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Everything posted by Dave-H

  1. Yes, yes and yes! The only thing I didn't remove before I installed your package was the entry in the PATH environment variable, and that's simply because I didn't know it was there! Do you want me to clear everything and do a new installation from scratch again?
  2. Yes, I know that! I was only making the observation that it did seem to add the two run commands that it does add, for PopMenu and Min2Tray, even though I have spaces in the path to the files. The reason I want the proxy running all the time is because my e-mail program doesn't display messages properly without it, as it uses the IE8 engine to render them. As I'm checking e-mails on and off all day, I don't want to have to keep running and stopping the proxy. I can't think of any disadvantage in running it all the time, unless you're very short of system resources, which I'm not.
  3. Yes you did, and thinking about it, I now think that I did remove all the original relevant run entries in the registry. Your setup just adds entries for PopMenu.exe and Min2Tray.exe, and they were definitely both there OK. It doesn't add anything to run the proxy on boot.
  4. I'm actually quite happy with the number of icons I have in the tray, they are all informational, things like processor temperature monitors, or just tell me that something is running OK. The presence of the TrayIt! icon tells me that the proxy is running, albeit with its window hidden.
  5. Thanks. Hiding the tray icons will be a good thing to have if I go back to using Min2Tray, but it's still not quite the same as I've got now with TrayIt! Looks like a useful utility though, and I'll certainly add it to my tools archive.
  6. It must have looked OK to me because there was already a run key for PopMenu in my registry from the last version. That just shows that you should clear everything from previous versions before you try a new one!
  7. It would certainly be good to hide it without using the Windows native method, which leaves an extender icon in the tray instead. Being able to click on it to toggle the proxy window on and off would be even better! That would be good too. I used to use 'System Tray Factory', which did a pretty good job, although it's not free. SysTrayUtil, the solution I use now, is better IMO, except that setting it up is fiddly, involving registry editing to set it up, and if you want to make any changes, which would make it very user-unfriendly for many people. The holy grail of course is reproducing the system from later versions of Windows, where you can just drag the icons around and their positions are remembered. I suspect this may not be possible with XP though, or someone would have already done it!
  8. I don't know what the symptoms of the bug in Configure Popmenu.exe were, I didn't notice anything, but I've replaced it with the new one. I think it's the right thing to test with spaces in paths in future, as I would have thought that the vast majority of people would have spaces in their paths unless they were specifically told to avoid them, if only because of the 'Program Files' folder in English versions of Windows, which is where most people would want the files.
  9. Yes, I see that now! Not an issue for me, but it would have been for anyone who was only starting the proxy when they needed it and then stopping it again. Sorry again that it took so long for me to get there.
  10. I did try with ProxHTTPSProxy.bat when ProxHTTPSProxy.exe wouldn't run on boot without being delayed. It worked fine. So it's just the automatic activation and deactivation that wasn't working? That's why I didn't see anything wrong, as I don't pay any attention to that, I just have the proxy running all the time. Anyway, I will put your new version of StartProxy.exe back, as it's obviously better in any case. Sorry for 'muddying the waters'!
  11. So what exactly wasn't working with the original StartProxy.exe file? Everything seems fine when I use it on boot, as it did with ProxHTTPSProxy.bat when I ran that on boot. Is it just things in PopMenu which won't work properly? Sorry to appear pedantic, I'm just trying to get my head around it!
  12. Now I am puzzled. I thought it was actually OK with the original version of StartProxy.exe, and I've now confirmed it. I've put the original version ( back, and it still starts fine on boot, with no delay applied. It was only ProxHTTPSProxy.exe that showed the problem and had to be delayed.
  13. Understood, but your original version of StartProxy.exe was starting on boot correctly, it was only ProxHTTPSProxy.exe that wasn't (and still isn't of course).
  14. All working fine with the latest version of StartProxy.exe! I understand now that the proxy shouldn't be started with ProxHTTPSProxy.exe, as I had been assuming, but as an aside, do you know why ProxHTTPSProxy.exe won't start on boot?
  15. No problem, but please only use this thread for discussion about @NotHereToPlayGames/ArcticFoxie's versions of the 360Chrome browser. Discussion about peripheral software should go in a separate thread, unless it's directly connected with the browser(s).
  16. Well I substituted StartProxy.exe with the new version, and tried putting ProxHTTPSProxy.exe back in the run key in the registry, and the proxy was still not starting. Is that right? I had assumed the problem was with ProxHTTPSProxy.exe, not with StartProxy.exe. I then put the run key back as it was before, running StartProxy.exe. I'm now getting 'Windows cannot find Files\Windows'. Is this the spaces problem back again? Putting the old file back everything works again.
  17. Absolutely, I can see exactly why you've done what you've done. For the majority of people, it's absolutely the right way to go. They would have no problem with Min2Tray either, I've just got so used to being able to call up the proxy window with one click on its icon in the tray, and then hiding it with another click on the same icon, that anything different, even one extra click, seems disadvantageous. Oh, and thanks for thinking of me!
  18. That's good to know! Automatic deactivation doesn't actually matter for me anyway as I always have the proxy running all the time.
  19. Ah right! So is there any disadvantage in starting things on boot by running StartProxy.exe instead of ProxHTTPSProxy.exe?
  20. Yes of course, I wasn't putting that forward as a solution! It was just to demonstrate that the proxy itself can run immediately on boot, it's just ProxHTTPSProxy.exe which seems to have the problem. In fact I've now put StartProxy.exe in the registry run key instead of the batch file, and that works fine too, probably a better thing to do than directly running the batch file. I assume it's the same as invoking 'StartProxHTTPSProxy' in PopMenu. In fact if I run it that way, both ProxHTTPSProxy.exe and python37.exe are running in the Task Manager. That surprised me a bit, as I had assumed that ProxHTTPSProxy.exe would not run in that configuration.
  21. Just an update on the delay problem. If I put ProxHTTPSProxy.bat in the registry run key, the proxy starts immediately on boot as normal. So it's not a problem with the proxy itself, it's an issue specifically with ProxHTTPSProxy.exe. I thought perhaps that the path to the files needed to be in the PATH environment variable, but when I looked, it was already there, so it's not that!
  22. Me too! Off-topic here, but I use a program called SysTrayUtil, which someone here wrote and posted about a while ago. It's a bit fiddly to set up, but it works brilliantly, all my system tray icons are now always exactly as I want them.
  23. Thanks, a great pleasure to be able to help. One thing still puzzling me. As an experiment, I have tried setting things up as I had before, using TrayIt! All still works fine, but why exactly does ProxHTTPSProxy.exe now have to have a delayed start? I put it in the 'run' key in my registry, but it doesn't run. It only runs if I delay it. Is this because PopMenu is preventing it from running somehow until PopMenu is complexly loaded?
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