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USB_Format and UEFI_MULTI - Make Multi-Boot USB-Drive Format USB Drive with MBR and 2 Partitions = Active FAT32 + NTFS USB drive Booting with Windows Boot Manager Menu in BIOS or UEFI Mode UEFI_MULTI can make Boot entry for Windows 10/11 x64 in VHD as FILEDISK UEFI_MULTI can make Boot entry for PE WIM file for Booting from RAMDISK WinNTSetup can Add Windows 10/11 x64 VHD to Boot Manager Menu Manual: VHD_Compact PDF - Windows To Go Download: USB_Format and UEFI_MULTI and PE_Tools and Make_WinPE Best Performance: Switch AntiVirus Software e.g. Microsoft Defender Off ================================================================ Description for old version 6.3 Not supported anymore ..... USB Format Tool - Make Bootable USB Drive with MBR and 2 Partitions USB Multi-Boot of Linux ISO + Windows 10 VHD + Win10XPE in BIOS Or UEFI Secure mode 1 - Format USB Drive with MBR and 2 Partitions = Active FAT32 + NTFS 2 - UEFI_MULTI can Add VHD or PE WIM File Booting from RAMDISK 3 - Copy Linux ISO files to folder images on FAT32 - Boot UEFI Grub2 and BIOS Grub4dos 4 - USB drive Booting with Windows Boot Manager Menu in BIOS or UEFI Mode Download: USB Format Tool and UEFI_MULTI at wimb GitHub More Info: Install Windows 10 from USB after booting with WIM or VHD == Linux ISO Info: UEFI Secure boot support requires Format Drive using Grub2 as EFI Manager Copy and Rename your Linux ISO files to folder images on FAT32 USB Boot drive U-BOOT Supported filenames for Linux ISO in folder images are: linuxmint.iso and runtimelivecd.iso and knoppix.iso and ubuntu.iso and kali-linux.iso and Porteus.iso PassWord=toor Download: Linux-Mint and Knoppix-Live and Ubuntu and Porteus x86_64 and Kali 64-bit Live Booting Linux ISO files in images folder: UEFI mode - Linux Mint Grub2 booting with FAT32 file \EFI\Boot\BOOTx64.EFI and \Boot\grub\grub.cfg and grub_Linux.cfg Menu UEFI mode - Super UEFI Grub2 booting with FAT32 file \EFI\Boot\BOOTx64.EFI and \grub\grub.cfg and grub_Linux.cfg Menu MBR BIOS - a1ive Grub2 Boot Manager installed in MBR and booting with \grub\grub.cfg and grub_Linux.cfg Menu MBR BIOS - also available Grub4dos Menu booting with menu.lst and menu_Linux.lst Booting Linux ISO files in iso folder: UEFI mode - GRUB2 Live ISO Multiboot (glim) menu in folder \grub\glim\main.cfg and inc-linux.cfg files MBR BIOS - GRUB2 Live ISO Multiboot (glim) menu in folder \grub\glim\main.cfg and inc-linux.cfg files MBR BIOS - also available Grub4dos Menu booting with menu.lst and menu_Linux.lst In case UEFI Grub2 is not available as Boot option in your F8 Boot Menu then you need to use BOOTICE to Add UEFI entry. Unneeded for USB-Stick, but UEFI Grub2 boot entry is easily lost in case of Portable SSD. Select as UEFI Boot entry the Linux Mint Grub2 file \EFI\Boot\BOOTx64.EFI a1ive Grub2 File Manager Info: Not needed since booting straight with Linux ISO using Grub4dos in BIOS mode and Grub2 in UEFI mode is preferred. But if you prefer support of a1ive Grub2 File Manager - Download Addons at wimb GitHub Use R-mouse 7-zip menu to Extract here will Add the content of addon to existing folder and confirm Overwrites with yes In x64 program use Super EFI Manager as setting for support of a1ive Grub2 File Manager In this way the files of a1ive Grub2 File Manager and Super-UEFIinSecureBoot-Disk_minimal_v3 (more info) are Added to the USB Multi-Boot Drive How to Boot from USB with AIO Boot - USB_FORMAT - Format USB Drive with MBR and 2 Partitions = Active FAT32 + NTFS - Download AIOBoot-v0. - Unpack and Copy content of folder AIOBoot-v0.9.9.9 to USB FAT32 and overwrite existing UEFI Boot files - On USB run AIOCreator.exe - Select Integration Linux OS and your Linux ISO - UEFI_MULTI will Keep AIO UEFI files and Add a1ive Grub2 File Manager to AIO\grubfm and Add Boot Manager entry \AIO\grub\grub2win
Hello! I many times try run my usb wifi dongle in 9x, and now, after four years owning this device, i can say - it work! u can look on my screenshots: in this post i want say, how u can do it for our devices... post will periodically updating. ===== what need having for experiments: WDMEX from rloew. i am sorrry, but w/o this u need yourself implement one stupid function - NdisInitializeString. W/o this function driver RT2870.SYS (and many other drivers for 2k/xp) is just not starting - we see error code 2 or 10 in DM. So i assume, that u have implementation of NdisInitializeString. if so, can continue. one NdisInitializeString is not enuogh. driver req some other imports, which i can close old good WDMSTUB. after this, i check in debugger, that driver loaded w/o errors, and try using it with help Odyssey, but w/o good results. adapter was present in DM, but not present in Network Properties. then i try ME, and immediately get results! i connect to my router and can out in Internet. but on 98 it not work. Sweetlow say me, that support NDIS5 in 9x is poor, and recommend use NDIS3. i try, and all success. here i attach my work inf file for Ralink driver version date 27.Dec.2010. this driver work with Odyssey 4.52 and WPA2 AES. Most new version from official site can not connect... this inf req UR work. U MUST manually add into VID/PID for our device! DWA140.INF
I have a new Motorola phone running Android 14. I want to transfer files between it and my WinXP PC. My older phone, I just connect it via USB and it appears as a drive. This, the phone pops up asking what USB mode it should use, "File transfer" or "Photo and video transfer". But at the same time, Windows has popped up "Camera detected" and shows a camera in "My computer" and offers to connect it to Photoshop. No change regardless what I choose on the phone. Anyway to get it to be a drive? I did transfer files over wifi using Airdroid, but that is much slower than USB.
Topic Closed - Go direct to new description including Windows 10 / 11 x64 and Make_WinPE VHD_Compact - Repair and Install of Windows 10/11 x64 - Windows To Go Make_WinPE - Boot and Make PE WIM File from 10/11 x64 Windows ISO How to make USB Portable SSD booting with PE 10/11 x64 WIM file from RAMDISK and with Windows 10/11 x64 in VHD as FILEDISK Download: VHD_Compact PDF and PE_Tools and Make_WinPE ================================================================ Mini 10x64 in VHD created with Win_Reduce_Trusted Download: Win_Reduce_Trusted-40 and VHD_WIMBOOT Download: Portable VLC x64 vlc-3.0.12-win64.7z Or Portable Freeware and Firefox Portable and LibreOffice Manual: VHD_WIMBOOT.pdf 1. WinNTSetup - Fresh Install in 25 GB VHD using Win10x64 ISO from TechBench 2. VHD_WIMBOOT - Capture WimBoot LZX and Apply in Compact LZX mode in VHD 3. Mount VHD with doubble-click and use Win_Reduce_Trusted on Offline Windows - Reduce in 1 minute gives Mini 10x64 VHD UsedSize = 1.79 GB - Capture WimBoot LZX WIM = 1.19 GB and Apply Compact LZX in 3.9 GB VHD 4. Boot with 3.9 GB VHD - Always use the supplied Firewall App Blocker and Enable WhiteList to Allow Internet Browser only - This is the easiest way to block unwanted internet traffic including Windows Update and prevents the growth of Used Size inside VHD
Sadly, this came too late, but please try it. It's based on the same AMDXHC driver for Windows XP, but this required just a device check patch. Included are both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) drivers, plus the "switch" driver. - The AMDXHC driver is safe to use and easily installed. - Supports all Intel USB 3.1 XHCI controllers (7, 8, 9, 100, 200 and 300 series, maybe even HEDT chipsets). - "Switch" driver may be needed if you don't get USB3 speeds on Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and Haswell (*) systems (7, 8 and 9 series chipsets). To use this, I'd recommend a backup. Open Device Manager -> System Devices -> PCI Bus Update driver -> Browse my computer for driver software -> Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer Have Disk -> open the folder containing the HCSwitch driver files PCI Bus will be displayed, continue the installation. When finished, just restart Vista. (*) Haswell should work with Vista 32-bit (x86) only. The original Intel XHCI driver can be modded to work on Vista, but as this one works so fine, I don't have any plans to do it.
Topic Closed - Go direct to new description including Windows 10 / 11 x64 and Make_WinPE VHD_Compact - Repair and Install of Windows 10/11 x64 - Windows To Go Make_WinPE - Boot and Make PE WIM File from 10/11 x64 Windows ISO How to make USB Portable SSD booting with PE 10/11 x64 WIM file from RAMDISK and with Windows 10/11 x64 in VHD as FILEDISK Download: VHD_Compact PDF and PE_Tools and Make_WinPE ============================================================================== VHD_WIMBOOT - Apply and Capture of WIM Files for OS in VHD Download: at GitHub APPLY of WIM File in wimboot mode to VHD gives Operating System with only variable and boot essential files total about 1 GB in VHD. The VHD contains also pointers to the non variable files in the WIM archive, so that it seems that the complete OS is present in the VHD. The VHD content can be generated in 2 minutes from the WIM archive of about 9 GB, so that a backup of the system is always available. The VHD + WIM set can be copied to any drive so that we have a portable Operating System. The WIM file cannot be changed by viruses or other malware so that the system is reliable and if needed it is easy to generate new VHD. The VHD can boot as 25 GB FILEDISK from Portable SSD to allow changes, but also booting always Fresh from 3.9 GB RAMDISK is possible. VHD WIMBOOT has support for Office and Printer and any program can be installed, which is all not possible in case of WinPE In case of VHD WIMBOOT on each machine it takes extra boottime and space to adjust the drivers for that machine The VHD WIMBOOT solution is Portable, but not as flexible as Win10XPE, where boottime is not dependant on machine hardware Credits and Thanks to: Microsoft for making WIMBOOT - and synchronicity aka Eric Biggers for making wimlib - schtrom for making SVBus Virtual SCSI Host Adapter for GRUB4DOS - alacran for support and info - and JFX for making WinNTSetup to Install Windows 2k/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10 x86/x64 - Uwe Sieber for making ListUsbDrives - Pauly for making BOOTICE - available via and chenall, yaya, tinybit and Bean for making Grub4dos - Thanks to karyonix, alacran, Wonko the Sane, tinybit, yaya, chenall, cdob, JFX, steve6375, ReTokener, synchronicity, schtrom and Microsoft Development is described here - The program is released "as is" and is free for redistribution, use or changes as long as original author, credits part and link to this VHD_WIMBOOT support forum are clearly mentioned Author does not take any responsibility for use or misuse of the program.
Looked thru topics in here but none seemed to contain easy-to-apply solution, so posting. Just an hour ago one of my relatives deleted 3 rather important files from pendrive. The Device is one of the 2 GB craps they share here and there for advertising purposes, and it's like 8 years old stuff, ~600Mb of free space. Files to recover are measured in kilobytes. 'Deleter' was told to stop using pendrive just after the accident so these should be able to recover. I looked thru different reviews of free/shardeware/trial/will-install-you-tons-of-crapware recovery programs, downloaded one that seemed to be safe and tried my best. It has shown list of deleted files properly, but recovery returned only garbage files (they were saved to HDD JFYI). I have DMDE I have downloaded some time ago, but certainly I'm to lame to do the right thing within a reasonable time. Also, pendrive is used for sharing personal data and there is no way I will publicly share it's image. If someone can recommend some free software that contains no crapware and will do its job, I'll be pleased. Musn't be freeware in fact, 10-minutes trial should be enough. If this requires more work with low-level tools, I'm willing to cooperate.
Topic Closed - Go direct to new description including Windows 10 / 11 x64 and Make_WinPE VHD_Compact - Repair and Install of Windows 10/11 x64 - Windows To Go Make_WinPE - Boot and Make PE WIM File from 10/11 x64 Windows ISO How to make USB Portable SSD booting with PE 10/11 x64 WIM file from RAMDISK and with Windows 10/11 x64 in VHD as FILEDISK Download: VHD_Compact PDF and PE_Tools and Make_WinPE ================================================================================ Install of XP or Windows 7 from USB After Booting with 7 PE and by using WinNTSetup2_x86.exe and Setup ISO file in Virtual drive 0. Use BOOT_USB.exe to prepare USB or HDD drive for booting with Grub4dos Menu and using 7 PE Boot Image file - Info BOOT_USB - - Info Make_PE3 - 1. Boot from USB or HDD with 7 PE loaded in RAMDISK - use Grub4dos Boot Menu and 7pe_x86_E.iso Boot Image file 2. Use R-mouse to Mount Windows Setup ISO in ImDisk virtual drive - If needed first Install ImDisk driver by running imdiskinst.exe (also available in makebt folder) 3. Quick Format TargetDrive - use NTFS FileSystem 4. Run WinNTSetup2_x86.exe and prepare Target drive for Install of XP or Windows 7 Thanks to JFX - 5. Reboot from Target Drive and Install XP or Windows 7 Instead of 7 PE you can use any other way of booting that allows you to Format and prepare your Target Drive. You might decide e.g. to boot with Portable Windows XP IMG or with Windows 7 VHD from USB In any case you can use WinNTSetup2_x86.exe to prepare your Target drive for Install of XP or Windows 7 See Tutorial file XP-W7-Setup.txt in IMG_XP\Help_Info folder Info IMG_XP - Download - End of Support The advantage is that you never boot from USB during XP Setup and that makes everything much more reliable and you have full control of what you are doing. Also using a single XP Setup ISO file mounted in ImDisk Virtual drive is much more reliable than having a bunch of XP Setup files on USB. Transfer of the ISO file to USB is much faster and easier to maintain. Instead of USB-stick it is much better to use Portable 2.5 inch USB-harddisk e.g. Samsung S2 As easy to carry and connect, but much higher speed and more capacity. ================================================================================ old approach with useful info left here for reference *** Install from USB AFTER Booting with PE *** Install from USB without Booting from USB by using U_XP_SET ================================================================================ 0. Introduction Install of XP from USB involves: Boot in 30 seconds with LiveXP Boot Image from RAMDISK loaded in few seconds from HD (preferred) or from USB in 5 minutes Run USB_XP_Setup.exe and select and Quick Format your Target Drive on which you want to Install XP Select your XP Setup Source folder and LiveXP Boot Image file and use GO to prepare Target Drive for Install of XP Reboot Computer from Target Install Drive and Select XP Setup from boot.ini Menu Proceed as usual with TXT-mode and Reboot for GUI-mode of Unattended XP Setup To perform the above requires some preparation: Prepare XP Setup Source Folder and Live XP Boot Image file as described in Tutorial in Sections 2 and 3 Use Make_USB.exe so that your USB-stick or USB-Harddisk contains XP Setup Source folder and U_XP_SET folder and LiveXP Boot Image file Run BOOT_IMG.exe to Install LiveXP Boot Image file as boot option on C-BootDrive of Harddisk For blank HDD you need to create first an Active Primary NTFS partition: Use Make_USB.exe to make USB-stick having XP Setup Source and being bootable with LiveXP Use BOOT_IMG.exe to make USB-stick also bootable with Parted Magic 4.6 (See Section 6) After booting from USB-stick with Parted Magic from GRUB4DOS menu, you can create Primary NTFS partition using GParted Reboot from USB-stick with LiveXP PE and Set Active the created Primary NTFS partition using Disk Management In LiveXP you must fix the MBR of your HDD using MBRFix.exe (in makebt folder), since Parted Magic will not create the required MBR bootcode to make drive bootable If your HDD is drive 0 then in cmd window opened at makebt folder run: MbrFix /drive 0 fixmbr Run USB_XP_Setup.exe to Quick Format TargetDrive and prepare HDD for Install of XP Reboot from HDD for Install of XP and continue as usual with TXT and GUI mode of XP Setup (change BIOS settings to boot from HDD if needed) ================================================================================ 1. Install of XP using USB_XP_Setup.exe The package U_XP_SET contains Folder USB_XP_Setup with 3 Programs, which you can Launch via PStart.exe Menu Make_USB.exe can Copy your XP Source to USB-Drive and can make it Bootable with LiveXP for Emergency BOOT_IMG.exe Copies WinBuilder LiveXP Boot Image file to C-Harddisk or USB-Drive and makes Entry for boot.ini Menu and GRUB4DOS menu.lst for Booting with LiveXP PE from RAMDISK. This is useful as Escape Boot Option in case Booting with Windows XP or XP Setup may fail, so that you can Repair your System or use Ghost for System Backup and System Restore. USB_XP_Setup.exe can make XP Setup BootFolder $WIN_NT$.~BT on Install-Drive usually C: and will specify in TXTSETUP.SIF where to find the FULL XP Source on partition 1 of USB-Stick. For all other cases of Install of XP e.g. from any Harddisk folder or Network Shared folder or from CD / DVD disk, then the XP Source is always Copied to $WIN_NT$.~LS folder on Target Install-drive. Before you Start to Install XP: Prepare XP Source Folder and Live XP Boot Image File as described in Sections 2 and 3 Vista as OS requires to turn User Account Control OFF (only needed for the old Batch cmd Programs) Run the SFX SelfExtractor U_XP_SET.exe and use Extract to the Root of your Workstation Harddisk In this way you will get on your Local Harddisk the folder U_XP_SET with PStart.exe to launch the 3 Programs Copy Winbuilder\Workbench\Common\BootSDI\setupldr.bin and ramdisk.sys to USB_XP_Setup\makebt\srsp1 folder Run Make_USB.exe and Select and use as Target Drive a FAST USB-stick (e.g. Corsair Flash Voyager 4-8 GB) Use Format Stick button or HP Format Tool to format Target USB-stick with NTFS FileSystem (Fastest for FileCopy) Select your XP Source Folder and LiveXP Boot Image File and Enable Copy of U_XP_SET Folder to Make your USB-stick Run BOOT_IMG.exe to Copy WinBuilder LiveXP Boot Image file to C-BootDrive of Harddisk and make Entry for boot.ini Menu and GRUB4DOS menu.lst for Booting with LiveXP PE from RAMDISK. This is also useful as Escape Boot Option in case Booting with Windows XP or XP Setup may fail, so that you can Repair your System or use Ghost for System Backup and System Restore. The XP Setup Procedure for Fresh Install of XP: Connect USB-Stick having XP Source in partition 1 (Connect before Booting with LiveXP from HDD) or use any other XP Setup Source. Remove All Other USB-Drives like CardReaders and USB-Harddisks Reboot from C-Harddisk and Select to Boot from RAMDISK with LiveXP into PE Environment Run USB_XP_Setup.exe and Quick Format with NTFS your Selected Target Install-Drive usually C: Use GO to make XP Setup BootFolder $WIN_NT$.~BT on Target Install-Drive. First give XP Setup Source Path and give LiveXP RAM BootSDI IMAGE File. So in case when XP Setup fails, you have LiveXP as Escape Boot Option available on your Fresh Formatted Install Drive. XP Source not on USB-stick is always Copied to $WIN_NT$.~LS folder on Target Install-drive. If you Install on other than Active C-drive, then Use Disk Manager to Activate Install Drive Partition Reboot Computer from Install Drive and Select XP Setup from boot.ini Menu Proceed as usual with TXT-mode and GUI-mode of Unattended XP Setup In TXT-mode after FAST loading drivers the blue screen becomes black and then one needs to wait sufficiently until the blue screen with the Drive Partition List appears. Select the Install Partition usually C: and Auto proceed with FileCopy and Reboot for GUI-mode of XP Setup. WARNING Don't Delete the Install Partition, just Install on this previously in PE Quick Formatted NTFS Partition. Changing the Partitioning is a task which is done in LiveXP PE Environment with 7Tools Partition Manager 2005 of Paragon ( Preferred ) or Acronis Disk Director 10. The advantage of the present technique is that there are no changes needed in the BIOS Setting. Booting for XP Setup occurs all the time as normal from the C-Install Drive if you Install on C-Drive. Thus the USB-stick does not need to be bootable and it is not needed that the motherboard supports booting from USB. In the case of total computer disaster it can still be handy to boot with LiveXP from USB-drive. Another advantage is that you can use the FULL XP Source unchanged just as with Install from CD and the $OEM$ folder is recognised and the [unattended] section of winnt.sif file is used as normal. Moreover USB_XP_Setup.exe allows to Select from different XP Sources on USB-Drive to be used for XP Setup. Supports the use of BTS DriverPacks located in OEM Folder in XP Source Folder on USB-Drive Install XP from USB AFTER booting with PE does not make use of WINNT32.EXE In fact the only thing I do is Create the XP BootFolder $WIN_NT$.~BT of only 12 MB on the Install Drive by parsing dosnet.inf and to specify in TXTSETUP.SIF where to find the FULL XPSOURCE. In this case the XP Setup Source Folder must be on USB-stick. For all other cases of Install of XP e.g. from any Harddisk folder or Network Shared folder or from CD / DVD disk, then the XP Source is always Copied to $WIN_NT$.~LS folder on Target Install-drive. Thanks to ilko_t I have learned how to use SetupSourcePath and SetupSourceDevice to specify in TXTSETUP.SIF where to find the XP Source Folder, thus enabling Alternative location of Setup files when installing from HD media ================================================================================ TXT-mode XP Setup Error in case of Install of XP with Setup Source on USB-stick TXT-mode Setup Memory/CD-Error means harddisk nr in SetupSourceDevice is incorrect Solution: - ReBoot with LiveXP Boot Image from RAMDISK, Run PStart and run again USB_XP_Setup.exe - Now Select Copy XP Setup Source Folder to Target Drive folder $WIN_NT$.~LS - Reboot Computer from Install Drive and Select XP Setup from boot.ini Menu Possible causes of TXT-mode Setup Memory/CD-Error are: - Change of Harddisk Numbering by BIOS due to Hardware Configuration Change on Reboot. Try to disconnect ZIP-drive, Cardreader or use different USB-port. - Change of Harddisk Numbering by BIOS due to connecting USB-drive AFTER Booting with PE or XP XP Setup may fail - due to XP Source Harddisk Number Change on Reboot In this case Reboot with LiveXP PE and USB-drive CONNECTED to Reset Harddisk Number Run USB_XP_SETUP.cmd again to get correct SetupSourceDevice in TXTSETUP.SIF - Inconsistent Harddisk Numbering by BIOS caused by Incompatible type of USB-stick - Intuix 8 GB - Old BIOS versions, where harddisk number of USB-Drive and Install Drive are Reversed in TXT-Mode and GUI-Mode You can Use Disk Manager Manually to determine Harddisk Numbers and use Notepad to correct harddisk nr and XP SOURCE Folder in TXTSETUP.SIF [setupData] SetupSourcePath = "\XPPRO\" SetupSourceDevice = \device\harddisk1\partition1 In this case change file %instdrive%\txtsetup.sif and %instdrive%\$WIN_NT$.~BT\txtsetup.sif ================================================================================ How to boot with LiveXP from Harddisk using extra option in boot.ini Menu was described by me in Combining this technique with the possibility to make XP Setup BootFolder $WIN_NT$.~BT on C-Install-Drive by parsing dosnet.inf and to specify in TXTSETUP.SIF the XP Source location on USB-stick has resulted in this way of Install of XP from USB-stick AFTER booting with PE from C-Harddisk. In LiveXP you can Connect to Network Drive using PENetwork Manager with Path: \\ComputerName\ShareName User: ComputerName\UserName Pass: PassWord It might be necessary to switch off the Firewall of the Network computer. Network Shared Folders can also be used as Source folder in USB_XP_Setup.exe and Make_USB.exe For Install of XP in a folder e.g. WIN51 next to existing WINDOWS folder or for Repair Install you can use USB_XP_Setup.exe direct from HDD without booting first into PE Environment. Repair Install using USB_XP_Setup.exe XP Setup Source Folder can be on USB-stick or anywhere else. Connect USB-stick having XP Source in partition 1 Remove All Other USB-Drives like CardReaders and USB-Harddisks Reboot as NORMAL from C-Harddisk, so that BIOS Resets USB-drive number Run USB_XP_SETUP.exe to make XP Setup BootFolder $WIN_NT$.~BT on Install-Drive usually C: Repair Install is enabled by Disabling [unattended] Section using ; in C:\$WIN_NT$.~BT\winnt.sif file Reboot Computer from Install Drive usually C: and Select XP Setup from boot.ini Menu Select in TXT-mode Existing Windows for Repair and continue with GUI-mode of XP Setup ================================================================================ 2. XP-Source Preparation Take care that your XPSOURCE Folder is located on your Harddisk in a simple Path without SPACES. Copy the Content of your Windows XP Setup CD to your XPSOURCE Folder on Harddisk Slipstream ServicePack SP3 First Manually in your XP-SP2 Source (don't use here nLite). Siginet's RyanVM Integrator or nLite can then be used to Integrate Windows UpdatePacks in the XP-Source. Preferred is using RyanVM Integrator 1.6 - Or Alternatively use nLite to Integrate Windows UpdatePacks Windows XP UpdatePacks and Addons: Supports the use of BTS DriverPacks located in OEM Folder on USB-Drive For Install of XP on a modern system with SATA Drives it is needed to use DPsBase.exe for Integrating in your XPSOURCE BTS DriverPack Massstorage with TXT Mode Enabled. In that case a lot of Extra RAID SCSI and SATA Drivers (about 120 extra) are Integrated which appear in the XP Setup BootFolder $WIN_NT$.~BT on Install-Drive and can prevent a lot of XP Install Boot Problems. It will be useful to Add also Chipset, CPU and LAN DriverPack, which are small so that the decompression at the beginning of GUI-mode of XP Setup does NOT take to much time. Always first use RyanVM Integrator or nLite and then use DPsBase to Improve your XP-Source. The program supplies a Customised presetup.cmd and changes the winnt.sif file for use of DriverPacks. When you don't use nLite, you can copy the supplied $OEM$ folder to your XP Source folder. Change $OEM$ folder to your needs for UserAccounts and Registry Tweaks and Adding Drivers. CMDLINES.TXT is used for making UserAccounts and install of Registry Tweaks at T-12 Info see: PnP Drivers specified in winnt.sif can be added to $OEM$\$1\Drivers TEXTMODE Drivers defined in winnt.sif and located in $OEM$\TEXTMODE folder of the XP Source can be used instead of using F6 floppy for MassStorage Drivers. The content of the $OEM$\TEXTMODE folder is copied by USB_XP_Setup.exe to XP Setup BootFolder $WIN_NT$.~BT\$OEM$ See cdob and allanf in Smart Driver Backup 2.12 of Jaque is very useful to Backup your drivers before install of XP. The complete XP-Source can be copied by Make_USB.exe to USB-Drive. Computation of Estimated XP Folder Size is used to prevent USB-stick overflow and includes cmpnents + I386 + AMD64 + $OEM$ + OEM Folders. Excluding LANG and WIN98X Folders from Copy to USB is the Default Setting in Make_USB.exe Main Menu, which reduces the XP-Source on USB-Drive by 135 MB ================================================================================ 3. LiveXP Boot Image File Preparation Download LiveXP e.g. lx77rc2cxw.exe from folder Projects or lx77rc2cbw.exe from folder Portable Run the downloaded exe and extract to simple path without spaces e.g. extract to root of your local harddisk. You can add a Ghost script (Ghost Plus!.script) which is very handy for System Backup and Restore. Copy file Ghost Plus!.script from to <WinBuilder>\Projects\LiveXP\Apps\System folder For making LiveXP Boot Image file you need original XP-SP2 or XP-SP3 Setup CD copied to folder in root of harddisk. Use simple name without spaces for XP Setup Source folder and Switch Off your Firewall and AntiVirus protection. The MassStorage DriverPack for support of SATA drives is automatically integrated in LiveXP made with WinBuilder. In case of WinBuilder Errors use Button Clean Temporary Files in Advance. On Success Save WinBuilder Settings with WB Manager useful later for Restore of Settings. Run WinBuilder to make in 15 min your LiveXP_WIM.ISO or LiveXP_RAM.ISO Boot Image file in folder <WinBuilder>\ISO Alternatively you may use BootSDI.img file made in folder <WinBuilder>\ISO\Ram\I386 ramdisk.sys and setupldr.bin of Windows Server 2003 SP1 must be in <WinBuilder>\Workbench\Common\BootSDI directory. Activate Finish > Create Image > Boot SDI and Run WinBuilder. You can Deactivate Emulation and Burn Image, since we don't need a CD for our purpose. IMG-type files can be changed afterwards more easily by simply mounting them in Virtual Drive with R-mouse using ImDisk or with VDK. Run makebt\Mount_IMG.cmd and Select to Mount your BootSDI.img file in a Virtual Drive using VDK Copy your add-ons to your Virtual Drive in which you mounted BootSDI.img file Use UnMount_IMG.cmd to Close the Virtual Drive and Save the Changes in your BootSDI.img file FileName of IMG or ISO files for loading into RAMDISK, like LiveXP BootSDI.img file, must be conform DOS 8.3 because otherwise in case of FAT or FAT32 Filesystem you would get Error 14 (File Not Found). Tutorial of amalux on how to create LiveXP Boot Image files using WinBuilder ================================================================================ 4. Install of Drivers and Programs Automatic Install of Drivers during XP Setup 1. Using 7-Zip Compressed DriverPacks located in OEM Folder on USB-Drive, which are decompressed by presetup.cmd at beginning of GUI-mode of XP Setup. For Install of XP on a modern system with SATA Drives it is needed to use DPsBase.exe for Integrating in your XPSOURCE BTS DriverPack Massstorage with TXT Mode Enabled. In that case a lot of Extra RAID SCSI and SATA Drivers (about 120 extra) are Integrated which appear in the XP Setup BootFolder $WIN_NT$.~BT on Install-Drive and can prevent a lot of XP Install Boot Problems. First use RyanVM Integrator and then use DPsBase to Improve your XP-Source. The program supplies a Customised presetup.cmd and changes the winnt.sif file for use of DriverPacks. 2. Using DriverForge.v4.5.4.exe to Install from C:\Drivers at T-9 of GUI XP Setup (just for the last Reboot). DriverForge.v4.5.4.exe made by kickarse At end of TXT-mode XP Setup the folder $OEM$\$1\Drivers is copied to C:\Drivers and $OEM$\$1\Install\DriverForge.v4.5.4.exe is copied to C:\Install When you don't use nLite, you can Copy the supplied USB_XP_Setup\$OEM$ folder to your XP Source folder. For Auto Use of DriverForge at T-9 you can place uncompressed drivers (or folders) in Drivers of $OEM$ and then Uncomment two rules by removing ; in U_XP_SET\USB_XP_Setup\w_sif\winnt.sif file (see below). You can also change driverforge.ini to your needs if you want to use drivers on a different location, or you may even use the compressed DriverPacks. [setupParams] UserExecute = "%SystemDrive%\INSTALL\SetupPar.cmd" Method 2 can be very fast because you can just use in Drivers your well known set of required drivers. The ATI Catalyst Control Center can be Installed separately with other Apps After Setup has completed. Smart Driver Backup 2.12 of Jaque is very useful to Backup your drivers before install of XP. ================================================================================ Install of Programs After XP Setup has finished It is handy to use the Office Integrator of Siginet and benners to Integrate Service Packs and HotPacks before installing Office. Download Office Integrator v1.1 Build 16 The Folder usb_cfg_extra provides a script for Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI) - WPI is very handy for the Automatic Install of Programs after Install of XP from USB. Some Tweaks are done at best when XP Setup has completed e.g. the IE7_Tweaks and NoWallpaper So I combine these tweaks with the Install of Apps using WPI and launch WPI Manually AFTER logon and when the XP Desktop is ready. As example a config.js script is provided in U_XP_SET\USB_XP_Setup\usb_cfg_extra\INSTALL_PRGS_WPI\WPIScripts In WPI script there is the option to run SFC /purgecache which deletes the dll cache by deleting the files in Folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache This is a very simple way to reduce the WINDOWS Folder Size by 360 MB The Result is a XP WINDOWS Folder Size on Harddisk of only 900 MB inclusive all Updates. Install of XP from USB including Drivers with DriverForge and Post Install using WPI for the Apps is realised Now within 30 minutes using USB-stick with NTFS Format. ================================================================================ 5. Install Vista from USB Procedure for Install of Vista or Windows 7 from USB-stick Download and Extract U_XP_SET package making U_XP_SET folder on your Harddisk Launch PStart.exe in U_XP_SET folder Run BOOT_IMG.exe from PStart Menu to Install Windows PE 2.1 ISO as GRUB4DOS Boot Option in menu.lst Menu on Harddisk Boot Drive e.g. C:\ Reboot in 40 sec with Windows PE 2.1 ISO loaded by GRUB4DOS from HD into RAMDISK X: Run Vista Setup from folder on USB-stick by using e.g. Free Commander in PE 2.1 Environment Select and Format your Install Drive e.g. C:\ Proceed with Install of Vista from USB (Copy + Extract) Disconnect USB-stick precisely at First Reboot (just at the BIOS Beep when the screen is black). Without Removal there is 10 min Extra Install time. Proceed with Install of Vista - Totally in about 18 min The present approach is Install of Vista from USB without booting from USB. So you don't need BIOS USB Boot Support and you don't need to change BIOS Settings. Moreover, Vista Setup Source can be located in a folder on USB-stick so that it does not interfere with other Setup Sources like folders with Vista x64 or Windows 7 Setup Source. Thanks to jaclaz for Help with GRUB4DOS menu to boot with Windows PE 2.1 ISO file. Thanks to allanf for making WinBuilder Project to make Windows PE 2.1 ISO having GUI interface Download WAIK 1.1 Vista SP1 from;displaylang=en Booting in 40 sec with pe21.iso loaded by GRUB4DOS from HD into RAMDISK X: allows then to Launch Vista or Windows 7 Setup.exe from folder on USB-stick. Instead of Windows PE 2.1 we can also use VistaPE ISO, but booting with VistaPE will take several minutes. ================================================================================ Windows PE 3.0 ISO Boot Image With PStart Menu for Portable Programs Universal PE Booting from RAMDISK for Rescue and Install of XP or Windows 7 ================================================================================ Making Windows PE 3.0 ISO using AIK for Windows 7 Requirements The Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK) for Windows 7 WLAN HotFix file Installed Windows 7 to supply files to improve Windows PE 3.0 Program Make_PE3.cmd to make in 2 min your pe3.iso Boot Image in folder C:\winpe3_x86 Step 1. The Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK) for Windows 7 Download KB3AIK_EN.iso from HERE Use ImgBurn or Nero to Burn the ISO Image on DVD Install Windows AIK according to: In case of Windows 7 Set User Account Control Off or use R-mouse Menu to Run as Administrator Run STARTCD.EXE from the AIK DVD In case of XP as OS - Install .NET Framework 2.0 In case of XP as OS - Install MSXML 6.0 Install Windows AIK Download WLAN HotFix from Extract the HotFix to get file Copy your HotFix file to folder WinPE_OCs made in Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86 folder. C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\WinPE_OCs\ Step 2. Get Program Make_PE3.cmd to make pe3.iso Download - End of Support Run the SFX SelfExtractor Make_PE3.exe and use Extract to the Root of your Workstation Harddisk. The folder Make_PE3\PE3_mod contains file WIN7_Files.txt and 4 folders: PE3_add - Add your extra non-driver files in subfolder x86 structured as in Windows PE 3.0 PE3_reg - x86 subfolder contains 3 predefined Registry files with Windows 7 settings to improve the Registry of Windows PE 3.0 WIN7_add - Files needed from Installed Windows 7 are collected by the program in subfolder x86 WIN7_drivers - Add your Driver files e.g. for WLAN in folder x86 (recurse scanning allows subfolders with driver files) The actual filelist used by the program to get files is the generated WIN7_add_files.txt copy in folder WIN7_add\x86 In case of 64-bits Operating System then everywhere folder amd64 is used instead of x86 so that 64-bits can have its own list of files. For 64-bits Operating System you have to make similar registry files from your own Windows 7 Registry. Step 3. Run Make_PE3.cmd as Administrator to Create Windows PE 3.0 ISO pe3.iso of about 155 MB has been created in 2 minutes in folder C:\winpe3_x86 Working Directory Folder C:\winpe3_x86 is Created if it does not exist. File winpe.wim remains unchanged and is copied as file boot.wim to folder C:\winpe3_x86\ISO\sources The boot.wim file is mounted by imagex.exe in folder C:\winpe3_x86\mount Files from WIN7_add\x86 and PE3_add\x86 are added to mount by xcopy.exe, Packages and Drivers are added by Dism.exe The PE3 SYSTEM and SOFTWARE Registry files are improved with Windows 7 Settings using reg import Then imagex.exe will Unmount and Commit changes in boot.wim And finally oscdimg.exe will create the pe3.iso file in folder C:\winpe3_x86 Folders WIN7_add\x86 and AIK_Tools are generated and stay ready for future use. WARNING: In Windows 7 OS not using as Administrator results in Errors, because using imagex.exe reg.exe and dism.exe is Not allowed by User Account Control. If you made this mistake, you need before the next run to empty folder C:\winpe3_x86\mount Step 4. Install pe3.iso as GRUB4DOS boot option on HDD or USB Use BOOT_IMG.exe to Install pe3.iso of about 155 MB as GRUB4DOS boot option on HDD or USB Copy folder PStart or U_XP_SET to Root of HDD or USB drive to provide PStart Menu for portable programs. Download ppApps_Base!.exe from amalux for a nice collection of Portable Programs. Add additional Portable Programs to folder Progs in folder PStart. Use PStart > Edit > Add file to modify PStart Menu. GRUB4DOS menu.lst entry title Boot pe3.iso - ISOfind --set-root --ignore-floppies /pe3.isomap /pe3.iso (0xff)map --hookroot (0xff)chainloader (0xff)/BOOTMGR Step 5. Reboot with pe3.iso from GRUB4DOS Menu on HDD or USB Boot with 155 MB pe3.iso in 30 sec from HDD or in 4 min from USB-stick. Use MultiRes from PStart PE3 System Menu to adjust the Screen Resolution to 1024 x 768 pixels Using ImDisk Install allows to use mounting e.g. XP Setup ISO in a in a Virtual Drive If desired, Run CmdHere to add Command Prompt Hereto the R-mouse context menu. Step 6. Install of XP or Windows 7 AFTER booting with pe3.iso If your XP Setup Source is an ISO file, then first install ImDisk driver so that you can mount the ISO in a virtual drive. Use PStart > Edit > Add file to select imdiskinst.exe from U_XP_SET\USB_XP_Setup\makebt folder and Run to install ImDisk driver. Then Launch Notepad from cmd window or from PStart Menu. In Notepad Select File > Open to get the FileSelector which can be used as File Browser for All Files. Then with R-mouse on the ISO file you can use the ImDisk context menu to mount the ISO in a Virtual Drive. If your Setup Source is a folder on HDD or USB or a CD/DVD drive then you don't need to use ImDisk. Launch USB_XP_Setup.exe from PStart Menu to prepare your Target drive for Install of XP. Info USB_XP_Setup.exe of U_XP_SET package Launch NT6.X fast installer from PStart Menu to prepare your Target drive for Install of Windows 7. Info NT6.X fast installer of fujianabc Mounting XPSETUP.ISO in ImDisk Virtual Drive = = Windows PE 3.0 with PStart Menu for Portable Programs and having Browse for Folder Support = = Windows PE 3.0 with Partition Manager and Internet - Opera Portable and PENetwork.exe = = Windows PE 3.0 with PStart Menu for PE3 System and for Portable Programs = = ================================================================================ 6. MultiBoot USB-drives prepared with Make_USB.exe CD / DVD Content can be copied unchanged to Root of USB-stick by using the Add Extra Content Selector. This allows to use a well-tuned CD / DVD as Setup Source including Apps for Install of XP from USB. In this case you must Uncheck the Copy Checkbox of XP Setup Source Folder Selection so that this XP Source Selection is only used to have access to the XP BootFiles NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM and is NOT used as normal to Copy the XP Source to a Folder on Target Drive. Support for Ultimate Boot CD - UBCD ISO booting via boot.ini Menu from GRUB4DOS menu.lst Menu See Info of Icecube given in U_XP_SET\USB_XP_Setup\usb_cfg_extra folder. UBCD 5 - Support for LiveXP minint was added to the BartPE group of Make_USB.exe Autodetect of modified when placed in U_XP_SET\USB_XP_Setup\makebt folder Support for VistaPE on MultiBoot USB-stick was made, where you can use the Vista Add Extra Source Selector to Select your VistaPE\Target\VistaPE-Core Folder. VistaPE - BOOT_IMG.exe can be used to Add Multiple BartPE type IMG or ISO files. LiveXP - BootSDI.img or BartPE.iso booting from RAMDISK must contain I386\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\RAMDISK.SYS file of Windows 2003 SP1 In that case Win2k3 SP1 setupldr.bin is renamed as RMLD1 and patched for ramx1.sif file with the SetupData instead of winnt.sif The index in RMLDx can range from 1-9 for support of 9 different LiveXP Boot Image Files. BOOT_IMG.exe can be used to Add Multiple CD-ISO Images as Boot Option to GRUB4DOS menu.lst Menu, where mapping of the ISO image to (hd32) or (0xff) is used. VistaPE and Windows PE 2.1 ISO are booting from RAMDISK this way. Other CD-ISO images when Installed on HD are copied first to RAM using the --mem option, so that Harddisk operations are allowed. In the case of Removable USB-stick the --mem option is NOT used in order to gain speed in all cases. Then the CD-ISO Files need to be contiguous (unfragmented), check and repair with wincontig: Parted Magic 4.0 of Patrick Verner and Icecube is a handy Partition Manager. Parted Magic can be booted with grub4dos iso emulation. Download from Use latest BOOT_IMG.exe to Install pmagic-4.0.iso as GRUB4DOS Boot Option in menu.lst on your Harddisk or USB-stick. menu.lst title Boot pmagic-4.0.iso - ISO from RAMfind --set-root --ignore-floppies /pmagic-4.0.isomap --mem /pmagic-4.0.iso (0xff)map --hookroot (0xff)chainloader (0xff) After Booting with Parted Magic ISO from GRUB4DOS menu.lst on Harddisk, you can use GParted to change the partioning of your USB-stick e.g. to Create a second partition. In a similar way Booting from HD with LiveXP BootSDI.img into RAMDISK allows to use Acronis Disk Director 10 to create multiple partitions on USB-stick, without any need to use a filter driver as needed in regular Windows XP. Guides on How to Make MultiBoot USB Drives: Make_USB.exe is used to make MultiBoot USB-sticks having NTLDR-type bootsector and boot.ini Menu plus GRUB4DOS menu.lst Menu. NTLDR + NTDETECT.COM and boot.ini are copied to the root of an USB-stick previously NTFS formatted with Format Stick procedure, so that it is configured as a Harddisk having NTLDR-type BootSector. BOOTMGR-type Bootsector made by Vista Disk Management will be changed to the compatible NTLDR-type Bootsector. This is the way to make Bootable USB-stick with boot.ini Menu, where GRUB4DOS grldr can be launched from boot.ini Menu. Booting is as: MBR > BootSector > NTLDR > boot.ini > grldr > menu.lst The Bootsector refers to NTLDR file in Root of USB-stick or Harddisk Windows XP can be launched from any primary partition of any harddisk using arcpath in boot.ini Menu. Windows Vista can be launched from any harddisk using chainload of bootmgr in menu.lst Menu of GRUB4DOS. Make_USB.exe can also be used to Install LiveXP BootSDI.img as Boot option on e.g. 30 GB USB Harddisk Primary partition, previously Formatted with NTFS FileSystem using Windows XP or Vista Disk Management. Guide for MultiBoot USB-stick with boot.ini Menu Important Info on making MultiBoot USB-drives was given by diddy in 2 Guides: Guide for Multi-booting from a USB Drive Multiboot Usb (pe, Linux And Dos), Using Syslinux, GRUB4DOS and/or multiple partitions Grub4dos Guide More Info on Booting with GRUB4DOS grldr with menu.lst Menu grub4dos, .iso images and (hd32) or (0xFF) mapping Install of Grub4dos MBR BootCode is used to make Bootable USB-sticks without the need of having XP Setup Source. Booting is as: MBR > grldr > menu.lst In this case Grub4dos grldr BootLoader can e.g. direct Boot CD ISO or DOS floppy images or chainload BOOTMGR of Vista or Windows 7 Setup Source. = = ================================================================================ Format Stick using Make_USB.exe An AutoIt3 Routine was created to Format USB-sticks with a Harddisk like structure and NTFS/FAT32/FAT FileSystem. It can be used in Make_USB.exe with the Format Stick Button instead of using the HP Format Tool. First 100 Sectors of USB-stick are erased quickly using dsfi.exe and file Erase_100.bin MBR BootCode is obtained from XP file dmadmin.exe just as in MBRBatch.cmd made by jaclaz Partition Table entry is constructed from the USB-stick CHS geometry as derived from MBRWiz.exe /list Partition is ending on Cylinder boundary to improve bootability as compared to HP Format Tool, which would give a CHS-LBA unbalanced partition. CHS Knockout Patches and Dummy Second Partition are user selectable options to improve USB-stick bootability CHS Knockout Patches can be applied to XP-MBR BootCode (HP Patch) and to FAT32 or NTFS BootSector to improve bootability as described by Clemens Fruhwirth and tested by cdob to be useful. Apply HP Patch to USB-stick XP-MBR Code for CHS Knock-out Change at offset 0xCA 3 bytes - 0xB8 0x01 0x02 --> patched to 0xEB 0x1A 0x90 Apply 4x NOP Patch to FAT32 and NTFS BootSector for CHS Knock-out FAT32 boot sector ("MSDOS5.0" found at offset 0x03) : Change at offset 0xE6 - 4 bytes - 0x0F 0x82 0x4A 0x00 --> patched to 0x90 0x90 0x90 0x90 NTFS boot sector ("NTFS" found at offset 0x03) : Change at offset 0xD9 - 4 bytes - 0x0F 0x82 0x3A 0x00 --> patched to 0x90 0x90 0x90 0x90 USB-sticks with Dummy Second Partition of about 8 MB (using 1 Cyl in case of n/255/63 geometry) can be generated to further improve bootability as described by online The Format Stick routine was further improved for FAT and FAT32 FileSystem, by patching after Format two important bytes which determine bootability of USB-stick. MBR - Reset FAT FileSystem byte = 0E (LBA) at offset 0x1C2 in MBR, after format it was 06 (CHS) and not bootable FAT BootSector - drive-id patch 0x80 at offset 0x24 , after format it was 00 and Not bootable MBR - Reset FAT32 FileSystem byte = 0C (LBA) at offset 0x1C2 in MBR, after format it was 0B (CHS) and Not bootable FAT32 Bootsector - drive-id patch 0x80 at offset 0x40 , after format it was 00 and Not bootable FAT and FAT32 USB-stick are NOT bootable without patching these two critical bytes, and flashing cursor or Disk Error would be the result. The problem is that Windows OS all the time tries to reset these bytes to NON-bootable value. But this problem was overcome in the present procedure. ================================================================================ 7. Make_IMG.exe - Make and Install Boot Image File - Type IMG or ISO Supported are: Make and Install 15 MB FreeDOS FAT12 Superfloppy IMG file from Source Folder containing kernel.sys Make and Install 25 MB MS-DOS FAT16 Superfloppy IMG file from Source Folder containing IO.SYS Make and Install 15 MB XP Recovery Console FAT12 IMG file Booting from RAMDISK and made from Windows XP Setup Source Make and Install LiveXP / BartPE / UBCD4Win ISO or NTFS Compressed IMG Files Booting from RAMDISK (max 500 MB) Install WinPE 2.1 or VistaPE ISO files Booting from RAMDISK Install CD-ISO file e.g. ubcd50b12.iso or pmagic-4.0.iso or LiveXP_RAM.iso as boot option in GRUB4DOS menu.lst Menu Images are made from a Virtual Drive by using ImDisk virtual disk driver of Olof Lagerkvist For using Make_IMG.exe it needs to install previously the ImDisk Driver with U_XP_SET\USB_XP_Setup\makebt\imdiskinst.exe You will find the Image files made with Make_IMG.exe in U_XP_SET\USB_XP_Setup\makebt\make_image folder. For the XP Recovery Console a 15 MB FAT12 Superfloppy Image file is made, where the cmdcons folder is generated by parsing dosnet.inf of the Windows XP Setup Source. Then cmdcons folder is renamed as i386 and ramdisk.sys of win2k3 is added instead of the original one. In root of bootdrive we have setupldr.bin of win2k3 renamed as the bootloader RCLDR, which is patched for using rcons.sif as setup information instead of winnt.sif to allow MultiBoot Environment. More Info: I would like to thank jaclaz for making use of his CATCH22 folder. Adding the CATCH22 folder to the root of any HD-like device allows to use Recovery Console Superfloppy Boot Image without using admin password and to get unlimited access to any folder by connecting to CATCH22 instead of to WINDOWS folder and then using the command: batch SETALLON For the LiveXP / BartPE / UBCD4Win ISO or NTFS Compressed IMG Files Booting from RAMDISK, it is possible to migrate USB-stick to DriveLetter U: so that Shifting of other Drive Letters is prevented. In root of boot drive we have Win2k3 SP1 setupldr.bin renamed as RMLD1 and patched for ramx1.sif file with the SetupData instead of winnt.sif The index in RMLDx can range from 1-9 for support of 9 different LiveXP Boot Image Files. Install of Boot Image files is possble on Harddisk Boot Drive C: or on Bootable USB-stick made e.g. with Make_USB.exe by making boot entries in GRUB4DOS menu.lst Menu and in some cases in XP boot.ini Menu as well. The program will recognize the type of image and will generate the corresponding GRUB4DOS entry in menu.lst The DOS Superfloppy Images including DOS-Apps are booting from RAM, which allows to boot with DOS from a NTFS Harddisk. FreeDOS Superfloppy file BTFRDOS.img is in folder Downloads - GRUB4DOS is updated to the latest version grub4dos-0.4.4-2009-06-11 which is also essential for booting the DOS Superfloppy Images using the generated menu.lst entries. More Info on GRUB4DOS Menu entries for various types of Image files: = = ================================================================================ Summary After preparing your USB-stick with Make_USB.exe we have two cases, each of them needs Booting from HD into RAMDISK with a compatible PE Boot Image. Install of XP needs Booting with LiveXP - IMG allowing to format Install Drive with NTLDR type BootSector. Install of Vista and Windows 7 need Booting with Windows PE 2 - ISO allowing to format Install Drive with BOOTMGR type BootSector. Procedure - Install XP from USB-stick Connect USB-stick and Run BOOT_IMG.exe Install LiveXP IMG in boot.ini / GRUB4DOS Menu on Harddisk HD Boot LiveXP into Ramdisk - Quick Format and Run USB_XP_Setup.exe HD Reboot and Select XP Setup from boot.ini Menu Keep USB-stick Connected Until AFTER Logon XP Procedure - Install Vista or Windows 7 from USB-stick Run BOOT_IMG.exe Install Windows PE 2 ISO in GRUB4DOS Menu on Harddisk HD Boot Windows PE 2 into Ramdisk - Start Vista Setup from USB Precisely on First Reboot - Remove USB-stick The present approach is Install from USB without booting from USB. So you don't need BIOS USB Boot Support and you don't need to change BIOS Settings. Moreover, Unchanged Setup Sources can be used and can be located in a folder on USB-stick so that they do not interfere with eachother. ================================================================================ LiveXP + U_XP_SET = = Credits: I would like to thank ilko_t for publishing his AutoIt3 Source of WinSetupFromUSB_0-1-1.au3 at MSFN Forum Parts of WinSetupFromUSB were used for Creating Make_USB.exe ================================================================================ From Tutorial at BootLand: The original topic was started on July 29, 2008 and was closed at January 4, 2010 because it was often inaccessible due to overload (nr of pageviews was 132.698) ================================================================================
I've noticed that if I install Windows 10 (Home or Pro) from a USB stick (presumably works with DVD too) that it will install a recovery partition on the target computer, but if install via PXE network share it will not install a recovery partition Does anyone know how to enable recovery creation as part of the install process? I've been using the April 2018 ISO downloaded via the Windows USB Install utility, The process for installing via pxe is simply a batch script auto mounts windows share on server cd's into the windows 10 setup folder and runs the setup.exe with no parameters. the WinPE that is booted to run the setup is the original boot.wim from the Windows 10 Setup ISO I've looked to see if there is a commandline parameter for installing the recovery partition but couldn't see one.
Hi all, I want to create bootable live Windows PE on usb stick. I want to create it from Windows 10 installation i have. I wonder, how can i achive that? Any instructions? Thanks, Rami
- windows 10
- Windows PE
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Since the main thread was locked i ask it here: There is patch from KB959765: rndismp.sys and rndismpx.sys, which are RNDIS port drivers for USB minidrivers usb8023.sys and usb8023x.sys But they aren't in tables of main thread. Can anybody point me why?
I've run into a question that I can't really find any good answers on. It kind of runs across different topics 1. I'm looking for things on how to make a USB drive bootable for things like DOS/98/Me/XP, but I'm finding a lot more about rigging up install disks for Windows 7, 8.1, and nothing much more than automated "format" programs. One thing I need to pick up...but however... 2. I already have some custom boot discs in storage I made from when I transitioned things from floppy to CD that I'd like to pull out and preserve... then 3. There's this whole disk image format that I see in some of the VMs... So, how do I proceed on this in order to back up my boot CDs and then be able to use them in such a way that I can install things onto a VM or straight boot from them off of USB drive? Also, is there anything else that I haven't thought of?
Hello. I'm looking for some information about deploying a custom sysprepped image of windows xp via USB. I know this OS is old but it's still used quite a bit in businesses some legacy apps don't play well with windows 7. I'm ok with installing the reference image, configuring the software and creating the answer file. What i'm wondering about are the steps that come after that. What do I do then? I know for windows 7 i captured install.wim and replaced this on the install media sources directory. But what about windows xp? I've not seen any .wim files on the install media. I've seen a bit of software available for installing windows xp from usb. But I want a fully updated pre-configured sysprepped xp sp3 with all the latest lan/wlan drives. I know how to inject these drivers to the image already. But how do i get a fully installed/configured windows xp back to winxp.iso with all my customizations? is it possible? Please can someone assist me with the next steps. Thanks.
I seem to be unable to create a "fully" working multiboot/install DVD using the "Create Windows 98/ME/NT/2K/XP/2003 all in one installation DVD" I replaced Windows 2003 with Windows 95 (Version C) as I planned to put 2003 on a different DVD with newer versions of windows on it. When I try booting any of the disk I put on there they show an error about not being able to find the setup/installation files. For some reason Win 95 - ME will still work if I type "setup" (D:\WinME\setup for Windows ME installer) and continue normally. Windows NT 4.0 doesn't boot at all and when I attempt editing the iso and add the I386 for WinNT to the root folder it will boot but BSDO when setup starts. Windows 2000 and XP both boot but fail to start at all giving me a "insert Win 2000/XP disk into drive A:" error and I can't find a way to fix that at all. I use UltraEdit (Version and Oracle VirtualBox (Version 4.3.30 r 10610 64-Bit) on Windows 10 Tech Preview 64-Bit (Build 10270) to build/test the ISO. Message me for images/files if you need them. If anyone has any ideas please help or suggest another method of combining these disk to a DVD Iso or USB drive. Guide I used: Link to images of the errors/iso: P.S.: If I posted this to the wrong forum section, just feel free to tell me where it should be or move it there if possible.
Hi, I am trying to understand the usb support or non-support problem of Win95. The usb support files of OSR 2.5 extent Win95 with several files and especially with the NTKERN.VXD which include the usb wdm stack, I think. Inside that file there are some strings which points to HAL.DLL and ntoskrnl.exe. I believe that this two files are inline of NTKERN.VXD, could this be right and how will these two files used by the other driver files like usbd.sys? Sadly, I couldn't find any tools like 'Dependency Walker' or 'PE Explorer' for files in LE format to analyze vxd files. Perhaps someone can help me.
- 14 replies
- Windows 95
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This problem has been making me rip my hair out in large clumps... and I've reformatted this ****ing thing about 17 times in one night solid. Whenever I install Windows 98SE, install DirectX 9.0c, and then the Unofficial Service Pack 3 and reboot, things seem to be fine, however some USB Devices won't work until I install the USB 2.0 stack (from USBStack.exe that U98SESP3 puts into /windows/system/). But now, the problem is, once I install that, and reboot, my Windows 98 hangs on boot if there are any USB Devices plugged in. If I leave them unplugged, it boots fine. Once I plug everything back in, I get an NTKERN.VXD error, and the devices still do not work. I fixed the NTKERN.VXD error by copying NTKERN.VXD from /VMM32 into /System, however, the hang on boot is still there. I have no way of uninstalling the USB2.0 Stack from Add/Remove Programs, and I have no clue how to solve my current problems. I think I might have f***ed up too by not deleting the right files/infs before installing USBStack.exe. I want to get rid of the thing entirely and fix this problem, and perhaps install NUSB instead, but I don't know where I should begin. *sigh* I'm really getting p***ed off and stressed with this thing. I've already spent an entire week trying to figure this out... time wasted when I could be actually using a functional system and doing something productive. Is there anyone out there who can help me sort this problem out?
I'd like to apologise if this has been asked before, but I searched and didn't find the answer I was looking for. In 1.2, the Windows 7 "setup folder" method of creating a USB installer seems to be missing (a previous beta version had that feature where you can point to a directory containing Windows 7 setup files/directories). Is that no longer supported in favor of ISO to USB or are there steps I am not aware of in creating a Windows Setup using a source from a directory? Please advise, thank you.
Hello everyone, I have Toshiba laptop with preinstalled Windows 7 on it, and was recently trying to install XP S3 on it instead. I don't know how many hour I have spent on this installation since I always seem to run into new error/problem just after I get rid of previous one. I've managed to add all needed drivers to istallation using nLite and finally everything was running smoothely untill i was asked to format partition so XP can be installed on it, but my problem is that it don't matter if i choose NTFS or NTFS (fast) formatting, it gets stuck right after start with following information: I've tried using advanced option in nLite, Minimal memory requiment, but it didn't change anything. Also adding: into [Data] section in WINNT.sif file doesn' work either. Does anyone know possible solution for this situation? Thanks for your time.
Hello, do you know if there are monitors (not TV, due to taxes in my country) capable of playing videos directly from an usb stick or an SD card, without a pc? I'd like to create a playlist to loop in my office. Thanks!
Hi everyone! I´ve been stuck with this problem for more than a year trying to run an Autoit program within the WPI program Please help me to get some mind relief, here`s the line Run ("F:\Install\ENCHULAR\WMASTERPRO\WallpaperMasterProV1.51.exe") the problem is that WPI in not always the letter drive F where the WPI is located. So how can get around this problem? Any help is aprreciated!
Install Win98SE from an ISO on a USB Multiboot Flash drive
steve6375 posted a topic in Windows 9x/ME
Hope you find this useful... An easy2boot USB drive will boot most linux ISO files just by copying over the linux iveCD ISO files. To add a Win98SE Install ISO, you need to delete all unnecessary folders and rename the ISO file to have the .isoDOS01 file extension. You can then boot directly from the USB drive and choose the Win98SE ISO from the menu. For more details see here. The same principle should work for most DOS-based Install ISOs (as long as you keep the files numbers down by pruning!). -
Hello! There are many similar topics regarding Windows 8 deployment... I tried to google and check out as many as I could. Wasn able to solve my issue though. I'm writing here, hoping that someone might be able to help me out. I am trying to deploy Windows 8 put problems with starting it. I have new Samsung laptop, where I have installed Windows 8 Pro. Iinstalled programs, created user-accounts etc.Then I bootel laptop from USB WinPE media and captured C:\ drive as a *.WIM file. So far everyting OK. I got second laptop (same model). Booted it also from Winpe USB media and used Diskpart to clean-create partition and format it as NTFS. I created just this one partition. On that partition I applyed the wery-same image that I previously created. Image was applyed and then started problems. --> bcdboot c:\windows is not working. --> Failure when attemting to copy boot files. --> I also tried bcdboot c:\windows /s c: --> Boot files successfully created. But after this OS isnt booting, still. Anyway, this is where I got stuck. Please help me out.