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Everything posted by asdf2345

  1. I think you should consider my idea below. You can still release New Moon 27, 45ESR, and others, but my idea would give the XP community a better browsing eXPerience on XP with your main browser.
  2. I think I know what's wrong Follow this video instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjN6-e3nlPE Download these four files too https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/tenfoot_misc_all.zip.1ca83d76835b4613170f5cead778b176b11f2b0c https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/friendsui_all.zip.vz.dd7a37b3cfae6b356320e3cc2f8b22b9143d9022_15642680 https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/bins_cef_win32.zip.00fd988efedc940b14fe643d5a5eaf4e0a5f1605 https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/bins_webhelpers_win32.zip.0f58d386fdc901fee6a04040e92b9ea56146b78a Using the .exe from the current Oct 2nd copy of Steam you have, it should extract everything. If it doesn't, you'll need to send me the bootstrap logs. Once Steam is extracted, it'll fail to launch. Now copy over your modded files, and try again
  3. I believe you've tried it by now, how is the performance?
  4. Any reason to use this instead of Notepad++?
  5. Took me long enough to get on MSFN (Because Opera 12.18 breaks when using MSFN), that you found it before I could send a screenshot of my dxdiag Hmm, now I wonder what it is that I've put on my laptop
  6. Speaking of getting YouTube working, apparently Serpent 55 supports WebExtensions, so Old YouTube can be used, but that's not NM27
  7. Didn't realize something Firefox 38 based could render YouTube polymer UI
  8. When you do move onto XP, you should try get a fully working DirectX 11 port first, then try backporting DirectWrite and then it might be feasible to begin the standard kernel mods. There is a DirectX 11 port to XP, but I haven't been able to get it to work for many games, because of a missing function in one of the dlls. Only time it has worked, for me, is with a DirectX 11 backport to Unreal Engine 1. For now, just focus on Vista, XP hasn't been that fast on my systems. I've gotten terrible performance with it, even on my 3770K and my 4720HQ laptop
  9. Google is trying to kill the superior pre-polymer design, and the only way to get it back is using a WebExtension, and Pale/New Moon does not support WebExtensions. Maybe there's some hidden user agent that might still work, but I think you'll just need to use New Moon 28.
  10. These forks are still updated, and are probably the best option for pre-Firefox 57 based browsers https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock-for-firefox-legacy/releases https://gitlab.com/vannilla/ematrix/-/releases
  11. I think not many people would mind if there wasn't any updates for a month or two. What I think you should do is instead of maintaining tons of different browsers and email clients, is make your own fork of Firefox 53/54 and try and make it indistinguishable, functionality wise, to Waterfox Classic, but with no Rust code, the Pale Moon UI, and a good enough copy to where Pale Moon themes work, and the browser works on XP. I'm sure you'd get more fans with that, instead of being Pale Moon ported to XP #42. I don't use Pale Moon mainly because of no e10s, and no WebExtensions, and I think it'd be easier to just fork off of Firefox 53/54, and port all the upgrades Waterfox Classic has, and the Pale Moon UI to that fork point.
  12. https://slashdot.org/story/20/03/07/0054219/edge-browser-scores-worst-in-test-of-telemetry-privacy
  13. That other issue happens all the time for me, and only with AMD drivers, even after doing a fresh install. I don't think I had the logon/logoff lag, but it's not really something I'd notice. But I have noticed my computer, when I use the card, froze for a second or two after getting to my desktop. Same card model as me, before I had to RMA it, twice. I think you should use the latest drivers, and report the issues both with the bug reporter, and on AMD's forums. If a new driver release doesn't fix it, report the issues again with the new driver release. Repeat until AMD makes good drivers.
  14. This what you mean by UAC lag? Also, have you seen this issue?
  15. I used to use the last 2.x version, I never really liked Malwarebytes 3+ I quit using Malwarebytes because I didn't really need it, I had a couple false positives coming from the hosts file, and various image sites I used to visit before I discovered saucenao.
  16. I've posted on this forum for a while now, and have noticed various comments just disappear. Most of what I've noticed are links and comments I posted. I usually go back to these when I need to post a link or some info elsewhere. It's how I realize they're gone. I know it isn't just me though, because the exact same thing has happened with one of @greenhillmaniac's comments before. I don't know if an improperly configured server is causing the issues, or some sort of data loss or data being overwritten or something. I don't really know much when it comes to running a forum, so I don't know what type of issue this would be. I'd really like it to be fixed, so I don't need to go back in my history to find a link I could have found in seconds if I looked at my MSFN post history, or have to rewrite text I know I wrote before on MSFN.
  17. You have post 2017 updates, so ehh. Language should not be an issue though.
  18. I second this. Just grab the community Winapp2.ini for ccleaner/bleachbit, and that will greatly increase the application detection in older clients. Modern CCleaner is quite literally spyware.
  19. 1: You shouldn't use Edge 2: Up to Chromium 72 works with this
  20. It appears to have been pulled from Microsoft Download Center, and Microsoft Update Catalog. This page still exists though https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2483177/fix-you-cannot-play-back-an-h-264-video-file-or-an-aac-audio-file-on-a
  21. I think I might know of a theme that would be better than FT DeepDark, but we'd need to modify it to be dark, which I don't really know how to do.
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