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Everything posted by Dave-H

  1. I don't really know what to say! I'm amazed that any prospect of getting Windows 98 Update working again is remotely possible, I would have thought that Microsoft would have deleted all the necessary files from their servers years ago, but if it is still possible, then great! Mind you, I never thought that Microsoft Update would ever work again on Windows XP, but it can be made to do so, and it does!
  2. Much better! I keep meaning to ask you, why do the filenames of Configure PopMenu.exe, and Setup Min2Tray.exe have spaces in them, but the others don't? Not a problem of course, just wondering if there was a reason for that!
  3. Certainly OpenLANSet.exe and CloseLANSet.exe aren't much liked by the scanners!
  4. As I said earlier, the thing which some scanners might think is suspicious behaviour is the opening and closing of the IE Proxy Settings function. If you left that out temporarily, if that's possible, it would be interesting to see if you got a different result.
  5. I wish I knew, I've never used VirusTotal before, but I guess they somehow run the file past many different scanners which they might be scanned by if they're downloaded and executed. There are obviously only a minority of scanners there which show a negative result, and I wonder just how many files are deemed to be completely clean! It could be a fundamental problem with batch files being called by the executables, I would guess that batch files are perhaps considered to be intrinsically vulnerable, but I'm only guessing here. What you can do about it, well I'm afraid I have no idea, this is outside my knowledge I'm afraid,
  6. This is what I'm seeing. I assume you meant configure popmenu.exe, not configure proxy.exe, which doesn't seem to exist.
  7. As a test, I extracted your files to a temporary folder, and scanned the folder with Malwarebytes. As you can see, it was suspicious about closelanset.exe. Quite why it would be suspicious of that I'm not sure, but I guess it considers opening Windows Control Panel applets to be suspicious behaviour, which is perhaps fair enough! Why it didn't also flag openlanset.exe is a mystery though if that's the case! Stranger still, if I scan the folder containing the actually working versions of the files, it finds absolutely nothing wrong at all, even when I then scan just the closelanset.exe file!
  8. No ideas to offer I'm afraid, this is not something that I have any knowledge about, but FWIW none of the versions of your programs I've used triggered any warnings for me. I'm using Malwarebytes premium, which has real-time scanning.
  9. Back away from antagonistic political discussion please guys. That is not allowed here. Rule 2b. Topics devoted to political or religious debate, unless technology related, are prohibited. MSFN is a technology forum and both political and religious debates have caused many problems and distractions in the past. Political or religious links in signatures or polite, courteous comments in non-political or non-religious topics are allowed, but we cannot allow any topics in which the sole purpose is to debate political or religious issues.
  10. Ah, understood! I'm sure you're right, and of course if the machine is from 2006, there's no reason why it wouldn't install XP! I suspect, as @RainyShadow has said, there is a hardware fault of some sort.
  11. Have you switched the BIOS to compatible mode? In my experience AHCI mode will not work unless and until you've got XP installed and can deploy a suitable driver for it.
  12. Just an off-topic language usage point, "waiting for the release of AstroSkipper" could imply that you're in prison or something, and we're waiting for you to be released! You would normally qualify it, "waiting for the release of AstroSkipper's software" or something like that, to make it clear that it's not you that's being released.
  13. It takes as long as it takes! Better to be absolutely sure it's right than have to subsequently withdraw and reissue it. There was a standing joke here some years ago that whenever anyone kept asking when something was going to be released, the standard answer was 'WIR'. When It's Ready!
  14. Dropbox is working fine here with 360Chrome 13.5. I don't even see a Captcha.
  15. I agree with @mina7601, all is working fine, including the new version of ActivateProxy.exe. Great job!
  16. Well if it's easy to have the flexibility to change the port I would say why not, but I certainly don't think it's an essential feature, and not worth going to a lot of trouble over.
  17. I can't imagine why anyone would need to change the port, unless it was already being used by something else which couldn't be changed. I think that's very unlikely.
  18. IIRC it's the '--disable-webgl' and '--js-flags=--noexpose_wasm' switches that prevent WhatsApp web from working.
  19. Yes, that all works fine. EnableProxSysWide.exe v3.0.0.0 is now starting the proxy if it's not running. I know it's not really an installation, being pedantic, because there's no packaged installer, but what else do you call it? A deployment? People do talk about 'portable installations'.
  20. I've now noticed something else. I rebooted the machine, and PopMenu did not run. Looking in the registry 'run' key, its entry has vanished! The one for Min2Tray is still there. I guess this must have happened as a result of one of the errors.
  21. I've now done another clean install. I confirm @mina7601's findings. I never tried enabling the proxy system-wide without the proxy already running, as I assumed that wouldn't work anyway. It should run the proxy if isn't running of course! The setup doesn't seem to add the path to the files to the PATH environment variable. I assume it's not needed. I'm not sure why I had an entry for it there, I guess I added it manually for some reason. I doubt that @heinoganda's version of the proxy needed it, but I'm not certain of that.
  22. I will do that, although I'm a bit busy at the moment, so it will be later today. I assume do it with the latest 'fixed' versions of all the files.
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