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Everything posted by Milkinis

  1. https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/issues/3
  2. glad to know @feodor2 is healthy and kicking as it's our only last hope when it comes to web browsers survival if @roytam1 can't keep up with his UXP based browsers hopefully someone else @basilisk-dev could fork the Mypal68 project or bring further improvements to it.
  3. BTW, these tasty eggs are not legal over there....go figure https://fee.org/articles/why-these-popular-chocolate-easter-eggs-are-banned-in-the-us-despite-being-legal-almost-everywhere-else
  4. the download is safe so long as you don't open up the Kinder egg. https://msfn.org/board/topic/182876-360-extreme-explorer-modified-version/?do=findComment&comment=1246543
  5. do you consider it to be the best because there's a github repo (mostly chinese characters) with the source code ? there are other google web translator alternatives https://www.crx4chrome.com/extensions/ihmgiclibbndffejedjimfjmfoabpcke/
  6. you are correct. I tried the user agent switcher that caused me some trouble in the past https://msfn.org/board/topic/184266-arcticfoxienotheretoplaygames-360chrome-v1351030-rebuild-7/?do=findComment&comment=1240261 I downlaoded this one instead and the appVersion displays chrome 113 as intended https://msfn.org/board/topic/184624-arcticfoxienotheretoplaygames-360chrome-v1352036-rebuild-1/?do=findComment&comment=1246747 however the browser keeps crashing anytime I type something on the search or URL bar
  7. I switched user agent with an extension and this site reads it correctly https://www.whatismybrowser.com/ however the other site still reports AppVersion chrome 86
  8. I don't quite understand your message. so you are on chrome 111 on WinVista and you tried to spoof it down to 109 ? how do you edit the AppVersion on arcticfoxie's browser ?
  9. the ID on the chrome web store is bocbaocobfecmglnmeaeppambideimao https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/edge-translate/bocbaocobfecmglnmeaeppambideimao updated on May 28th so MV2 is still alive and kicking I can have both installed together at the same time
  10. folder name is: extension_2_4_1_0 if I don't want chrome to wipe it out I have to rename it to opnopjchpfpndkpiijgpjkfnenbpbagn
  11. the context menu is still workig for me. question: is it necessary to rename the crx extensions folders with the same name as seen on chrome web store ? I ask this because I had a couple extensions installed in developer mode that disappeared from the extensions folder after a browser crash
  12. the last version doesn't work. what is the actual advantage of this extensions store ? https://www.crx4chrome.com/crx/1227/ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onetab/chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall
  13. ''It appears that Manifest V2 support will be removed sometime in 2024 now at the earliest, but it is still possible that the change will be delayed again.''
  14. google stated they will remove extensions that have not been updated over the past two years I can't tell whether they will shut down the chrome store for outdated browsers. meanwhile those extensions are still accessible to anyone so there's no point in dropping chrome store just because you hate it.
  15. updated on june 2023 and it's still compatible with this browser https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm
  16. ok. if so it's time for a rebuild 2 release without the embedded google translator feature. I have just checked my extensions and this one got removed from chrome store, maybe it's not safe to use ? https://chrome-stats.com/d/ibppednjgooiepmkgdcoppnmbhmieefh
  17. I thought it was an issue on my side.... XP is dead why do these f****** at google keep nailing the XP coffin ?
  18. with chrome and XP this is unlikley to happen since rebuild 7 one can open at least 50 tabs with only 4GB of RAM or more depending on the PAE patch and mobo I like this useful extension and currently have over 100 temporary tabs stored in it https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onetab/chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall?hl=es on Serpent 52 I have had more than 300 tabs open at a time. I sleep better when the computer is powered on so you are correct and I don't like much to close the browser. long story short, chrome is really RAM efficent because RAM usage drops while you close tabs Serpent on the other hand, if you run out of memory or keep the browser open for long hours then RAM usage will increase RAM usage won't drop till your reach a threshold of a certain number of tabs
  19. I restarded the browser and the F icon is gone. it's a mistery as to why only MSFN tabs were affected
  20. Yes it does show in incognito mode. I can't remember ever seeing it before so the skin has nothing to do. I have 30 open tabs and the MSFN ones are the only ones affected
  21. I don't use the XP luna theme because I don't like it I prefer this Steve Jobs called visual theme. this icon only shows off on the MSFN link, it's not displayed on any of the other tabs when I tap on the icon it takes me to www.google.com on a new tab
  22. single core ? maybe this is the reason why AVAST doesn't run smoothly on this machine even though you despair to teach others on how sluggish AVAST is...
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