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Everything posted by asdf2345

  1. Rivatuner Statistics Server does not like the extended kernel
  2. I've searched through this forum, and can't find much from people that actually used the 15.6 drivers. I do remember from somewhere that @greenhillmaniac found working newer drivers that worked with the R9 300 series, but I can't find a post about that anywhere, but I swear I remember seeing it. I've only found a post where one person got 15.6 working on Vista, and I guess everyone repeated that 15.6 works because of it. Earlier in 2020, I tried installing 15.6, and had a quite unstable Windows that froze for a period of time after booting, which doesn't happen with my current install on a PC with the 13.12 drivers. I do have one issue with the 13.12 drivers though. My monitor has quite a bit of underscan at 1080p on my 1080p monitor, and I think upgrading my drivers would fix it. So I tried looking, and could only find a way to get the 14.12 drivers working on x64 Vista. Others said the fix unofficially worked on 15.6, but that's what I tried, and it didn't work out for me. Could someone compile everything important about this into one post, or make a guide onto how to install these newer drivers?
  3. Oh, ok. I've not have much experience with UEFI Windows. After literally everything broke on my 7 UEFI install, and I realized XP couldn't use UEFI, I just stuck with legacy boot.
  4. A quote from the second quide "This could be worked into mbr bootkit code as well... this is beyond the scope of our intention." Makes me believe they did it with Windows installed in UEFI mode
  5. I don't want to have to reinstall every single OS on my computers just to use UEFI mode. Edit; I was looking through these, and I'm curious as to if you're supposed to modify winload for us, or are we supposed to modify winload ourselves? I don't really understand what tools are used in the second guide, and how exactly I'm supposed to fix this, but if it works on both UEFI and MBR, so I'm going to say it's superior.
  6. Don't want to modify registry, would prefer tricking the .exe with hex mods and such. Also, could you link me the Haswell+ Windows 7 patch? Edit: Also, do you know when you fixed those issues? You made it sound like you fixed them, but my Haswell laptop with Vista is still quite f***y with the extended kernel,
  7. If you can't find a way, you could take a look at modding Steam to think Vista is Windows 7 x64, like think it so much that the 7 x64 CEF is used, no Vista end of support banner, and it shows Windows 7 in system information. You could also try getting Haswell/Ryzen working stabily on Vista. That'd probably require modding ntdll or ntoskrnl, but if you can find a way to fully disable signature enforcement, or add a fake signature, it'd be great, and help with extending the kernel.
  8. What about trying a different dll, like shell32, or something?
  9. Couldn't we just fully disable DEP, or boot in test mode?
  10. I've gotten newer clients working without a browser, so only small mode works. Also, I only get the superior old chat UI.
  11. Can't get Oct 30th Steam working, so I don't know if Chromium 76 will work
  12. Got the Chromium 72 built into the Oct 2nd 2019 Steam to work, but with one major issue I put the Windows 7 x64 CEF into the XP CEF folder, so Steam loaded it, then I used -no-cef-sandbox Will try this with Chromium 76 Steam
  13. I don't really know, it was just the first thing I tried when I heard about the extended kernel
  14. We've been using a fork of Chromium, it comes with a portable version, or a silent installer, both of which work on Vista
  15. Doesn't work, even with June 2019 client. Guess modifying the client only works for Vista. What's needed now is an attempt at completely faking 7, to the point where Steam uses the 7 browser instead of the XP browser on newer clients on Vista. The Oct 2nd 2019 Client on Vista is the newest that works with the XP browser. The newest client runs fine though, but with no browser.
  16. That either didn't work, or XP doesn't have a certain function. Will try a older client
  17. What would I need to modify to make it attempt to launch on XP?
  18. https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/radeon-500-series/radeon-rx-500-series/radeon-rx-550 Windows 7 drivers are right there Why would you go from a 390X to a RX 550 though?
  19. The old pre-CSS 3 internet looked good as it was is. It wasn't bloated, it loaded fast most of the time, it looked better than most sites do today, and CSS 2 was universal. Even some really old sites still look good to this day. Take a guess as to how old this is Here are some other archived websites that look better than their current versions https://web.archive.org/web/20120815002314/http://www.google.com/ https://web.archive.org/web/20131021165347/https://www.imdb.com/ https://web.archive.org/web/20120315092009/http://www.newegg.com/ https://web.archive.org/web/20131020212801/http://reviews.cnet.com/android-kitkat/
  20. I can't find much about MailNews when searching for it, could you give me a link for it?
  21. This only shows us how to get a specific few drivers working, not Nvidia, AMD, or other major drivers
  22. Not perfect, but these replicate the design of Chromium 48 somewhat with Firefox/Waterfox https://www.reddit.com/r/waterfox/comments/bn75ow/userchromecss_themes_for_waterfoxfirefox/
  23. There's like no reason to use anything above 4.19 though.
  24. It's an option in the BIOS, I disabled one CCX for testing
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