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Last versions of software for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008


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17 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

You have demonstrated over and over and over again on this forum that you can not take "constructive criticism".

You have the very unique ability to pick a fight with inanimate objects, so you can only imagine how you come across to those of us that are "animated".

You have the very unique ability to walk into an EMPTY ROOM and come out with blood on your knuckles.

Most of us here have just grown to "accept" it, you are who you are.

But so are we, we are who we are.

I hate the phrase, but I'll use it anyway - "it is what it is".

I'm sorry, I forgot what is it exactly that you develop here, at MSFN ? I mean, apart from the texts with oversimplifications and funny stories from your work at the factory.

And you don't miss any opportunity to bark at me, even when there's zero reason for you to do that, oh wait,

I forgot the "rep" farming, say something against Draker - get upvotes from the well-known couple.

You don't use Vista, why are you here ? You didn't even bother to write a couple of words on-topic. Maybe I need to report you, or you just leave me be ?

Now to another part - could you calm down yourself voluntarily, without the help of adults ?

Edited by D.Draker
Could you calm down yourself voluntarily, without pro help ?
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13 hours ago, Jaguarek62 said:

I can't believe what happened with this forum over time :( 

I remember myself discovering friendly place that helped me with my passion of using windows vista. Now it is full of hate comments and arguing over the most stupid stuff. Thanks to few mean people here.. :(

Sorry I had to express my feelings

Yes, you're absolutely right , they are mean for no reason , just out the blue. Thank you for your support !

It's good it's only a few of them, like you said. And they don't even use Vista !

Just in case you didn't notice - I ported Opera 96 on Chrome 110 to Vista,

it means you also have a chance to use it on your un-supported 8.1 OS in the future.


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5 hours ago, D.Draker said:

Thank you for your support !

Dear D.Draker, I count you as one of the most toxic people on this forum. How is it possible that you are in war with pretty much everyone? I no longer argued cause last 5 post you did interact with me you did not attack me directly and asked real question and discussed with me in general. But I meant YOU ruined the fun of using vista for me alongside with Dixel. (pretty sad about that)

Also, thanks for your effort, but I strongly dislike opera in general and I will use edge/chrome with --nosandbox or just switch to firefox.


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3 hours ago, Jaguarek62 said:

1 - Dear D.Draker, I count you as one of the most toxic people on this forum. How is it possible that you are in war with pretty much everyone? I no longer argued cause last 5 post you did interact with me you did not attack me directly and asked real question and discussed with me in general. But I meant YOU ruined the fun of using vista for me alongside with Dixel. (pretty sad about that)

2 - Also, thanks for your effort, but I strongly dislike opera in general and I will use edge/chrome with --nosandbox or just switch to firefox.


1 - I'm sorry, please remind me, what is it exactly that you develop here, at MSFN ? 

I mean, apart from the texts where you discuss and worship me as a celebrity.

I'm flattered, of course, but still would be good to read technical stuff at MSFN.


2 - Enjoy.

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2 hours ago, D.Draker said:

but still would be good to read technical stuff at MSFN.

You mean without the daily senseless bickering on actual technical topics and the meaningless wishful thinking and do-goodism  non-technical topics that permeated the board lately?

It was once like that, good times ...


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11 hours ago, jaclaz said:

You mean without the daily senseless bickering on actual technical topics and the meaningless wishful thinking and do-goodism  non-technical topics that permeated the board lately?

It was once like that, good times ...


Yes, jaclaz, exactly !  But we all know who they are and who always starts the insults, just enough to look at the last two pages here,

and the good times could be brought back very quckly. The question is, will they be ?

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21 hours ago, jaclaz said:

A most peculiar use of "they", interesting.


I don't find using "they" to be "most peculiar", when there are several users, it's simple arithmetics.

Especially considering this term wasn't even introduced by me here in the first place. Perhaps you hit reply to me by mistake ?

But then again, jaclaz, you always had a very delicate sense of humour, that I, being French, sometimes simply don't follow. 

"few mean people"


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4 hours ago, legacyfan said:

ive blocked him for good this time (please no more fighting @D.Draker)

Please stop tagging me for empy cases like this one and don't bombard my inbox. Looks very spammy, honesty.

Thank you.

EDIT: And why you blocked jaclaz, I don't understand. Anyways, it's not my concern, and I would like to stick to the topic, thanks.

Considering multiple re-edits of almost every post of yours, it's very hard to follow what you want or wanted to say.

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4 hours ago, jaclaz said:

blocked by legacyfan? :unsure:

Regarding this he may change his opinion like several times per day. He followed/unfollowed me like 3 times per day and I always get notified !

So yeah, you're right, "they" do seem to think it's twitter or smth. For now he won't able to see your question, even though he's online,

because looks like you're still blocked (and all of your content too, obvously) .

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