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YT may not work on old browsers anymore, starting March 2020


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4 hours ago, kuja killer said:

I don't really remember cause I didnt really quite pay attention to it. So i'm not 100% sure. :( I would always restart firefox every couple days on average though.

I'm very depressed ...i tried that UOC+Enforce patch mentioned and ...no, still the same. :( Still doesnt last very long until scrolling is no longer 100% smooth (including watching youtube videos, until the smoothness starts skipping/stuttering)

The 120 FPS i thought really was going to work, when i turned on the "draw fps" thing to monitor it, but it just gradually drops after awhile ..even at like 80 or 90-something...the smoothness is no longer happening. :(

That UOC thing also breaks slack, ..it will never accept the Firefox 60 user agent i have to use to get past the "browser no longer supported" screen. I was guessing it was somethiing with all the dozens of "network.xxx" lines i saw in the UOC file. I don't know.

Also youtube gets weird looking in Full Screen, like it doesnt fill the whole screen anymore, and I can see parts of the video images of "related videos" on the side for example.

1 test I did  earlier was...open firefox, just only 1 active tab, nothing else. There's no animations or scripts or anything like that going. Everything is just fine at first, so i minimize firefox and come back like 20 minutes later. Never touched the computer or anything, bring back up firefox and....no more 100% smoothness (youtube watching as well)

It just doesnt make sense. ...i give up. i have to live with this then. *cry*

Chrome doesnt ever have these problems. But probably because of how every tab is an actual seperate chrome.exe, and closing said tab will terminate that particular instance of the chrome process. (while the firefox multiprocess mode does not) - But i get a yellow label for youtube saying there going to get rid of it soon (as this topic was originally about) ..also slack doesnt work with Chrome there, for some reason has messed up page rendering problems that make it almost impossible to see anything on the screen except the options/info at the top of the screen, firefox is fine though.

I assume you have add-ons?
If Firefox is slowing down even when it's apparently not being used, it could be an add-on working in the background that's doing it.
Try running Firefox with add-ons disabled (under the help menu) and see if it slows down if it's left alone like that.

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2 hours ago, Bruninho said:

Well, that's a good thing, no? Pretty sure YT will kill the old layout this year soon, so we're left with the worst scenario - Pv1...

Oh no my friend: The worst scenario will come later on when YT kills Polymer v1, leaving only Polymer v2 and whatever newer layouts they may have by then. Everyone should read Page 1 of this thread - especially VistaLover's posts - before posting (except kuja killer, for whom this thread is about whatever troubles him).

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18 minutes ago, Vistapocalypse said:

Oh no my friend: The worst scenario will come later on when YT kills Polymer v1, leaving only Polymer v2 and whatever newer layouts they may have by then. Everyone should read Page 1 of this thread - especially VistaLover's posts - before posting (except kuja killer, for whom this thread is about whatever troubles him).

Have you heard of http://invidio.us ? They mirror the YT videos...

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1 hour ago, Bruninho said:

Have you heard of http://invidio.us ? They mirror the YT videos...

This is great, thanks! I was using http://hooktube.com in the past, but this is better.

Here, a bookmarklet for it:



@kuja killer

Check the HDD activity light when FF is slow, maybe it trashes the cache folder like crazy.

Edited by RainyShadow
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On 2/11/2020 at 5:20 AM, kuja killer said:

That UOC thing also breaks slack, ..it will never accept the Firefox 60 user agent i have to use to get past the "browser no longer supported" screen. I was guessing it was somethiing with all the dozens of "network.xxx" lines i saw in the UOC file. I don't know.

Also youtube gets weird looking in Full Screen, like it doesnt fill the whole screen anymore, and I can see parts of the video images of "related videos" on the side for example.

1 test I did  earlier was...open firefox, just only 1 active tab, nothing else. There's no animations or scripts or anything like that going. Everything is just fine at first, so i minimize firefox and come back like 20 minutes later. Never touched the computer or anything, bring back up firefox and....no more 100% smoothness (youtube watching as well)

It just doesnt make sense. ...i give up. i have to live with this then. *cry*

Chrome doesnt ever have these problems. But probably because of how every tab is an actual seperate chrome.exe, and closing said tab will terminate that particular instance of the chrome process. (while the firefox multiprocess mode does not)

In Firefox, site-specific user agents don't work (well, they can be made to work with some JavaScript sleight-of-hand, but it's complicated.) So you need an add-on in order to feed Slack, YouTube, etc. their own separate user agents. But the default UA for FF 52.9 should work with YouTube without giving you the browser warning :huh:

Your problem really sounds like a memory leak somewhere. Try it in "safe mode" to eliminate add-ons as a possible source of the problem. If the scrolling slowdowns and full-screen weirdness go away in safe mode, try turning off add-ons a block at a time to isolate the one causing the memory leak. (It's tedious, I know.)

For multiprocess mode, try increasing dom.ipc.processCount to 2-4 instead of 1. That will let FF kill processes when you close tabs.

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Well just wanted to update: ..i hadn't tried officially a new profile before until this morning. Created a new profile, set it as "default" ..close/reopen firefox so it doesnt have  a single edited preference, and no add-ons, etc, except turning on layers.acceleration.draw-fps -  But it still didnt make a difference. I just leave firefox idle again -- 20-30 minutes later it's not scrolling 60 fps now.

I even went through the trouble of downloading "process monitor" to watch if any files and whatnot are written/read, + process explorer watching the IO read/writes. and absolutely nothing happens at the exact momment it starts. 0 bytes Write/Read ... screw it.

But...i'm happy to report that i dont have to worry about it for youtube anymore since getting that "viewtube" script. Where it loads windows media player 11 on a video page, instead of the youtube player itself. And this doesnt have jerky-ness or anything. It's always smooth at all times. :) What a miracle! ...and no screen tearing either. (probably due to the "video smoothing" and DirectX options enabled.

Edited by kuja killer
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  • 4 weeks later...

The classic YouTube layout seems to be either going or gone now. Pale Moon 27 (forked from Firefox 38) now displays only a fraction of thumbnails at YouTube's home page, but is nevertheless still able to play videos. (In my February 6 post on page 1, PM 27's only issue was the warning message.) The situation is the same with IE 9, which was no longer a good browser for YouTube anyway. It would be interesting to hear from Chrome 49 users like @Dave-H. Firefox ESR 52 and Yandex 17 are not affected.



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1 hour ago, Dave-H said:

Google Chrome 49 is showing the "we'll stop supporting this browser soon" banner on YouTube, but seems to still be displaying the pages OK.

No, on Chrome 49 I also noticed a problem with a lack of miniatures a few days ago  :(


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On 2/8/2020 at 4:36 PM, reboot12 said:

Google Chrome 49 does not support polymer and displays in classic mode. Firefox 52 supports polymer and displays in this mode by default, but you can use classic mode by going to YT using this link: https://www.youtube.com/?disable_polymer=true

If I use that link with FF 52 now, then it suffers the same issue as PM 27 and IE 9. Have you perhaps altered your user agent for Chrome 49?

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thumb pics on youtube search page:
No idea if that helps you anything, and which view-variant it needs, but in my old browser (KM1.6/era FF3.5) with old UA this works to load more thumbs:

javascript:(function(){var LIST=document.querySelectorAll("img[src*='/yts/']"); for(var j=0; j < LIST.length; j++){LIST[j].hasAttribute('data-thumb') ? LIST[j].src=LIST[j].getAttribute('data-thumb'):0;}})()

Edited by siria
The editor keeps crippling the script, new try...
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Now I've looked more closely "Breaking News" is not showing thumbnails for me on Google Chrome 49, but everything else seems OK.
They are showing fine on Firefox 52.9.1 ESR.
I'm not using any special user agent strings on either browser.

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