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Congratulations on reaching page 74! This thread might be more useful if page 73 did not exist, but at least we know who’s in charge now. Please no more quotes of DD: Blocking him does not block your quotes. Thank you!

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Vistapocalypse said:

Please no more quotes of DD

But I wasn't quoting DD this time (I blocked him for real this time), I only replied to jaclaz saying that I don't think legacyfan would block him, especially when he's a very wise member with a lot of helpful sources of information. You're not wrong about this, though. Have my upvote.

Edited by mina7601
Posted (edited)
On 12/30/2022 at 2:07 AM, jaclaz said:

Am I blocked by legacyfan? :unsure:

Good :), didn't even know it was a thing on the forum, I had this feeling that some people takes Msfn as Twitter or Facebook ...



@jaclazI did not block you it was D.Draker that i blocked (for his trolling of topic) and if I made it sound like I blocked you I'm sorry for the confusion you are my friend and I would never ever block you thanks-legacyfan

Edited by legacyfan


Seemingly I was not "blocked"[1] by legacyfan, it was a misunderstanding, the "him" was "you" (D.Draker), I am told that "you" are "blocked"[1] by legacyfan.




[1] whatever "blocked" means, I am still failing to understand what it does and how you can "block" (or "unblock") an user on this forum

6 hours ago, jaclaz said:

[1] whatever "blocked" means, I am still failing to understand what it does and how you can "block" (or "unblock") an user on this forum

Greetings jaclaz :)


You should've then arrived at:



"ignore options" include:


FTR, you being a mod means you just can't be "ignored/blocked" by other "plain" members... ;)

Buon Anno :) !


I see now, ignored (content) is not blocked (user) in my dictionary, thanks.

I actually have (since years) a couple users' signatures ignored (only because they are confounding me).

Didn't know I was "unblockable", it is years that I am not anymore a mod, maybe something remained sticky from back then, or maybe I am just senior enough.



5 minutes ago, jaclaz said:

it is years that I am not anymore a mod, maybe something remained sticky from back then,

Yep, forum software still thinks you're a mod ;) :


Posted (edited)

will the latest version of ccleaner work on vista without the extended kernel? ive been using the older build. 5.64.7577 (the last supported build for vista) and i was wondering if it was even possible to run the latest version without the extended kernal installed?

Edited by legacyfan
19 hours ago, legacyfan said:


That was the last version to support vanilla Vista (March 2020), so I’m not sure what you’re asking. Try the latest version if you want: Just don’t expect success.


@legacyfan No, I don't think latest version of CCleaner works on Vista without ExKernel, dependencies for latest CCleaner version are:


USER32.DLL (decided to write the missing functions here, as I selected KERNEL32.DLL in the above screenshot):

And latest CCleaner also requires winbio.dll, a Windows 7+ DLL.

On 12/31/2022 at 10:32 AM, jaclaz said:


Seemingly I was not "blocked"[1] by legacyfan, it was a misunderstanding, the "him" was "you" (D.Draker), I am told that "you" are "blocked"[1] by legacyfan.




[1] whatever "blocked" means, I am still failing to understand what it does and how you can "block" (or "unblock") an user on this forum

jaclaz, Happy New Year !

So you're saying he (she?) doesn't know the difference between the two simple words "him" and "you" ? I don't think so, this person just goes with the flow. Anyways ! What am I supposed to do with this info ? Blocked me ? I never wrote to him/her/it. So I wouldn't even notice it.

On 12/31/2022 at 5:51 PM, jaclaz said:

I see now, ignored (content) is not blocked (user) in my dictionary, thanks.

I actually have (since years) a couple users' signatures ignored (only because they are confounding me).



Free lifehack: block the celebriry @D.Draker, make it news, get a gazillion of upvotes

from the the well-known "they"s, make it to the top of the "leaderboard".

So yeah, I'm starting to agree with this topic. 


The funniest thing - D.Draker never wrote them in the first place.

I don't want to steal someone else's idea, I think it was originally developed (patented?) by 

Vistapocalypse and/or NotHereToPlayGames. Now also used by legacysan and Mina8601.

Sadly, they seem to have rather boring life without me.


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