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Everything posted by XPerceniol

  1. For me .. those 2 keys were deleted by Malwarebytes ADWCleaner without any issues and they dont reappear unless I start 360Chrome. I do have: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ESENT\Process\360chrome and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ESENT\Process\360chrome\DEBUG (with an entry named "Trace Level") PS: My registry isn't locked neither ?
  2. Hello there.. Yes ... I would rather deal with that side effect as I don't use the store. Both 11 and 12 work fine for me. Here are the keys that remain:
  3. <OT> Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm sooo NOT kidding - I (actually) still use Winamp [to this very day] as I enjoy the speed/temp *Fourier* control plugin. I know ( I know ) there are/were other (better) players, but I got attached to it and carried it along throughout the years even though I rarely change the speed/temp of music anymore Will check in tomorrow for updates to the browser builds - good luck!
  4. Ooops, I hit reply too fast ... ha! Also, I assume most of those setting are ralated to either google or 360, so I'd prefer to not use those, but I don't know if removing them is the same as leaving then so we can disable them; as they might be enabled by default. Sorry guys for my writting, I'm getting tired.
  5. I vote to remove them as I would never want to join their 'user experience plan' (so they can spy on me) and I wouldn't want a webservice to "predict" anything for me when I only type 2 letters. also, I keep them all unchecked ecxept for do not track.
  6. Ummm ... no apologies needed - I like your skin, but I did change it as it gets a bit hard on the eyes after a long time. But of course its your version - I'm only testing your builds atm, and that was the only part not in English (other than my crazy typing Lol)
  7. That is all si settings, but still (if you read my other posting) when a page can't be displayed, I get those pages still.
  8. Testing 12v4. Nothing bad to report other than some things are still not in English, but I think you already said that was the case. ps- I clean almost everything everything at close with this. [RunAfter] DirRemove=%Profile%\BrowserMetrics* DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Application Cache DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\AutofillStrikeDatabase DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\blob_storage DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\BudgetDatabase DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Cache DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Code Cache DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\DailyBackup DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\DailyRollingBackup DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\data_reduction_proxy_leveldb DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\databases DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Extension Rules DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Extension State DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Extensions\Temp DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Feature Engagement Tracker DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\File System DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\GPUCache DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\IndexedDB DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Local Storage DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\JumpListIcons DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\JumpListIconsOld DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Media Cache DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Pepper Data DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Platform Notifications DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Service Worker DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Session Storage DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Sessions DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\shared_proto_db DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Site Characteristics Database DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Sync Data DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\VideoDecodeStats DirRemove=%Profile%\GrShaderCache DirRemove=%Profile%\PepperFlash DirRemove=%Profile%\plugins DirRemove=%Profile%\pnacl DirRemove=%Profile%\PnaclTranslationCache DirRemove=%Profile%\safemon|e DirRemove=%Profile%\safemon|e DirRemove=%Profile%\ShaderCache DirRemove=%Profile%\ShaderCache DirRemove=%Profile%\Webstore Downloads|e DirRemove=%Profile%\Webstore Downloads|e FileDelete=%Profile%\*-journal*;chrome_shutdown_ms*;switch_core*;*.log FileDelete=%Profile%\*-journal*;chrome_shutdown_ms*;switch_core*;*.log;Last * FileDelete=%Profile%\*-journal*;chrome_shutdown_ms*;switch_core*;*.log;Last Version FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\*.tmp;*-journal;log;log.old;*.log FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\*.txt;*.bak;reext;ruc FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\360Bookmarks FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Cookies FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Favicons FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Google Profile.ico FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\History FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\heavy_ad_intervention_opt_out FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\History Provider Cache FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Login Data FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\MANIFEST-*;*.ldb;*.tmp;*.bak;*-journal;Archived History;History Provider Cache;Visited Links;Current *;Last * FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Media History FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Network Action Predictor FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Network Persistent State FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\QuotaManager FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\previews_opt_out FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Reporting and NEL FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Secure Preferences FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Shortcuts FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Sync360_V8.sqlite3 FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Top Sites FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\TransportSecurity FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Visited Links FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\Web Data FileDelete=.\Chrome\Application\*.log FileDelete=.\Chrome\Application\*.log;*.tmp
  9. Exactly the same setup, but I can't evern run either test for some reason - won't connect at all and its not in English so I don't know what to select here? . Otherwise; good overall on this build and look forward to v4
  10. I'm ok with that; as well here with XP and 52.9.1 (hardware acceleration disabled) ... spoofed to: user_pref("general.oscpu.override", "Windows NT 10.0"); user_pref("general.platform.override", ""); user_pref("general.useragent.compatMode.version", "62"); user_pref("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0"); user_pref("general.useragent.vendor", ""); user_pref("general.useragent.vendorSub", ""); Just caught this and figured I'd add my 2 cents Gonna give some feedback on my 360 @ArcticFoxie 12.0.1247_rebuild_3 in a few minutes.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSKX0YwiZ-U
  12. Hello; @dmiranda Would you help me with my 'issues" ... computer issues, of course ... hehe. Unfortunately, the only Juice I have is prune juice in the fridge, and while that is VERY effective, its not helping me with my computer =P Could you come up with an alternative: // ACCELERATION AND GRAPHICS - GOOD FOR MULTIPROCESS IF YOU GOT MOLASSES I'm not kidding, I'm running VERY VERY old hardware and things were slower using your prefs, So, I figured I'd just try the opposite of what you suggested to see and that didn't help much either. Basically, I left everything at their default(s) and omitted adding anything. I only changed the following prefs. user_pref("layers.acceleration.enabled", false;) user_pref("gfx.direct2d.disabled", false); // default <--true Do you think changing anything on your list from their defaults would improve anything, or is there anything else I could change elsewhere to help/improve this old clunker. Lol Otherwise; our prefs are actually quite similar. thank you for any advice in advance
  13. Yeah ... I've emptied everything except for the only file I kept: C:\WINDOWS\system32\SoftwareDistribution\Setup\ServiceStartup\wups.dll\7.6.7600.256 So I gave up. Lol :)
  14. @Mr.Scienceman2000@UCyborg Hang in there ... I know its hard sometimes.
  15. I've been using 360 more lately as FF is struggling nowadays.
  16. Hi Dave.. I just ran the tool and didn't get that error.
  17. Hello there @ArcticFoxie would you confirm for me that I have download your latest v12? I've download one from Aug 29th [360ChromePortable_12.0.1247_rebuild_2] and one from Aug 22 [360Chrome 12.0.1247] Just want to make sure I"m not missing something since I"m playing catch up. Thanks in advance
  18. YAY!!! I've been secretly testing this the last few days and have been getting a red padlock up until I gave your fix a try - and it worked! I mean ... to everyone that put hard work into this browser, I can't say enough what an amazing experience thus far I've had with the new @ArcticFoxie 13 v4 build. I've been using this and cant crash it with countless youtube tabs open. I also hope to get around to testing all others builds when I have time. The only thing I'm unable to get working is speel check. So I'm (very much) all into this and will give this a try as my default browser. Very fast and secure and I'm quite happy and was surprised to see the flag [Anonymize local IPs exposed by WebRTC]. I looked over the loader and it clears everything when closed. Again.. Thanks and keep up the good work and I hope your projects take off.
  19. Hi.. Yes, I'm getting the same here. If you look back, somebody said its a blank page with ST52. While @RainyShadow was able to get it to work, I am still not, I only get a blank page with Both ST and NM28. While OTOH - with FF52.9.1 (with the ua spoofed) I'm able to load the main page and WAS able to upload and view all postings, however, now I can no longer view posting or upload either ... goes to a blank page as well. Perhaps they 'caught on' to our spoof? EDIT: Just trying again and it will load for a millisecond and then goes to blank page on ST.
  20. Thank you @mina354 @Dixel @D.Draker Yeah, sometimes breaks are good to reset. Honestly, its been rough, I won't lie. Just dealing with a lot, I guess. Mostly health crap (both physically and mentally). But its been rough for everyone and we all have to do what is best to get by and sometimes the hardest thing to let go is our pride when things feel uncertain are we are pushed beyond our 'breaking point'. I'm getting better at embracing humility. I'm a simply guy and being isolated in a world of confusion and uproar doesn't at all bother me. I can get by with little (always have) and I see nothing wrong with solace. Unfortunately, I allow myself to take that too far and fall hard, which (in turn) makes it so very very hard to get back up. Nuff about my drama :) I'm Grateful to be part of this forum and the passion everyone here puts into their work and postings. Hope everyone is managing as best as can be. I'm feeling: Appreciative
  21. Hi Dave ... hope you're well :) Yes, blank page. I spoof to FF62 as below: user_pref("general.oscpu.override", "Windows NT 10.0"); user_pref("general.platform.override", ""); user_pref("general.useragent.compatMode.version", "62"); user_pref("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0");
  22. EDIT: However, I'm able to load it [https://imgur.com/] fine with both FF52.9.1 and FF45 Sorry to hear that; Roy I hope you will continue your development for FF45 - I've been using it and will give up on MCP altogether after finally reading what happened. I'm able to spoof FF62 and youtube loads fine and plays quite well and I don't get the 'nag' to update the browser anymore, and, besides, I can't support "them" anymore. I realize tefourfox is over, so whatever you do to keep it going would be awesome. user_pref("general.oscpu.override", "Windows NT 10.0"); user_pref("general.platform.override", ""); user_pref("general.useragent.compatMode.version", "62"); user_pref("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0");
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