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Everything posted by asdf2345

  1. Is Windows Vista installed in UEFI mode, or Legacy mode? Wrong, it also modifies kernel32.dll.
  2. Alright, this rules out my issues being AGESA related. What CPU do you have? Also, don't want to be mean, but VRM wise, you own one of the worst consumer AM4 boards to exist.
  3. I think 99% of us are using the dlls given to us by @win32, so just ask. Also, about Ryzen, what BIOS is your board running?
  4. I'm talking about the game. Well, it's more of the anti-cheat used. Easy Anti-Cheat is moving to SHA-2 for some reason. On my main Windows 7 PC, I get this error message instead, telling me to download the SHA-2 update from 2019, which I'm assuming is the same KB number as the one that makes Vista 6.0.6003.
  5. Download the oldest chipset drivers for your board, let them extract, then install them using device manager. Do not install AMD PSP or PCI. ESPECIALLY NOT PSP.
  6. Removed mention of June 2019 client, because it is functionally the same as the Oct 2nd Client
  7. Steam All of these require a steam.cfg to block updates. In the Steam folder, create a steam.cfg file, and edit it with notepad to say "BootStrapperInhibitAll=Enable" (Without quotes) and save it. Certain older Steam builds might require a patched packageinfo.vdf file. More info here The November 26th, 2018 Steam build does still work today (Even a Steam build from late 2014 can still login to this day), but it has some game compatibility issues. For example, Garry's Mod, which still officially supports even XP, will not launch with this version of the Steam client. Downloading games has been broken for some users, but it can be fixed by modding a certain file. There's a January 4th, 2019 Steam build, released after Steam dropped XP and Vista support, but works just fine on both XP and Vista. This can play better with some games, and I've confirmed that unlike the Nov 26th client, Garry's Mod works great with this client. The build was released on January 8th, 2019, but the build date is shown as January 4th, so it's listed as January 4th here. If you want to extract the client from it's package files, and confirm that it's unmodified, I've uploaded everything you need to extract the client here, Windows XP/Vista, and 7 x64 can be used to extract the client, but if you extract it on 7 x64, you'll be left with the 7 x64 CEF, which doesn't work with XP/Vista. Steam (Vista Extended Kernel) The Oct 2nd, 2019 Steam build is pretty recent, so most games still work, but some games, like Rust, which require the Steam API v20 don't work with it. There are some file modifications that are required to get it working. It still works with the browser from the XP client, but mouse scroll is broken, and it doesn't work too well with the modern Steam site. This client also is the last client to come with version 72 of CEF, which can be used if you rename the Windows 7 x64 CEF folder to cef.winxp in Steam\bins\cef, then add -no-cef-sandbox to the Steam shortcut target. It does have some issues though, but they could possibly be fixed if it were possible to make Steam treat Vista x64 exactly like Windows 7 x64. If you know how to do this, let me know. One final issue with the client is that you can't sign out of friends, so you'll always appear as online. The latest Steam build works with the file modifications, but there's no browser, which, because the new library UI is a webview, you'll be stuck using small mode. Other than that, it's quite good, but it still suffers from not being able to sign out of friends too though. I have a pre-modded copy of the June 6th, 2020 Steam client linked here. I based it off of that version since -no-browser works with it. You could try modding newer clients linked here, but for now I think it's all that'd be needed for gaming on Vista. The June 6th client is getting a bit old, and I haven't been uploading clients anymore as my upload is very slow, but I have a friend that made a 2020-10 modded client, which works with newer versions of Rust and probably TF2. There is a CLI Steam client which works on Vista, but the website it's hosted on is involved with software piracy, so I won't mention anything else about it. Origin There was a separate XP and Vista client in 2015, but Origin then decided to break it in 2016. From what I can see, you'd need to spoof your Windows version to attempt to install normal Origin. Also, Origin likes to update all the time recently, which will require you to reinstall it all the time. I haven't tested if the client even launches on Vista, it might need to be modded in some way. Origin also likes to lock out older clients for some reason, so you might need to make any older versions report as a newer version to Origin servers if the newer version doesn't work. I don't know much about modding Origin and I haven't tried much, so this is pretty basic. GOG Galaxy I've done some testing, and have found GOG Galaxy to be the newest(?) working version on Vista. (Might require extended kernel) GOG Galaxy is the first I've tested to not work on Vista. It's the CEF that's broken, so it might be possible to port the older CEF to newer builds, but I'm not going to bother with that. I have not tested GOG Galaxy 2.0. Other Game Clients Uplay has a older version that still works with Vista, and from what I've seen, it's still fully functional to this day, so in this regard, Uplay is actually the best in something for once. Legendary is a free and open source alternative client for the Epic Games Store. I don't know if it works on stock Vista, but it likely does. I recommend everyone use this client even on 7 and newer instead of EGS, as EGS is owned partly by Tencent, so lots of telemetry in the official client is guaranteed. Playnite is similar to GOG Galaxy 2.0, as it's meant to combine Steam, Origin, Uplay, and more all into one client, but it doesn't officially support Vista, and I haven't tested it on Vista.
  8. Rust is going to require SHA-2 in Oct 2020, so you'll need to see about making an extended kernel that has SHA-2 capability
  9. You might need to ask around for a modded BIOS. I'd lead you to Notebook Review, but I dislike how the site is run, so I suggest you try asking for a modded BIOS that disables Optimus on your laptop on Win-Raid.
  10. Powerprof appears to only cause issues with CCC Looks to be this missing function that the 15.6 CCC uses, but it does open fine after the error, so idk CCC from 15.6, and @greenhillmaniac's 15.101 driver
  11. Was playing around with Chromium versions to see what the newest version that allows me to install addons is 52 and 53 work, but I can't install addons, 54-62 doesn't work at all, 58 throws a DEP error, and anything 63 through 72 work, but addons don't install. Another thing I discovered is that @greenhillmaniac's 15.101 driver works without any dll replacing, so this might help with making newer AMD drivers work. Will try 15.7 soon
  12. You're having issues, because Novideo decided Optimus was a good idea. You'll have to see if it's possible to disable Optimus, and if you can, you can install the Nvidia driver, and be done with it.
  13. Got it working It wouldn't install the drivers for my HD 6870, but I pointed it to install some FirePro V drivers, and it installed If I'm able to change the FirePro V driver name, I'll post image Also, I forgot to replace the files with those included with the ,zip, guess the Vista extended kernel has all the needed functions
  14. How does this x64 update collection compare? Except in IE updates, because it has none of those. I already have the updates on my computer, and don't want to download 5+GB of updates just to compare.
  15. This looks pretty complete, minus any IE updates
  16. Wouldn't it be easier to install the updates needed for SHA-2, then update Vista?
  17. Change those bytes for steam.exe, steam.dll, and steamservice.dll
  18. Think I figured out why it didn't work. There's absolutely no code in the driver for my GPU, so I'd be stuck with 15.6, which I don't know how to properly install. I did get 14.12 working, but I'd like to get a newer driver working.
  19. Tried adding the things needed for my HD 6870, but I keep getting an error when trying to install the driver "The driver selected for this device does not support Windows Vista"
  20. Fixed by installing a older version. Also, the game, Rust, works with the extended kernel. Might try out some other games in the future too.
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