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Everything posted by Milkinis

  1. I don't miss old extensions and they will fade away over time because not many devs are makimg them anymore.
  2. copy paste from reddit ''Having the older OS's working on modern hardware would be awesome, and makes the most sense. New OS's are f****** cash grabs disguised as "security updates" and "improved/expanded functionality". And while the companies and tech journos tout that the newest OS for MS/Apple is so secure, and has fewest exploits compared to any previous OS's, malicious actors always find a way to catch up and make new viruses/malware for the new OS's. It boggles my mind that if these engineers are so smart, why don't they just fix vulnerabilities through service updates... ...but they actually can do this. And they do every so often on each OS. But planned obsolence is a huge factor in production, from appliances to software, so the plan is of course to push a new OS soon. After all, the world would most certainly end if we weren't forced to prop up the economy by spending our hard earned/hard taxed money. And it doesn't even matter to the big players that some people will pirate the next OS; they know that the majority, especially enterprise organizations and educational facilities, will purchase them in bulk. Cha-f******-ching. Into perpetuity. *whew* Rant over.''
  3. ILLINOIS ? well, if you need Google voice IP system you have some use for a phone unless you want to stay alone away from your familiy members
  4. no VPN here, maybe it's a geographical issue with the non US version of that site (it's not a permanent block) this modern site doesn't like chrome 360 either whether on XP or W7 https://msfn.org/board/topic/184266-arcticfoxienotheretoplaygames-360chrome-v1351030-rebuild-7/?do=findComment&comment=1248675 however when I log in with a modern browser like Brave the message goes away.
  5. Google voice doesn't work here and many other streaming services mostly work in the US, UK..etc (not sure why you dislike phones though)
  6. I'm not ready to jump ship, well in fact I have been waiting long since the W8 release and I expected M$ to roll back to the classic UI but W10/11 don't look any better to me my only hope is the amateur eXperience project that can get W10 visual style to look like XP... maybe W12 LTSC will be the good one
  7. I know chrome 360 will become unusable like IE6 at some point in time but it's still working decently with most sites. (unlike this one)
  8. the plus side is that winter is warmer and you can go out take sun or the cold period won't last 6 long months. I don't complain for a heatwave that may last a week because last year it's been that way for 3 long months
  9. this website form germany doesn't work properly @AstroSkipper https://composite-rc-gliders.com/ I tried it on a clean profile with no addons but no link or button seems to work except if you right click and open the links in a new tab
  10. what do you recommend then ? Paragon GPT driver + internal HDD ?
  11. here is the reason why nobody actually can see the F icon because they don't use the other browser at all
  12. if it only was this... there are more than just one process bundled with that browser I fail to understand why have they developed a browser for banking based on chromium 86.... I don't think all of these processes running in the bankground would make it any safer to use
  13. if the custom skin is responsible for this the icon should be visible on every other site but it just isn't this is why I ask the question
  14. the Flash icon is back on MSFN site only, it doesn't show up on any other sites....
  15. how can I remove individual cookies without deleting them all from all sites ? how can I see the saved passwords hidden with asterisks ?
  16. this project doesn't work here, IE is stuck in a blank screen and permanent update loop
  17. @jaclaz more chaGPT crap https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/does-formatting-an-ssds-disk-allocation-size-below-4096-bytes-increase-the-risk-of-data-loss.3812569/#post-23041268
  18. I don't think english is the mother language of eveyone on here and you had no need to chatGPT that reply with meaningless words that most users won't get
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