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WULover last won the day on April 18 2023

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About WULover

  • Birthday September 28

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    Windows 2000 Professional

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  1. Hello MSFN members! We have released a completely new and revised version of the Prerequisites Installer, which will patch your system in order to use Windows Update Restored V5. This patch works on both x86 and x64 systems, and supports Microsoft Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003 only. Here's a link to the download page: https://windowsupdaterestored.com/en/downloads/wurv5patchertool.htm.
  2. Here's the link: https://discord.gg/windowsupdaterestored [NOT AN AD]
  3. Hello all! I'd recommend you to join the WUR Discord Server if you want quick help from us. However, concerning @Condor.07's problem, I can tell that there are no inventories for this configuration in Italian. @Tru8Ins00er What do you mean "you can't install IE5.5"?
  4. Hello! Regarding the updates you're looking for, you can get in touch with us on our Discord server or MSFN thread. We might have them, as our database is quite big now xD Cheers, WULover, founder of Windows Update Restored
  5. Windows Update Restored News Hello everyone on MSFN ! This topic has not been very active for a while now, and I'll revive it by giving the latest news about the project : General Project Information The website has been improved with more pages and new images, as well as new files to download. For example, you can now download Internet Explorer 4.01SP2 (online installer) in all languages, we well as IE5.5SP2 and IE6SP1. The website is now compatible IE3 and onwards. Windows Update Restored v2 The website has complete HTML sets of files, and is available in French, English and Chinese (for IE4 ONLY). The site is still work in progress. Windows Update Restored v3.1 Russian and Finnish have been added for W95+IE5.5, as well as some updates. Windows Update Restored v4 We have made a HUGE improvement on the V4 website. It no longer crashes on 9x systems, and there are a ton of new updates added. The site is more complete than before, but a lot of content is still missing. Windows Update Restored v5 You no longer need a proxy to use the website !!!! The V5 website is more stable than before. Hope these news help! If you have any questions or suggestions, I'll be glad to answer them ! http://www.windowsupdaterestored.com
  6. You need to install the certificate generated by the proxy in Trusted Certification Authorities > Local Computer.
  7. Just click on the link in the warning (test@example.com) and follow what I told you.
  8. Hello, you can't until you install the Windows Update Restored certificate in Trusted Root Authorities>Local Computer by clicking the link in the warning.
  9. That is indeed sad since Wayback Machine has not archived dutch inventories.
  10. That's sad to hear Unfortunately there's a risk to get nothing because Windows cleant its contents
  11. We do not have any so we need them. They are located in C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate folder (it might be hidden).
  12. Hello! If your system is hungarian, then we surely do not have any language inventories for it, do not bother to use Fiddler If you wanna help us find those invs, try to collect the C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate folder from old Windows 9x/NT4/Me/2000 hungarian machines. We can only add updates this way on Windows Update Restored.
  13. When you install the Windows Update v4 ActiveX Control, you can no longer use Windows Update v3. You'll need to uninstall it (not in Add/Remove programs and not by reinstalling Windows 98) to get v3 working again. Also, AutoPatcher does not have anything to do with Windows Update, it'll just hide the available updates on the website. Windows Update v3 will show a specific amount of updates, depending on the inventory used. Windows Update v4 shows much more updates in the list. Legacy Update is for Windows 2000 SP3+ to 11 and Windows Update Restored is for Windows 95 to XP/Server 2003. Windows Update does not provide Chrome updates, and .NET Framework 2.0 is only supported by Windows Update v4. The FAQ on the Windows Update Restored site might help you on some points.
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