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Everything posted by Milkinis

  1. proof...prooof...proooooooooof... bal bla bla... I don't actually use any real-time anti virus as it stays in sleep mode all day long. and I know for a fact AVAST has always been my strongest lifeguard everytime I ve gotten infected (because I want to) I have no need of the extra crap bundled with Panda or whatever other AV if the visual style is nice and intuitive, if it's fast enough and trully efficient it's all good for me. I don't need Laura or whoever sponsored guru to tell me which AV works best for me LMAO end of story.
  2. ok. I misread your message so you actually run out of RAM. regarding the script prompt I agree it's a pain when you get to see that poping out the other browser @basilisk-dev freezes at any time regardless the number of open tabs. in short, the modified chrome 360 @NotHereToPlayGames works SO MUCH better on XP than Basilisk does under W7, yeah I know it sounds ridiculous. I have been told that LIBREWOLF was the best fork of Firefox
  3. the VGA driver is easy to spot at the mainstream mobos's website and it works as expected for the HD 4600 (i5 & i7) I tried this same driver for the HD 4400 (i3) but it doesn't work despite the intel graphics icon being displayed upon the task bar. regarding the HDMI/DP audio driver I found it easily with SDI origin
  4. @Mark-XP I would like to know what hardware have those modded drivers been tested on ? I have been unlucky so far because neither of them works.
  5. it could be either, the browser is not well optimized and freezes like @basilisk-dev or your 2 core CPU is not performant enough for the modern web browsing, the switch from 2 core toward 4 core CPU was an amazing experience for me back in the day. if it's a money issue you can easily raise money from XP users community for a decent computer for about $50 (CPU + RAM + mobo) ebay is an exccellent source of inexpensive hardware
  6. you have to add that website onto the list, if you just check the Webkit mode option it will force switch sometimes on facebook site if you watch a video and decide to pay around with the timeline it crashes and switches to the mobile version m.facebook.... only way to sort this out is to click on the top left go back arrow, F5 doesn't work, changing m. to www. doesn't work either
  7. https://www.ghacks.net/2022/09/29/brave-browser-manifest-v2-extensions-after-v3-update/
  8. if I were to select my top5 favorite extensions... what it your ranking ? https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/read-aloud-a-text-to-spee/hdhinadidafjejdhmfkjgnolgimiaplp https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/session-buddy/edacconmaakjimmfgnblocblbcdcpbko https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/imagus/immpkjjlgappgfkkfieppnmlhakdmaab https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/behind/blfpdedbdighagggfhgihcocfheicfjk
  9. ??? some people rely on legacy add-ons until they try out chrome.
  10. how many W7+ users do have interest on a browser with very limited number of extensions ?
  11. https://msfn.org/board/topic/184051-my-browser-builds-part-4/?do=findComment&comment=1246802
  12. if the multi-processes mode was the actual cause, all other web browsers would be equally bad in terms of reliability but I can't remember ever having a BSOD on Serpent browser (BSOD is worse than a simple browser crash) I haven't tried Mypal 68 on W7 although the Basilisk project doesn't seem to make much sense either with some many better browser alternatives out there for W7 and up I wish @roytam1 and @basilisk-dev could concentrate their efforts on Mypal 68 rather than having them working on 3 different projects at a time
  13. Mypal 68 is a buggy amateur project so you can't compare it to the original Firefox 68 Mypal 68 is far more unstable than the old Firefox releases prior to 52 version
  14. that's msfntor's profile. that french user has had no activity over the past two months and it was checked out by the troll with two accounts within the same day... go figure
  15. pure coincidence once again ? @D.Draker https://msfn.org/board/topic/177099-which-antiviruses-are-known-for-a-fact-to-be-working-on-xp-sp3-as-of-2019/?do=findComment&comment=1242164
  16. https://msfn.org/board/profile/426200-msfntor/
  17. the troll is on fire. RIP MSFN, 2001-2023 ''I almost agree with your statement. I say "almost", because not all the members that I talked to there at MSFN were nice (I actually count the members that are genuinely nice and helpful), some have fought long arguments with me, and some are pretending to be calm, nice and kind-hearted (the 2 guys that did this along with "fought arguments with me" are: 2 guys (whose names start with "D") (one with France flag, and the other with Dutch flag, both run Vista x64), 1 guy (whose name start with "A", runs XP Pro x86) (with Germany flag) and 1 guy (whose name start with "m", runs XP Pro x86) (with French flag), so it's only a select few that were indeed nice. (with VistaLover and roytam1 being the first, since they are both always calm, kind-hearted, respected and nice) Oh, and of course you too are calm, nice, respected and kind-hearted person!''
  18. I personally don't use any user agent-switcher othwerwise webmasters ain't notice any real XP user and will drop XP support even faster.
  19. what about the CRX or GITHUB extenions that have been removed from the chrome web store ?
  20. I don't use that unnoficial W7 lite crap made in south America. I have heard many times the original chrome is a notorious memory hog but I'm unable replicate this behavior here. I can have 50 tabs open at a time with just about 3.5GB of RAM and for XP use I would highly recomment you the rebuild from @NotHereToPlayGames
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