book. :P We welcome everyone. You can get help here even if you don't use Windows XP or other older operating systems. For example, my thread "Extensions and custom buttons for UXP browsers - Corrections, modifications, adjustments, and special recommendations" is open to anyone who uses legacy extensions, whether in New Moon 28, Pale Moon or whatever compatible browser. I also don't care whether the poster in question uses Windows 7, Windows 10 or even the crappy Windows 11. He will not be verbally punished in any way, even if I personally do not favour these OSes. That's how it has to be. :yes: But these Fright Wing and trollbat types from the PM forum won't understand that. :thumbdown Their horizons aren't good enough for that. :P

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I don't disagree.

But...  um...  I don't disagree with "them" either.

"They" have a different audience then "we" do.

Whether we like to admit it or not, "their" future is HELD BACK *if* they bend over backwards for "us".

Seriously, where do you think NM27, NM28, St52, or St55 would really REALLY be today if they tried to maintain compatibility with Win 3.1 or Win 3.11?

The difference is, as I see it, is that MSFN Members acknowledge that "both can coexist".

I cannot confirm nor deny if they think the same.

Because let's also admit that most of us MSFN Members only "read" what's going on "over there" when somebody brings the "negatives" over to MSFN.

I do not follow their forum.  I don't exactly agree with "us" being updated when anti-MSFN or anti-XP posts are posted "over there".

It's why I have a privacy fence at the house.  Neighbor's weed-filled lawn compared to my grass-only, not a single solitary "broadleaf"  --  fence = "out of sight, out of mind".  :cool:

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Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Seriously, where do you think NM27, NM28, St52, or St55 would really REALLY be today if they tried to maintain compatibility with Win 3.1 or Win 3.11?

That's not the issue at all. Most of developers and manufactors have stopped supporting Windows XP, and Windows 3.11, of course. :buehehe: That's not the problem at all. But to trash and ridicule special forks for older OSes such as New Moon 28, which is excellently maintained by @roytam1, is a no-go and shows a fundamental lack of respect. smilie_n_003.gif

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12 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Because let's also admit that most of us MSFN Members only "read" what's going on "over there" when somebody brings the "negatives" over to MSFN.

I do not follow their forum.  I don't exactly agree with "us" being updated when anti-MSFN or anti-XP posts are posted "over there".

It's why I have a privacy fence at the house.  Neighbor's weed-filled lawn compared to my grass-only, not a single solitary "broadleaf"  --  fence = "out of sight, out of mind".  :cool:

Meh!  Some have thanked me for exposing it.  That's fine though.  I'll leave it be.

I think many people feel that once Tobin left, all the toxicity was gone from the Moonie Forum.  However people like moonbat are the most toxic, and Moonchild is very disingenuous.  I take pride in point stuff like that out.  But again, I'll refrain from posting this stuff any more.

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13 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Because let's also admit that most of us MSFN Members only "read" what's going on "over there" when somebody brings the "negatives" over to MSFN.

I'm not sure that's true. Maybe it's true of some, but I often read what's going on "over there" when @VistaLover or @UCyborg links to a thread about a technical issue that affects UXP browsers (and "UXP-like" browsers such as St 55) generally.

That said, there's often an arrogance "over there" that their decisions are the only "correct" decisions. It's not merely hating on MCP to recognize that there's still a lot of unnecessary tension between them and @roytam1 (not to mention @feodor2). It's important to recognize where we stand.

I'm perfectly happy with MCP and @basilisk-dev refusing to support Vista and older OSes. You have to draw the line somewhere. But that doesn't make it the correct decision for everyone on the planet! Some folks prefer to stick with XP, some Vista, etc. I happen to prefer Windows 7 without Aero, which many folks think is weird because it makes it look like Win 98! But I think it's best to adopt a "live and let live" attitude, and not try to force my preferences on anyone else. Everyone is trying to make the best decision for themselves, and I think it's better to support whatever folks are trying to do than to belittle them because they made a different choice than I might have.

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No prob here.

As I've stated hundreds of times, browser choice is always always always a matter of PERSONAL PREFERENCE.

There will never ever ever be a "one size fits all".  The more, the merrier.  I've never replied to any "which browser works best" with anything other than "we cannot make that choice for you, you will have to try several and decide for yourself".

I'm also NOT a fan of "aero".  Not a fan of "transparent" toolbars in 10 either.

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And you wonder why are there still wars on this world when people can't be nice to each other even when it comes to these banalities.

Though I'm of opinion that a lot of choice is a double-edged sword. And new tech stuff constantly coming out or existing stuff changing can leave one apathetic in the end.

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Posted (edited)

I agree.

I really don't know where to draw the line.  Not trying to take both sides, lol

I do feel that "bringing negativity" from OTHER forums onto this forum only EXTENDS that negativity "another generation", so to speak.

BROADENS the diameter of negativity.  Folks that would have otherwise NEVER known about the negativity, now know about the negativity - just which "side" did that really HELP?

But of course, TECHNICAL ISSUES should be SHARED.

But again, just which "side" is BENEFITED from sharing the types of negativities that if it were self-contained all within MSFN, our admins would point the negative poster or PM "the baited" instructions how to use the "ignore feature".

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