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Everything posted by XPerceniol

  1. Please accept my apologize, guys, for not responding properly. Again; thank you very much for your help and assistance re this matter. I appreciate everyone's advice and am learning a lot about this Seagate that I didn't know before. I will respond in fully detail hopefully later or tomorrow ... unfortunately, I wasn't really doing very well last week . Again, sorry for that. Take good care and thanks again.
  2. Hello there.. Well, actually, its a bit of both thank you for the reminder ... sometimes I forget what I ate for dinner last night; but that's another story all together. Of course; I know to create a shortcut to chrome and add the switches, but as I stated, I still find some confusion between the ArcticFoxie and Humming Own builds. Whist one used the loader, the other doesn't and I was unsure that I could just use a shortcut in this instance. I understand some members are better at explaining things than others, so stating the obvious to somebody asking a (polite) question isn't (always) the best approach. But all is well and any advice about the browser in question or my mind/memory is also not a problem. Going forward: I'll try again to ask questions if I need to, unless I feel I'm being "roasted" by other members at my expense, hence I would (in turn) have ask questions on another forum - which would be absurd since this my home forum and I'm asking in re to browsers being discussed here. Please make NO mistake; I won't be made a fool on a public forum when asking appropriate questions in the correct sub-forum (as I did - general question) so please understand as I clearly stated; I'm new to this and am very grateful to those that have helped me here with computer issues. Enjoy your day/evening everyone. Sincerely Yours.. XPerceniol PS: I don't know as he has not given me permissions to say such, and I'll edit and remove if he prefers so. Thank you @Dixel very much for allowing me to test and use your build; as well :)
  3. Howdy all Hope everyone is doing just fine this lovely Saturday. Again; I'm learning and still quite novice to these browsers. As I've said ... being a FF guy, its quite a learning curve for me and I rely (heavily) on other member's here in addiction to doing my own research to begin to understand the way chrome browsers work. So, I've spent the last 2 hours combing through threads and am trying to find out how you guys came up with host file entries for these browsers. I see some old posting of folks posting host file entries to block. Is there an updated host file listing for our amazing 360? What I'm asking (struggling to fine a way to ask), is, how did you come with with those entries? Is there a program to use so I can come up with my own? Thus far, very impressed with the browser and I'm finally getting around to trying @Humming Owl 's builds; but am unsure how to ad my command-line-switches [--enable-strict-mixed-content-checking --ssl-version-min=tls1.2] without the loader from the @ArcticFoxie builds. Sorry for so many questions and I hope to not bother anybody by my lack of knowledge. I'm a fungi EDIT: K ... I accidentally wrote addiction, when, of course, I mean addition. Oh please, I'll leave it, I'm an open book and have dealt with addiction much of my life and have come a long way, and, an now. 100% clean and sober! See, I'm genuine TY @ArcticFoxie for the program. Enjoy your weekend everyone!
  4. Same ... I trust my dumb phone [LG Flipphone] so I feel like magnum PI Don't ever plan to get a smart phone as I don't need one. When I get a call, I don't even say anything now, I wait utnil they say something first. When the ask for me, I say "Who wants to know" Lol Sorry <OT>
  5. OK, So my computer is inconstant and has some quirks ... sounds like a perfect match for me made in heaven Seriously; I'm trying to more serious because my face cracks when I try to smile. No really ... you know, I've never had much, and never wanted/needed much to get by. I'm a simple humble soul as I've learned to appreciate what I DO have, and work with the limitations. The only thing constant is change; so must strive to "adapt" to life as one never (truly) knows whats ahead when our eyes open each day. I've come to live day-by-day and expect the unexpected and try to not expect anything is a constant and expectations of otherwise is a recipe for disappointment. I don't hate on those that are more fortunate than I; rather, I try to remove jealousy form my life as I don't know the road another has traveled and resenting others for their (seemingly) fortunate state of being or wealth leads to bitterness and feelings of envy and inadequacy. Now, of course, all that is easier said than done and I'm far from perfect, I have my share of quirks and inconsistencies. What is "normal" or "Regular". Sure, I spent far too many years hoping that one day everything would just fall into place and become routine and uniform ... both good and bad comes along with change and there is nothing wrong with 'going with the flow'. It is possible to own possessions, yet still be poor, which means one could own little or nothing and still be rich. happiness and contentment with your own life - the key to a truly rich life
  6. Nothing I Can Do About It Now - Willie Nelson
  7. I'm so poor ... I put at toothpick on the bottom of a cardboard box, spin it around, and that IS my xbox 360
  8. Yes, I tried it yesterday, and when I try out any Chrome browser, I right away (before going online) go to settings and start to disable and configure (plugins and flags) and I noticed right way that "chrome://plugins" doesn't work and I don't like unknown plugins going unchecked. Otherwise it works fine but no red or green padlock? Thanks for the effort on this browser, but I think I'll pass and stick with 360.
  9. Having thus far stuck loyal to (both) Serpent 52 and (My heavily/extremely tweaked to death) FF52.9.1; pages that loaded fine last month are changing and youtube is just awful now with both. Honestly, for me, new moon is worse and hangs with not responding. I agree - I actually feel more "Private" and secure with @ArcticFoxie 's 'ungoogled' 360EE now. I've found V12 [12.0.1247_rebuild_9] to perform very well overall and I think the folks here that have worked and contributed to it have made it what it is. Sorry, I forget names and don't want to leave anybody out.
  10. Yikes ... they can get your mac address??
  11. K ... so I went with Victoria and got even worse results (BAD), so I think it might just be time to start looking. Later today (maybe) I'll let it do the full scan and repair. For now, I did the quick scan and other than the (usual) inconsistencies and countless errors, it was normal. I mean, obviously its working or I wouldn't be posting so keep my fingers crossed each day. I would still consider myself a novice user and rely on tools; I've come a long way from where I was, but still learning new things every day. Admittedly, this is getting way over my head. If you only knew how long it took me to learn the universal remote TV Control ... Now when I try to change stations, the garage door opens and closes
  12. Thank you @Dixel and @dmiranda. I did download that program, so thank you for that recommendation. Whats funny, is, HDDSCAN S.M.A.R.T gives it a green light even with the bad sectors and the standard (quick) scan goes through fine, but the long scan won't even complete at all, it locks up at 46%. Where, I crystal gives it a yellow caution warning. I actually didn't know a full format would do that, so I'll consider doing that perhaps this week. I have several medical appointments and hopefully will have the time. Good thing this is a legit installation and I'm holding the recovery DVD and key So I'll just let it format and (hopefully) then use Acronis to restore my (current) installation - hopefully it will work that way. Quite truthfully, I am backed up very well and have not even a single thing on my drive of any importance/value to me. Just the OS - the browsers - and an few recording music programs. Al my (on-demand) antivirus applications. I learned to not store anything that is personal on a hard drive. But yeah, I realize I'm on 'borrowed time' with this and I'm surprised with all the brown outs here, it didn't quit on me already. I'm unsure if its worth it since this thing is likely held together with the dust and dirt and things are rusted in place. Lol! We'll see, I guess. Thanks again for your advice.
  13. Yeah, I recall in the beginning Iron got a bad rap for being scareware. Sure, they were right, but, as you say, they replaced it with their own Telemetry. I gave up on Iron and Vivaldi.
  14. So .. Here I go again. Could (would) anybody recommend any program I could try to investigate bad sectors on my hard drive so I may be able to isolate them into their own partition? I realized my hard drive is failing but looking to squeeze out a little more time out of it if I can. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: I guess what I'm trying to say, is, if possible, I'd like to find out exactly where the bad sectors are so I can create partitions around them (so to speak). As I've said, I've run computers with bad sectors and eventually they spread and as I understand (or misunderstand) it, chkdsk marks them so nothing can be written to them. I've been running it 2 times a week and still get many errors.
  15. Lol ... I feel like I'm married to it :) Oh, and, I'm sorry, you mentioned my desktop somewhere else a while ago and I forgot to answer it. Its nothing at all actually - just these basic settings. . Yeah, I've ran computers in the past with bad sectors for years. Just allow chkdsk to work. I just did chkdsk c: /f/x/i/c/r and i attached it. Same nonsense again ... I think I might resurrect my old thread and see if anybody had any ideas.
  16. I'm Feeling: Saddened (just a little bit) ... but a good reality check nevertheless that nothing lasts forever - That also means the bad dark times won't last forever and it can't rain every day. I try to remind myself of this everyday and cherish the good moments in life, even if rare. Looking back at the past ... Hmmm. Can I or do I have right to complain? Sure, but what good would it do to expect things like electronics to not age as gracefully as I have. Now if you believe that; I have ocean front property to sell u Upon research this lovely morning, I read "Imminent Failure". Nope; Not a failure at all, in fact, a champion to me. My Dell Optiplex 745 (Built 2007) mas gotten me through some (many) rough times to get here to my late 40s. What is imminent, well, I hear 50 rocks and that reality isn't that far away. What does the future (truly) hold, we never know for certain, but do I give up easily ... not a chance The old Ford Pinto will keep chugging along until the wheels fall off and not a moment sooner. You guys would never believe me when I say I'm (mostly) running on original hardware here and I doubt I'd replace anything, as, really, this rig is 'well past its prime'. My plan now is to just keep going until there is nothing left and worry later. Or, perhaps, not even worry at all, I mean, hey, what a ride. Right No regrets!
  17. So, I've actually had the same issue with LinuxLite, I'm unable to get my HP printer to work - It will work with (both) ubuntu 16.04.6 (32bit) and lubuntu 18.04.5 (32bit), but they're getting long in the tooth and very vulnerable so I hardly ever use them. Do you @Sampei.Nihira by chance know if Xubuntu comes in 32 bit and live DVD. I've had some linux nightmares and now have 4 partitions that I'm stuck with from a bad linux installation, but oh well, I use em occasionally and they are small and I'm not upset. Part of the problem is my boot sector is already dual-boot for linux acronis recovery (when press f11 before windows) so it doesn't play nicely with others unless I disable that first.
  18. Hmmm ... fine here with both Serpent 52 and FF 52.9.1? https://git.hyperbola.info:50100/ Then I clicked ->software/icecrypt.git/log/
  19. For real?? Do you replace it with another firewall? @Dixel recommended comodo but I've not gotten around to trying it yet. TBH ... it bothers me that in order to use the windows firewall I also have to run *Window Management Instrumentation* (which is quite vulnerable) - or, at least, I'm unable to start the firewall service without *WMI*. What do you recommend? Regarding what you said about browsers starting slow after you power-down, at the end of the day, I always turn everything (electronic) off so I can unwind and because even a notification causes me anxiety. I just deal with it and do something else when I start up my programs Lol
  20. Besides, you can pretty much do anything all week so long as you go to church on Sundays and donate when they pass around the basket .. so I hear anyway. I'm pretty evil so I hesitate to step into a church =P ~Damian
  21. I was going to say ... I tried V12 with javascript disabled globally and still was fingerprinted so I presume uMatrix is the key, but I've never used it so will have to learn another new thing if I try it, but now, I'm not that worried about it. As you said, I'm not doing anything illegal.
  22. I realize the thread is normally to discuss issues; but I've been using your V12 "ungoogled" without any issues. As I've said, I'm not scared of google and do use the search engine because the results are more relevant results ... of course, I know that comes at a cost. mainly see your "ungoogled" version(s) less bloated with stuff I'm not using anyway. Very satisfied thus far
  23. I have also completely quit Iron and Vivaldi (even though they both still work) ... of course, as I'm running on XP, they are equal to Chrome 49 and this really isn't safe in 2021. I've uninstalled them and removed all traces and only use 360 now. I've come to like @ArcticFoxie 's build V12 and have not a single issue to complain. I haven't given up (yet) on Serpent (or FF52.9.1 for that matter) but I suspect, overtime, they will become less useful.
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