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kuja killer

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kuja killer last won the day on February 13 2020

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  1. yea.. i get that already (i never specified seperent, or XP to them at all, by the way). what about here though ? I've only been using this serpent from Roytam1's links here in this thread, since about 1 year or so. I assumed it was okay to post here... but i guess not apparently ? Since the issue with other forums was fixed last week (about the super large icons in front of posts thing)
  2. Oh i see.. :| Well... if this official person of Serpent doesnt do anything anymore... and @roytam1 saying he wont do it either... then this problem is going to stay forever then?? I already tried sending an email to the pixai staff about it about 3 weeks ago or so when this first began on the seperent browser, cause i swear it was just fine before until one random day a few weeks ago. And i even mentioned it in one of their google form surveys they had on the site... and... no response and nothing. that's when i tried coming to this thread here. Because i thought it was okay, to post some problems here with Serpent as other people have done...
  3. what's "upstream" mean ?? or is that another person's name who submits updates to you ? i have no clue.
  4. @roytam1 is there any chance you might be able to fix or support the pixai thing i been trying to mention the past few weeks ?? or is it not possible ?? im sorry if i been annoying about it
  5. Hmm.. the preview windows still arent fixed on the pixai website. Is it not possible to fix ?? @roytam1 - Im still waiting for this specifically. from mathwiz's reply here: https://msfn.org/board/topic/185966-my-browser-builds-part-5/?do=findComment&comment=1267466
  6. Hmm, i see. So that's another 2 weeks from now right ?? - Mathwiz/Roytam1
  7. ah cool. yea the forums aren't showing the giant icons in front of everything anymore. looks like that's taken care of. but unfortantely the image previews still arent showing up on pixai though. here's a shot of that error message again like VistaLover first found out. https://i.ibb.co/GtjVwY1/pixai-preview-error.png
  8. oh god i just noticed that too. another website in my bookmarks list that i look at once in awhile is https://www.wrestlingforum.com/forums/ ..it must probably be the exact same type of forum as the one you mentioned.. it also does that stupidly huge icon thing that's in front of posts. And yea, it makes reading things almost impossible. I've never seen such a thing ever happen before today. :|
  9. woa, that actually worked. yea it's acting normal now when i tested again after doing that. Well.. i would never had a clue about that. :| Thank you.
  10. About your comment, it's crazy. I always am forced to fully close and reopen serpent usually once every day on average just because it cant ever handle more than a few youtube videos... a few image generations on pixai.art website.. or 1 or 2 twitch page loads. It's ridiculous. I have 4 GB RAM (3.2 max for win xp or whatever) so it's "not" that being an issue or anything.. and 2nd gen Core i5 CPU 2.6 GHZ... and SSD, so again it's not that. it's just that this browser i guess becomes so overloaded just from only a couple things, until the point that it freezes up dead until i force exit it in Task Manager. like closing tabs doesnt do anything at all to un-freeze the browser, or release the RAM or that it's only a very small amount. i have no idea whatsoever. I tried the "multi process" thing yesterday.. and that seems to be effective...but it for some reason makes the backspace key no longer function.. then when i turn off the multiprocess.. then it's workinig like normal, so thats why i cant commit to using multiprocess. i tried to post about this in that thread there.
  11. Hey there. I need to ask something about this. I noticed a problem when i first tried this out with Firefox a few years ago. When i use this multiprocess mode. I noticed a major problem is the backspace key wont ever work anymore. I cant ever delete anything i type in any forms on any websites, etc. And/or it will act as if i hit the back button to go back 1 webpage instead. I find this extremely annoying and I dont bother to use it for that reason... but I just randomly tried using this today on the Serpent Browser (latest version by Roytam1) ..and the exact same thing still happens here too. The backspace key either not working period at all, or becoming a secondary "go back 1 page" Why does this happen and how can it be fixed?? If it cant then again i'll never bother using this "multi process" mode again. I already tried googling for a little while about this issue, found nothing. And i searched this thread here for "space" or "backspace" and got no results.
  12. Ohhh wow. I did not know that. Okay i installed that addon and added the CSS code things you posted, tested and both google and pixai arent doing the stupid image growing and automatic scrolling page thing i described before. That's great. Thank you. Now all that's left is just the image previews on most other pages on the site, i hope. About the web console saying that "image elements/arguments missing" error it says that VistaLover pointed out.
  13. what do i do to add this ? sorry i have no clue about CSS stuff. I dont know anything about programming, is this something we can do ourselves somewhere or something without waiting for the next update from roytam1 ?? Where or what do i edit or what. I'm clueless.
  14. Hello again, i want to add again to my original post a few days ago about the problems with the pixai.art website. I mentioned how there was that very strange behavior with the models page also about how the images keep zooming in until it's impossible to see anything, and the image window itself keeps growing bigger nonstop until it literally covers everything...well.. i noticied this very exact same thing just start randomly happen on google search's too. the regular normal search page, not the image search page. i dont know how or why but it's exhibiting exactly the same way. I dont know what the heck is going on. And it seems to happen sometimes, and sometimes not. For example if i google "mother teresa" - those images keep getting bigger and cover up the whole screen.. some other search terms do it, some dont. Again this is on the latest seperent update from last saturday.. I'm more concerned about the pixai.art website i mentioned about though since i use that site every day. It's extrmely fustrating not having those image previews working when im trying to look through dozens of image generations on my account history stuff and other pages. Anyway i dont know why the image growing stuff is happening on google now too, maybe uses the same code or something, who knows.
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