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YT may not work on old browsers anymore, starting March 2020


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On 2/10/2020 at 9:18 PM, kuja killer said:

Thats the last possible thing i was thinking about, for the graphics hardware. I have a Dell Latitude D620 laptop, which is Intel GM 945 Graphics. I get errors and/or "blocked/blacklisted" in the troubleshooting info page.



All the "force enables" with everything dont help as i mentioned earlier, to get past those errors or blocks. Is that why the opengl, webgl, and use hardware acceleration all dont do a thing ??

And according to this page, the only supported version not blocked is "4926" -- https://wiki.mozilla.org/Blocklisting/Blocked_Graphics_Drivers#Intel_cards

And this page ...the last possible update that was ever published for this model was 4814 - https://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=984x8&oscode=ww1&productcode=latitude-d620#otherversion

So it wont even make a difference if i try to install that since I would of needed 4926 i guess, which is from Intel 945G ...not GM ..(a different motherboard type)

So i'm seriously screwed then huh ??


Have you updated your graphics card driver before the problem began? Maybe it can be a driver, not hardware issue

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1 hour ago, Dave-H said:

Now I've looked more closely "Breaking News" is not showing thumbnails for me on Google Chrome 49, but everything else seems OK.
They are showing fine on Firefox 52.9.1 ESR.
I'm not using any special user agent strings on either browser.

Yes, everything except thumbnails works fine in Chrome 49 for now, but probably only until the end of the month :dubbio:

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If anyone still has Opera 36 installed, it would be interesting to know if it suffers from the same inability to display thumbnails as Chrome 49. The only Chromium-based browser that I use is Yandex 17.4.1 (based on Chromium 57), which is unaffected by this issue - and btw I'm using UBO 1.24.4 from the Chrome Store with Yandex.

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1 hour ago, Dave-H said:

Perhaps rather surprisingly, all thumbnails are displaying fine on Opera 36!

Not very surprising to me, because it seems to confirm what VistaLover said in his February 6 post on page 1 of this thread, i.e. that Chromium 49 is capable of displaying the polymer layout, but YouTube served the now-discontinued classic layout to Chrome 49 by default. (When it comes to browsers, VistaLover is seldom mistaken!)


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On 2/6/2020 at 8:44 PM, VistaLover said:

Chrome 49 has adequate support for Pm1, so if OP wants to continue using it for YT past March 2020, OP must:

Install the User Agent Switcher extension from GWS:


Set a "Permanent Spoof" for youtube.com domain (aka SSUAO) and pretend to be Firefox 60 (e.g. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0); then, every time a YT URL is loaded, OP will get the supported Pm1 layout without any nags about an unsupported browser:

Pretending to be Opera would presumably work also.

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11 hours ago, caliber said:

[Image of Citrio browser failing to display YouTube]

That image looks more like one posted by someone using Advanced Chrome in the thread  Chromium V 54 not displaying Youtube properly on February 25 (which was before the classic layout was discontinued by YouTube). My guess is that both browsers are being served Polymer v2, but are incapable of actually displaying it.

Citrio has a bad reputation, e.g. Beware of Citrio, an iffy Chrome-based browser.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just now noticed that on Firefox 52.9.1 ESR, I'm no longer seeing the proper sidebar when I go to https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions.
I'm just seeing this -



If I go just to youtube.com and then select "subscriptions" on the left I get the correct display, with all my subscribed channels displayed in the sidebar.
I've tried using different user agent strings, but no difference.
Seems to be fine in Google Chrome 49 and Otter, but not on Opera 36, where the sidebar is showing the same as Firefox!
It was fine yesterday! Any ideas anyone?

Edited by Dave-H
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6 hours ago, Dave-H said:

on Firefox 52.9.1 ESR

There was no such version. The latest version is 52.9.0 ESR. For now, Google Chrome 49 has a yellow bar as in my first post. We'll see what will happen next week after March 31.

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5 hours ago, reboot12 said:

There was no such version. The latest version is 52.9.0 ESR. For now, Google Chrome 49 has a yellow bar as in my first post. We'll see what will happen next week after March 31.

Actually yes there was and is! See here.

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1 hour ago, Dave-H said:

Actually yes there was and is! See here.

Never heard about it. Maybe there is version 52.9.1 but this is not the last official. Last supported is 52.9.0

I am still using version 52.9.0 (26.03.2020) in which everything works correctly - this is all the websites including the add-ons I use.

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The differences between 52.9.0 ESR and 52.9.1 ESR seem to have been very minor.
52.9.1 is also only available in US English, it needs language packs added for anything else.
I'm sure you're not missing out on anything by still using 52.9.0!
As for the original YouTube problem, it seems to have now gone away!
Probably just a temporary glitch.

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9 hours ago, reboot12 said:

Chrome 49 has a yellow bar as in my first post. We'll see what will happen next week after March 31.

Solution for Chrome 49 was posted by VistaLover on page 1 of this thread February 6. This will be my last reminder for those who did not read the thread. :boring:

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