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Everything posted by XPerceniol

  1. Wishing you well with your first jab; @VistaLover, I was concerned myself, but, truthfully, I didn't have any serious side effects.
  2. Exactly the same as @legacyfan and @VistaLover with both Serpent52 and New Moon28 - that setting isn't there. EDIT: As well as Vivaldi and Iron Browsers as I just tested them both.
  3. Unless there is a setting somewhere I'm unaware of; with both, Serpent and New Moon, I can't see the flags?
  4. ~OT~ I don't know; VistaLover; you've surely (wait.. whom is Shirley again??) have seen myself writing here about mister blobfish ... You know they all be like, 'we knew it' that is "code" for something sinister When in reality, good old XPerceniol just has (more than 1) screw loose somewhere ... in the computer, of course. ~OT~ Sorry, but thought MSFN could use a little terrible humor. But seriously, I do agree with you, and of course, remember well the country flags under the members names.
  5. Thank you for that helpful link: I stand corrected; in part from my previous posting. I download all those games and they were so bad I deleted them lol. The only ones I've decided to keep: https://archive.org/download/BestOfWindowsEntertainmentPack64Bit/cruel.exe (Cruel Solitaire Ver 5.1 - 2007) and https://archive.org/download/BestOfWindowsEntertainmentPack64Bit/taipei.exe (mahjong Ver 2 - 1987) I didn't need those dll files for those 2 games - they run fine on their own. For some reason, I've never come across Cruel Solitaire and that is surprising, and taipei is actually pretty good given its age, so I consider this a lucky find today
  6. BTW.. you will also need to download those 2 dlls (aboutwep and winclip) in the same directory as the applications/games. I've scanned all files with Malwarebytes and Rogue Killer and all come up fine here.
  7. Well,, thus far I've gotten all these (retro) games to work, but can't find tetris? https://archive.org/download/BestOfWindowsEntertainmentPack64Bit On my XP 32Bit, but I'm not sure this was/is what you all are talking about as I'm hoping I have the right 'Entertainment Pack' ?! Thank you in advance
  8. Good day MSFN :) Could (would) you folks kindly recommend a few (safe - malware/spyware free) places to play some HTML5 Games without having to submit a birth certificate and blood type ... aarrgghh. The only one I've trusted thus far is: https://www.funhtml5games.com/ Would greatly appreciate any advice as I live a pretty isolated existence these days. ~Sal
  9. Yep, that is what it looked like when I first got here in 2018 - Cool! How is it: now 4 years later the forum looks fresh and prettier, while, I'm just closer to 50 every day and almost totally grey (long brown hair with grey beard/mustache) ??
  10. Trisha Yearwood ft. Don Henley (Eagles) - Walkaway Joe (Official Video)
  11. Agreed 100% VistaLover - Very grateful for your projects; Roy Just wanted to also say.. I'm a huge fan of Serpent 52.9.0 and this build didn't disappoint by any means, and although you've been hounded to 'rebrand', I understand this IS your own fork. Its my default browser 2nd to New Moon 28
  12. I'd bet some people here were thinking ... dang, I hope something knocked out my computer Lol; but nope. "Feelin' Groovy on my old Dell Dimension 3000 (from 2004) this morning. Sorry, you'll have to sneak in my home and poison my coffee to get rid of me.
  13. I'm on (both) Roytam1s Serpent and New Moon. Click on the drop down for your username and select "profile" - Upper right cornet select "see my activity" - On the left is "status update". Hope that works for you and I also noticed that change.
  14. Welcome back - don't be a stranger :)
  15. Thank you for the clarification @Tripredacus @Dave-H and MSFN staff ~OT~ Hey @VistaEX how's it going? You enjoying life as best as can be given the state of the word? I try to get outside and get some fresh air, a struggle for me but I do what I can ... we all do! ~OT~ I'd bet a lot of us are so sick on thinking about this issue - I know I am. I will check out what you are offering. Thanks for your input and help re this topic. Take good care ~XPerceniol
  16. Thanks for the reply. Not a problem at all, real life has been a bit hectic for me as well with a lot of medical stuff going on this last week so we have to prioritize. I appreciate everything everyone has done, so we'll wait and see then. I have this 'gut feeling' (though it could be indigestion .. hehe) that we're gonna be just fine come Sunday. As I've said, this was a learning experience for me, as I (fully) admit, this was (way) over my head, but better late than never to learn; so they say. Everyone in this thread was very helpful. I think @Gansangriff really 'took one for the team' and updated as this member (so i gather) also doesn't normally update. This doesn't prove we are (in some way) unwilling to let go, rather we are determined. I'll say it again, MSFN rocks!! ~OT~ Well, if they have to delete anything you wrote @Dixel, than practically everything I write here would deleted as I tend to go a tad (just a tad) off track now and again myself, so thank you for putting up with me
  17. I know my friend, I'm out of ideas; as well - thank you for all your hard work and testing. I'll admit I've nearly pooped my skinny jeans several times thinking about this I normally turn everything off before bed so I won't know until I fire up this beast Sunday morning. We'll just keep our fingers crossed, I guess. If you don't see me again ... please, MSFN, promise me you'll put up a plaque up in that halls somewhere of me (MR. Blobfish) as I feel my presence here has been 'memorable' (to say the very least) or perhaps 'unforgettable' might be a better depiction Lol
  18. I have installed KB4459091 which has updated (both) rsaenh.dll and schannel.dll to 5.1.2600.7567 and will forgo KB968730 EDIT: @Dave-H @Gansangriff And this has also updated My rsaenh.dll is version 5.1.2600.7345.
  19. Thank you, now I know at least where to get it and will (try to) install KB4459091 (I am missing that one for some reaosn) tomorrow as I'm 'brain-dead' atm ... I feel like a blobfish :( https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/search.aspx?q=KB4459091 Apparently I've been rolling with: schannel.dll file5.1.2600.6926 (xpsp_sp3_qfe.150921-2029) rsaenh.dll 5.1.2600.6924 (xpsp_sp3_qfe.150918-0613) Even though I'm posready. Have a great day/evening everyone.
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