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Found 6 results

  1. Notepad3 6.24.1221.1 (2024-12.21) The original Notepad shipped with Windows is probably the handiest program of all times, small, fast, without frills! Notepad3 tries to follow this principle, it’s a fast and light-weight Scintilla-based text editor with syntax highlighting. It has a small memory footprint, but is powerful enough to handle most programming jobs. Features include code folding, bracket matching, automatic indentation, word auto-completion, convert character encoding between various formats (ASCII, UTF-8, and UTF-16), newline format conversion (between DOS (CR/LF), Unix (LF), and Macintosh (CR) formats), multiple undo or redo, bookmarks, and regular expression-based find and replace. Notepad3 changes and improves upon many of Notepad2 and Notepad2-mod's features. Author's site: https://rizonesoft.com Download: https://rizonesoft.com/downloads/notepad3 Changelog: https://rizonesoft.com/downloads/notepad3/update RIZONESOFT SOFTWARE If you experience issues with our software or have some suggestions, report it on: https://github.com/rizonesoft/Notepad3/issues Changes in version 6.24.1221.1 (2024-12.21)
  2. Notepad3 6.24.309.1 RC3 (2024-03-09) The original Notepad shipped with Windows is probably the handiest program of all times, small, fast, without frills! Notepad3 tries to follow this principle, it’s a fast and light-weight Scintilla-based text editor with syntax highlighting. It has a small memory footprint, but is powerful enough to handle most programming jobs. Features include code folding, bracket matching, automatic indentation, word auto-completion, convert character encoding between various formats (ASCII, UTF-8, and UTF-16), newline format conversion (between DOS (CR/LF), Unix (LF), and Macintosh (CR) formats), multiple undo or redo, bookmarks, and regular expression-based find and replace. Notepad3 changes and improves upon many of Notepad2 and Notepad2-mod's features. Author's site: https://www.rizonesoft.com/ Download: https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/notepad3/ Changelog: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rizonesoft/Notepad3/master/Build/Changes.txt RIZONESOFT SOFTWARE If you experience issues with our software or have some suggestions, report it on: https://github.com/rizonesoft/Notepad3/issues Changes in version 6.24.309.1 RC3 (2024-03-09):
  3. Notepad3 v5.19.630.2381 (2019-06-30) The original Notepad shipped with Windows is probably the handiest program of all times, small, fast, without frills! Notepad3 tries to follow this principle, it’s a fast and light-weight Scintilla-based text editor with syntax highlighting. It has a small memory footprint, but is powerful enough to handle most programming jobs. Features include code folding, bracket matching, automatic indentation, word auto-completion, convert character encoding between various formats (ASCII, UTF-8, and UTF-16), newline format conversion (between DOS (CR/LF), Unix (LF), and Macintosh (CR) formats), multiple undo or redo, bookmarks, and regular expression-based find and replace. Notepad3 changes and improves upon many of Notepad2 and Notepad2-mod's features. Read more Author’s Homepage: https://www.rizonesoft.com/ Author’s Download: https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/ Notepad3 Download: https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/notepad3/ NP3 Documentation: https://www.rizonesoft.com/documents/notepad3/ NP3 Latest Changelog: https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/notepad3/update/ NP3 All Changelogs: https://github.com/rizonesoft/Notepad3/blob/master/Build/Changes.txt Notepad3 FAQs: https://www.rizonesoft.com/documents/notepad3/frequently-asked-questions/ Direct Download: Installer: Notepad3_5.19.630.2381_Setup.exe Portable: Notepad3_5.19.630.2381.zip PortableApps: Notepad3Portable_5.19.701.2381_Dev_Test_4.paf.exe Version: 5.19.630.2381 Updated: June 30, 2019 File size: 4 MB License: Open Source Requirements: Windows® 7, 8 / 8.1, 10 (32 and 64 bit) RIZONESOFT SOFTWARE If you experience issues with our software or have some suggestions, report it on: GitHub here. Changes in version 5.19.630.2381 (2019-06-30):
  4. Notepad3 v5.19.528.2228 RC (2019-05-28) The original Notepad shipped with Windows is probably the handiest program of all times, small, fast, without frills! Notepad3 tries to follow this principle, it’s a fast and light-weight Scintilla-based text editor with syntax highlighting. It has a small memory footprint, but is powerful enough to handle most programming jobs. Features include code folding, bracket matching, automatic indentation, word auto-completion, convert character encoding between various formats (ASCII, UTF-8, and UTF-16), newline format conversion (between DOS (CR/LF), Unix (LF), and Macintosh (CR) formats), multiple undo or redo, bookmarks, and regular expression-based find and replace. Notepad3 changes and improves upon many of Notepad2 and Notepad2-mod's features. Read more Author’s Homepage: https://www.rizonesoft.com/ Author’s Download: https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/ Notepad3 Download: https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/notepad3/ NP3 Documentation: https://www.rizonesoft.com/documents/notepad3/ NP3 Latest Changelog: https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/notepad3/update/ NP3 All Changelogs: https://github.com/rizonesoft/Notepad3/blob/master/Build/Changes.txt Notepad3 FAQs: https://www.rizonesoft.com/documents/notepad3/frequently-asked-questions/ Direct Download (RC = Release Candidate): Installer: Notepad3_5.19.528.2228_Setup.exe Portable: Notepad3_5.19.528.2228.zip PortableApps: Notepad3Portable_5.19.528.2228_Dev_Test_3.paf.exe Version: 5.19.528.2228 Updated: May 28, 2019 File size: 4 MB License: Open Source Requirements: Windows® 7, 8 / 8.1, 10 (32 and 64 bit) RIZONESOFT SOFTWARE If you experience issues with our software or have some suggestions, report it on: GitHub here. Changes in version 5.19.528.2228 RC (2019-05-28):
  5. Notepad3 v5.18.1106.1434 RC2 (2018-11-03) The original Notepad shipped with Windows is probably the handiest program of all times, small, fast, without frills! Notepad3 tries to follow this principle, it’s a fast and light-weight Scintilla-based text editor with syntax highlighting. It has a small memory footprint, but is powerful enough to handle most programming jobs. Features include code folding, bracket matching, automatic indentation, word auto-completion, convert character encoding between various formats (ASCII, UTF-8, and UTF-16), newline format conversion (between DOS (CR/LF), Unix (LF), and Macintosh (CR) formats), multiple undo or redo, bookmarks, and regular expression-based find and replace. Notepad3 changes and improves upon many of Notepad2 and Notepad2-mod's features. Read more Author’s Homepage: https://www.rizonesoft.com/ Author’s Download: https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/ Notepad3 Download: https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/notepad3/ NP3 Documentation: https://www.rizonesoft.com/documents/notepad3/ NP3 Latest Changelog: https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/notepad3/update/ NP3 All Changelogs: https://github.com/rizonesoft/Notepad3/blob/master/Build/Changes.txt Notepad3 FAQs: https://www.rizonesoft.com/documents/notepad3/frequently-asked-questions/ Direct Download: Download: Notepad3_5.18.1106.1434_Setup.exe Portable: Notepad3_5.18.1106.1434.zip Version: 5.18.1106.1434 Updated: November 3, 2018 File size: 2 MB License: Open Source Requirements: Windows® 7, 8 / 8.1, 10 (32 and 64 bit) RIZONESOFT SOFTWARE If you experience issues with our software or have some suggestions, report it on: GitHub here. Changes in version 5.18.1106.1434 RC2 (2018-11-03):
  6. Notepad3 v4.18.512.992 (2018-05-12) The original Notepad shipped with Windows is probably the handiest program of all times, small, fast, without frills! Notepad3 tries to follow this principle, it’s a fast and light-weight Scintilla-based text editor with syntax highlighting. It has a small memory footprint, but is powerful enough to handle most programming jobs. Features include code folding, bracket matching, automatic indentation, word auto-completion, convert character encoding between various formats (ASCII, UTF-8, and UTF-16), newline format conversion (between DOS (CR/LF), Unix (LF), and Macintosh (CR) formats), multiple undo or redo, bookmarks, and regular expression-based find and replace. Notepad3 changes and improves upon many of Notepad2 and Notepad2-mod's features. Read more Author’s Homepage: https://www.rizonesoft.com/ Author’s Download: https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/ Notepad3 Homepage: https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/notepad3/ NP3 Documentation: https://www.rizonesoft.com/documents/notepad3/ NP3 Latest Changelog: https://www.rizonesoft.com/downloads/notepad3/update/ NP3 All Changelogs: https://github.com/rizonesoft/Notepad3/blob/master/Build/Changes.txt Notepad3 FAQs: https://www.rizonesoft.com/documents/notepad3/frequently-asked-questions/ User Testimonials: https://www.rizonesoft.com/testimonials/ Direct Download: Download: https://www.rizonesoft.com/genesis/Notepad3/Notepad3_4.18.512.992_Setup.zip Portable: https://www.rizonesoft.com/genesis/Notepad3/Notepad3_4.18.512.992.zip Version: 4.18.512.992 Updated: May 12, 2018 File size: 2 MB License: Open Source Requirements: Windows® 7, 8 / 8.1, 10 (32 and 64 bit) Latest Changelog: V4.18.512.992 (2018-05-12):
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