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Everything posted by Dave-H

  1. OK I'm giving this a try, and I've already run into a problem. I've downloaded the Windows 8.1 SDK online setup file from the second link quoted above. Is the first link just for reference? It's not clear why it's there. Should I be downloading something else from it? The main problem is the last link. It now says the file has expired for free downloading, and I will have to take out a paid subscription to now get it. Is it available anywhere else?
  2. Here in the UK we use dd-mm-yyyy, as do the majority of other countries I think. That has always seemed logical to me, with the number which changes most often first, and the one which changes least often last. You say the Chinese do it the other way around, which also has some logic to it. The big exception is the Americans of course, who always use mm-dd-yyyy, which I have never understood. That has no logic to it at all as far as I can see!
  3. I felt very privileged to be asked to be a moderator here, after being a member for many years and having hopefully made a useful contribution to the forum in that time. I'm sorry, but joining a forum and immediately asking to be made a moderator is just not realistic.
  4. I'm afraid I would need specific instructions on how to to that. I do have another XP installation on my main desktop machine.
  5. Am I right in assuming that the work on acpi.sys has now ended? All the recent conversation has been about USB 3.0 problems. I have to say that I'm very grateful for the progress that was made, my Flex 10 is much better on XP now than it was before. If the freezing on restart could be fixed it would be pretty perfect, as I have a workaround for the sound driver problem. I'm still puzzled by the restart problem, as it shuts down fine. I would have thought that the mechanism would be the same for the shutdown phase of restart as it is for shutdown, so I can't see why it would hang on one and not the other.
  6. I second your opinion of Registry Workshop. I've been using it for many years, and it's great. I even use an old version (2.7.1) on Windows 98!
  7. I thought Firefox 31.8 ESR was supposed to just work though, as long as KernelEx was installed and configured correctly for it? Maybe I'm expecting too much here.
  8. Not that old no! This is the one I still have in Windows 98 which is from 2009-11. Windows Update.log
  9. You'll need to wait until the program thinks it need optimisation. It usually pops up for me when I'm playing a YouTube HD video or browsing my Facebook feed.
  10. I thought that the hardware acceleration option didn't do anything on XP anyway?
  11. I'm now trying Firefox Portable 31.8 ESR, as that seems to be the version which can be used with the least trouble. I've set the KernelEx options as specified, and it does run, but is quite unstable. Crashes with 'FIREFOX.EXE caused fault #c0000005 in XUL.DLL'. The GUI isn't displaying well either, with a lot of black holes left when things change. It also seems to have the same problem as K-Meleon 74 with the Trend Micro page, it freezes instead of completing loading.
  12. The registry entries do appear to delete OK when 360Chrome is closed. I doubt there is anything wrong with my profile as there is no sign of any problems. To see the popup window, I have to select the 'Optimize memory' icon in the bottom right corner, and then enable 'Enable prerender'. Then wait until the large icon pops up saying the memory needs to be optimised, and click on it. That's when I see the popup window. It doesn't appear when 'Enable prerender' is disabled.
  13. Well OK, I won't bother messing around with the theme/skin or anything else. If it's bloatware, I don't really care as long as it's not doing anything malicious, I'll just make sure I don't ever activate it again by enabling that speed-up option!
  14. Yes, the pages hang on a download, but as you say, the spinner is still going. On pages which do complete, it stops. I'm not having any luck with RoyTam1's Firefox 45. Does it actually work on Windows 98, even with KernelEx, or have I misunderstood something here?
  15. Thanks for that, although personally I don't like dark themes. I'm not quite sure why changing the theme would stop that window appearing, it's surely nothing to do with the theme?
  16. Yes, that would make sense. As I mentioned earlier on, when the program apparently freezes the spinner is still active, but clicking anywhere on the window does nothing.
  17. I tried running K-Meleon 74 with the logging enabled. Unfortunately with the logging enabled it just immediately crashes. When I tried running it again it still appeared to crash, but was still in the task list, and the log started filling with an enormous number of entries. I saved it and I've attached it. Maybe it will provide some clues @jumper? APILog.txt
  18. Just to report that I've now also discovered that my Lenovo Flex 10 won't hibernate in XP, it just BSODs. Also it won't start in Safe Mode! It hangs, apparently on loading acpitabl.dat.
  19. Thanks very much. I'll let you know how it goes with APILog. Firefox 3.6 does what I need it to do on a regular basis, but it does display many (most) sites now very badly. If an alternative has better javascript support for instance, I would certainly seriously consider changing away from FF 3.6.
  20. I'm looking into this to see if it can diagnose what's happening with the freezing on K-Meleon 74. It's actually freezing on quite a few sites, not just the Trend Micro download page. I've downloaded the APIHook folder, and it contains ApiHook.dll and DebugWindow.exe. There is no file called ApiMon.exe (or ApiLog.exe) on the system anywhere, so I'm now a bit stuck again!
  21. My Firefox 3.6 problem has been solved! Remember that Firefox 36 vc71-20171108 NewNSS would not run for me, even on XP? Well, when trying what you suggested, moving the files and folders around, I noticed something. In the unpacked folders there was a folder called "defualts". It should of course be called "defaults"! I corrected the typo, and it now all works fine, including retrieving the downloads from the Trend Micro page! Who would have believed that it would be something like that? I've checked the package, and the folder name seems to be OK there, so how it got changed is a complete mystery to me. I would certainly have had no reason to do it. Anyway, all's well that ends well there, I just hope it now keeps working. I'd still like to get K-Meleon 74 working better though, so I'm happy to carry on experimenting with that. Cheers, Dave.
  22. I tried substituting the nine freexxxx.xxx nssxxxx.xxx and softxxxx.xxx files from the newer version of Firefox 3.6 to the older version. It still works, but it has made no difference to the security error on the Trend Micro download link. The DLLs are all significantly later versions than I had before, so I guess it would make sense to keep them there.
  23. It moved. It's now here - https://dndsanctuary.eu/index.php?board=9.0
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