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Everything posted by Milkinis

  1. new releases come out way too fast https://chromiumdash.appspot.com/schedule there must be a trade agreement between M$ and Google to quickly kill the old Windows
  2. if the website was developed for multi processes capable browsers then the Pale Moon crap will struggle with these kind of sites
  3. sometimes the facebook website crashes and switches to the m.facebook version but it's been this way for a long while now, I can solve this with the bakwards arrow or rebooting the browser. we are facing a new issue that I run across very recently so facebook becomes mostly unusable without the side menus I tried to spoof the user agent but the problem is still here
  4. I have 'tweaked' nothing because it's been working fine and suddenly it doesn't work anymore. if I can replicate this issue with W7 and the other up to date browsers work perfect this is nothing but a chrome 13.5 related issue.
  5. I don't use XP x64 but I have experienced similar issues on Server 2003 due to the IE6 restrictions.
  6. 10 days ago... W7 = chrome 109 = 106 W7 = supermium 117 = 143 ---------- right now... W7 = chrome 13.5.1030 = 41 W7 = librewolf 115 = 49 W7 = chrome 109 = 62 W7 = supermium 117 = 69
  7. No thanks. FF52 with the multi processes mode enabled is significantly better than Serpent and Newmoon.
  8. I have no faith on these artificial bench marks just pick a high traffic heavy load site such as twitter or facebook and then start surfing with both browsers. I really doubt this ''backport 86'' will ever outperform the original 86 one, at least not in my use case
  9. I would take a look at the internet explorer settings, if the security treshold is set too high it may lockup the internet connection also delete the ''hosts'' file if you have edited it for anything. https://msfn.org/board/topic/182876-360-extreme-explorer-modified-version/?do=findComment&comment=1249955
  10. this is the outcome of building all browsers with the same source code. if dad google says something all other sheeps have to follow up
  11. are you using a WIFI network ? if the chrome loader file doesn't work then switch over to the internal chrome/application folder file.
  12. if you have performed the speed test on W10 that doesn't make much sense here
  13. it 's been working fine up until friday. the timeline in the middle is ok, but the side menus dissapeared. I have no problems with the original chrome 109 or supermium 117
  14. https://msfn.org/board/topic/184624-arcticfoxienotheretoplaygames-360chrome-v1352036-rebuild-1/?do=findComment&comment=1249734 I didn't install anything. I just unzip the browser and log in to FB
  15. I can't believe nobody else here is not a facebook user. I have tried different browser builds on XP and W7 and the page doesn't load as expected. is there a way to sort this out ?
  16. neither of them. not only is it sluggish and stressful but if you open more than 20 tabs at a time you will run out of memory with chrome 360 @NotHereToPlayGames you'll never notice the warning message of the turtle ''one site is slowing down your browser do you want to stop it.....etc''' https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?p=1118492#p1118492
  17. I run FB site in a fresh browser without extensions. I performed the same test on W7 and the problem still exists note: this browser is almost unusable on W7 x64 either it takes too long to load a site or it just freezes with 1 tab
  18. I think I had read it before. the facebook menu on the left side is gone Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT ErrorUtils caught an error: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Element': ':not([data-id="unfocused-state-actions-list"] *)' is not a valid selector. [Caught in: Could not query select unfocused state actions list] Subsequent non-fatal errors won't be logged; see https://fburl.com/debugjs. Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED Uncaught TypeError: event.cancelBubble is not a function at HTMLDocument.bringBackDefault (new_rightclick.js:87)
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