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Everything posted by XPerceniol

  1. I also have wasm and webgl disabled along with dom storage (only enable it when needed) and websocket, beacon and cache disabled. I've not heard of Webbrowser, does this work on xp? It was actually you @Sampei.Nihira that educated me on how to use ccleaner properly; so I clean my tracks pretty well (html storage). EDIT: What the heck ... I just ran the test again and I went from unique to Your browser has a nearly-unique fingerprint and I didn't change anything?! I won't look a 'gift horse' in the mouth .. suddenly I'm less unique. Ha! I guess the real (Important) question, is.. should one look any horse in the mouth?
  2. That is pretty much as I suspected ... just visiting a malicious or compromised site could cause this to happen. Thank you for your advice.
  3. Thank you for those recommendations. Sad to admit, I don't much (anything at all) about CND. How would I disable that?
  4. This is With Serpent 52. However, unless its chrome on windows 7 (I think) we're gonna be unique. Same results with New Moon, but FF52.9.1 wont load results - just keep going and going? I've stopped using Do Not Track as @ArcticFoxie recommends against using it when discussed previously in the 360 thread. I have my browsers heavily disabled and I've been experimenting all day trying to tighten up JavaScript, but it slows things down pretty badly. I do have the following disabled: user_pref("javascript.options.asmjs", false); user_pref("javascript.options.shared_memory", false); user_pref("javascript.options.wasm", false); user_pref("javascript.use_US_english_locale", true); However, when I disable ion and baselinejit, it slow things down to a crawl, so I left those alone. @Roytam1 already has javascript.options.asyncstack; defaulted to false. Setting javascript.options.strict to true also caused site issues, so I left that as is.
  5. If (when) that time comes, I would consider trying 7 without updates and tweaked (I've only used it in the library a few times) or go full Linux. Would never move into 8+. If I had to buy something new, I'm not sure what I'd do to be honest; perhaps downgrade.
  6. From the hacker news. https://thehackernews.com/2021/10/new-attack-let-attacker-collect-and.html Any thoughts?
  7. I've been researching and don't see any answers on how to prevent this from happening and it sounds awful to be honest. I doubt malware scanners would even detect it. Seems just visiting a malicious site could leave one vulnerable. Has anybody else heard of this?
  8. Its news like this that make me want to return to only my solar calculator and abacus. In fact, I don't even trust my digital alarm clock, I think I'll dig out my cuckoo clock of the moldy basement. Actually, everything I own is cuckoo ... oh don't be so shocked https://thehackernews.com/2021/10/new-attack-let-attacker-collect-and.html ""The impact of Gummy Browsers can be devastating and lasting on the online security and privacy of the users, especially given that browser-fingerprinting is starting to get widely adopted in the real world," the researchers concluded. "In light of this attack, our work raises the question of whether browser fingerprinting is safe to deploy on a large scale.""
  9. I actually only us Arctic Fox and New Mon 27 on my ultra slow rig for that reason - otherwise, I prefer Serpent 52 on my primary computer.
  10. Ahhh ... Natural, very nice; just be yourself. Take me or leave me - I'm a "character" no argument there =P I'm feeling: Excited. (My fav holiday Halloween is close) Side note: I've been away too long and need to do some serious 'catch up' here it seems. Right now, I'm too exhausted.
  11. PS: No plugins or extensions at all and I keep it (as well as Serpent and FF 52.9.1 very tight with practically everything is disabled - I only enable when necessary)
  12. Hmmm ... no issues at all with the latest Arctic Fox with https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/lav-dll-lite- from Roytam. No crashes and YouTube is fine but a bit slow. MSFN is also fine. I used the following prefs: Javascript user_pref("javascript.options.asmjs", false); user_pref("javascript.options.wasm", false); user_pref("javascript.use_US_english_locale", true); Spoof Browser user_pref("general.oscpu.override", "Windows NT 10.0"); user_pref("general.platform.override", ""); user_pref("general.useragent.compatMode.version", "62"); user_pref("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win32; x86; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0"); user_pref("general.useragent.vendor", ""); user_pref("general.useragent.vendorSub", "");
  13. Thank you ... I took your advice and I am now using your recommended settings :)
  14. I've used Linux Lite Live DVD a few times and it was fine .. accept for when I exit and reboot to (back to) windows the time is messed up Lol. Otherwise, it's usable if needed.
  15. Agreed! I'll be sticking with xp so long as possible - hopefully my 2 clunkers will hang in there for a while longer.
  16. Getting ready to watch something on Netflix - Likely thriller if I can find a good one. Last night I watched https://www.hulu.com/movie/stalker-88a95b29-f836-45c3-809f-e158f249e9c3
  17. Most of the links in that page are dead?! There it says (reads) https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=2633952 (which I don't seem to have installed [checked regedit]?) and this https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/kb914387-how-to-configure-daylight-saving-time-for-microsoft-windows-operating-systems-83a0992c-bce3-336a-d64d-f7bdfdbcd7c8 I'm also missing some of those updates. I thought I was fully updated and posready - even have many sp4 updates installed. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows XP\SP4 I'm extremely "backed up" (which reminds me - its prune juice time - I mean my computer is backed up) so if anybody wants me to start installing things like a mad man (that I am already) ... lay it on me and I'll try.
  18. just to let you guys know ... its not a 360 issue ... same here with Serpent and Firefox 52.9.1 ? "You are using a proxy that is known to send automated requests to" ??? No proxy here either:
  19. Oh.. My.. Gawd *blush* *blush* *blush* !!! I do (indeed) have THAT very sign in front of my (double wide) trailer ... along with an old couch and dryer outside and a beware of vicious dog sign and a scary mask on door. Do you think they've seen me in "action"?? My word, is my face red. I mean, "good grief" , I dance around with the hair brush and sing to Cyndi Lauper in spandex. Trust me, its NOT a pretty sight and I feel for anybody that witnessed it as they will need therapy for years to recover. ok, back to regularly scheduled programming - leave it to me to mess things up. Thus far, having good very luck with your latest v12 build. And, oh, I will leave "Do Not Track" unchecked :)
  20. I'm having the same issue with https://time-and-calendar.com With @ArcticFoxie 12.0.1247_reb 5 - Missing 1 hour for some reason?
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