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Stupid, silly people could be so fun, don't forget this. I mean, if their stupidity isn't too annoying.

Let's vote, I'm up for moderately calm stupid people.

Though, some raving lunatics are also good, from time to time.

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On 11/11/2022 at 10:20 PM, WinGlass said:

Yes, he was 100% right on that. This world was and still is a madhouse with stupidity in it. 

On 11/12/2022 at 12:23 AM, XPerceniol said:

There's not enough room for me to rant; but I'll just agree completely. Sometimes can't escape from it ... I don't know. :realmad:

On 11/12/2022 at 12:40 AM, D.Draker said:

Stupid people are good ! One can make profits. It's simpler to do business, easier to manipulate or create provocations.

I noticed it became much easier to find a GF which is, let's say 30 years younger. Is it mandatory for you to have sex with 

someone who is a super-duper clever academic ? So why do you all sound so negative ? Look at the bright side !

It's life ...

We are here to enjoy life, no ?

Stupidity is a very simple term for an extremely complex issue. Stupidity of a healthy person is the result of mainly three different components: Intelligence, knowledge (education) and experience. Each of these components can be simplified (if one does not consider gradations of the component states) as a Boolean variable that knows only two states: true or false, i.e. present or absent. Accordingly, one could examine (at least) eight different cases, but I will not do so here. In any case, stupidity has many facets and causes. We only have to look around in the world and see it everywhere. Sometimes it may be pleasant to encounter it, sometimes perhaps not. Stupidity is a disaster at the moment when tragic decisions for many people are born out of it. And tragically, this happens in the world all the time. So, beside his education, knowledge, intelligence and eloquence, Marcus Tullius Cicero was indeed a very good observer and extremely wise, and that ages ago. d010.gif Anyway, a girl who chooses a man 30 years older as her sexual partner cannot be an example of stupidity per se, but rather of a pronounced father complex. smilie_denk_24.gif

Cheers, AstroSkipper albert.gif

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1 hour ago, AstroSkipper said:

Stupidity is the result of mainly three different components: Intelligence, knowledge (education) and experience.

Stupidity has its roots in television screens, telephone screens ...

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4 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

Anyway, a girl who chooses a man 30 years older as her sexual partner cannot be an example of stupidity per se, but rather of a pronounced father complex. 

Of course ! But not always. Had several ones who were under the impression that I 'm rich (wich I'm not). Why ?

Their "logic" told them if I live in a luxury city and have my own big flat = rich.

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On 11/11/2022 at 9:25 PM, D.Draker said:

Stupid, silly people could be so fun, don't forget this. I mean, if their stupidity isn't too annoying.

Let's vote, I'm up for moderately calm stupid people.

Though, some raving lunatics are also good, from time to time.

bwahahahaha :buehehe:

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On 11/11/2022 at 2:43 PM, msfntor said:

First: the parents bad educated..

Second: Public school with very bad ideologised (left-wing of course..) teachers..

Third: fragmentation of the society (cause demographic changes)..

My Mother was slut but my dad was educated but suffered with mental illness himself, but did the best he could.

Sorry, I don't agree - my teachers in the 70's 80's were all ideologist (right-wing) nuts and lucky I didn't commit suicide like others did when told we are "abnormal" and other words. I don't like extremist on either side and I wish education were just about learning rather than pushing their beliefs onto others children. Some sweat boys and girls hated themselves and didn't survive. Lucky, I saw it for 'what it was' an just played along and pretend until I graduated and then became a free thinker. Please no offense meant by that statement.


fragmentation of the society (cause demographic changes)..

Agreed 100%

Fragmentation of the society can lead to fragmented and Fractured Psyche. 

Edited by XPerceniol
sorry, typo city today
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10 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

Of course ! But not always. Had several ones who were under the impression that I 'm rich (wich I'm not). Why ?

Their "logic" told them if I live in a luxury city and have my own big flat = rich.

Choosing a sexual partner 30 years older does not necessarily mean that a girl wants to have a relationship. And if she does, you're nothing but "Big Daddy" again protecting a little girl and spending money for it (for her protection). For that, you have to be "rich". And here we are again, a pronounced father complex.

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5 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

Choosing a sexual partner 30 years older does not necessarily mean that a girl wants to have a relationship. And if she does, you're nothing but "Big Daddy" again protecting a little girl and spending money for it (for her protection). For that, you have to be "rich". And here we are again, a pronounced father complex.

Agreed ! And again, this is very good ! I didn't want anything serious and this was my goal. No serious relationship, no marriage, no children.

What I was trying to say in the first post, when they were "clever" in the earlier years, it was harder to find, even when the age difference was much smaller.

On the other hand, I still have a GF, which I rarely see now and want to get rid of, I give her only a tiny amount of money, like small (200Euro) presents on holidays.

But she still won't leave me ! So what was her goal ? Looks like it's the opposite, she wants to be with me, even though I'm clearly *not* a sugar daddy.

What should I do ? I mean she's getting old, I do not remember her exact age, only that she was born in November of 1996/97 (?). But that's a lot for a GF, no ?

On the other hand, I'm lazy and don't want to put any efforts in a new one. I mean, I wouldn't not be lazy if I met a Frisian girl, but no such girls here.

And I'm not sure if a Frisian one would even want to date a simple Frenchman who owns a big flat in a luxury city in an 18th (17th?) century house with a wood oven

and a window AC in each room...

Should I look for another stupid one ? Or leave it be as it is now ?

Edited by D.Draker
approx. age of the GF
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2 hours ago, D.Draker said:

Should I look for another stupid one ? Or leave it be as it is now ?

What exactly do you mean with "another stupid one"? Stupid in the meaning of less educated and intelligent? Or stupid enough to be with you although she knows that there won't be any future for this relationship? Stupidity has many facets and is not always easy to understand or decipher. BTW, we all are getting old. Unfortunately, no one of us is a "Highlander", presumably. smilie_denk_24.gif

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