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10 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

a result of the trauma made me the kind and honest and true humble guy I am.

- because you wrote this above... you're good - and this is result of TRAUMA. More these trauma to humanity.

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3 hours ago, msfntor said:

- head traumas? Or to the ears, by loud sounds?

Me too I've tinnitus, 8 kHz exactly, in both ears. And I've come to accept this, normally I don't pay much attention to this problem, which is pulsating or permanent (this changes in the day). Recently, after trauma at one ear, in this ear (it's sent by the brain!) have continuous tinnitus of this same frequency, AND sometimes music with choirs, this same non stop, in the day and in the night too.

But in reality it is not in the ears, but sent by the brain, so everything is in the brain!

Hope for you...

Yes, loud banging and explosions. Also from shock waves and whatnot.

Sorry for you ! Mine is higher - about 12khz and up.

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3 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

Sort of the same, growing up was bad in so many way and I (truly) lucked out as other didn't make it though, but, somehow I did. I was a good boy, never out late and respected (still do) my elders. I made my parents happy and got baptized (Sundays School and all , can you believe that ... haha) Yep ... never gave my parents trouble, but we were very poor and the holidays were for other people. To this day, I'm humbled in that way and can get by by with very little, but, there was damage that I carry and the list is also too long. Mom was like a soap opera actress but Dad was attracted to such and there is a price to pay. Things weren't always easy to say the very least. Lord knows I was protected or something as the church was evil and the abuse was so obvious but, again, Lucked out. 

My dad had a quite high rank in our local gov. and was very proud of himself. The man with strong ties...

All relatives were so proud and cherished him! He was always NOT satisfied with my achievements,

I'd even say he was a low opinion of me. He never shared any of my beliefs/points of view.

I left my parents when I was 15? 16? or so. Yes, they stil continiued to give me money, also I worked myself.

We never shared any common ground with my parents. My dad even missed the holiday, when I graduated from the university.

He was drunk, which was kinda weird, 'cause he was not a drunkard, I guess he just found himself a reason not to 

come ! I'm so glad a you had a fantastic father and very sorry for your loss !

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10 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

environmental parameters

4 hours ago, msfntor said:

So which trauma, please?..

1 - Well, the first big one was when I had a pretty hard collision with an obstacle riding my bicycle at 4 or 5 y.o..

Got stitched up my head. Scars, etc. Also, fighting on chains in the childhood, etc.

2 - Then to the same place on the head, but this time riding a heavy motorcycle.

I remained alive only because it was the legendary BMW R75 from the WW2 era,

like I said - heavy and it rammed through another "modern" vehicle, 

thus allowing my body to slip through. Of course I had terrible injuries to the

head and also broke my finger that was in awful pain for another 5-6 years.

3 - Then my father didn't come to the holiday, like in that Austin Powers film 

and it all got mental in addition to physical.

4,5,6,7,8,9,..... - Multiple military injuries not even mentioned.

How could anyone not become stupid after that ?

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4 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

How could anyone not become stupid after that ?

I feel sorry for your multiple traumas... I hope the aftermath will heal with time...
But you are not stupid, far from it, fortunately!


Me: "It's nothing, you're lucky."

You: "Oh really !? thanks for letting me know."

- yes, cause 12 kHz tinnitus is barely/hardly audible, and will fade with the age, because with the age we lose the hearing for the highest frequencies.

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1 hour ago, D.Draker said:

How could anyone not become stupid after that ?

All this has more to do with wear and tear and physical as well as mental overstrain. But I don't see any connection with stupidity. Apart from the kind of "stupidity" of negligently or wilfully injuring oneself physically or mentally if so. :)

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18 hours ago, D.Draker said:

come ! I'm so glad a you had a fantastic father and very sorry for your loss !

Thank you he left us 4 years ago actually, he's in a better place now and not suffering.

I liked your posting but wanted to reply as it would be awful to like your situation.

Sorry, I have no words, but we're here for you .

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35 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

Thank you hes left us 4 years ago actually, he's in a better place now and not suffering.

I liked your posting but wanted to reply as it would be awful to like your situation.

Sorry, I have not words, but we're here for you .

Same here! There are posts one can't react by liking or upvoting due to its content. That would otherwise be completely misleading. As if one would take pleasure in the suffering of others or even agree with it. :no:

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