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Everything posted by XPerceniol

  1. Hi everyone. See, this is what happens when I don't keep up, I fall behind and get overwhelmed. Actually, I'm a bit of a scatter brain anyway so, if I get this right: Everyone was/is pretty satisfied with 2206 v2 - you did say (I think) you were going to clean it up (polish) or something as such; but otherwise its where you want it? So bumping up the version (so to speak, of course) is on the back burner and your still on improving 2206 v2 - And this is considered to be your @ArcticFoxie 360 build? People have been testing and are finding success with @Humming Owl 360 v11 build? Sorry for all the questions. I've not been able to test much further as I've been unable to focus lately. Will keep reading and soak up what I've missed ... ugh. TY
  2. Hi there.. Content is loading for me here on Serpent 52? The only parts that won't (I assumed) is because of what I have blocked.
  3. I really like that you, @ArcticFoxie , are trying to create a functional and stable chromium browser for us with as little unneeded clutter as possible to remove. For most of us on XP, Chrome 49 was as up-to-date as possible for us ... now this allows more options going forward seeing as FF/PM (UXP) is getting more and more limited.
  4. OH the memories of good old 'file sharing' days in the 90's. I have many songs from ... ok, we'll forget I said it. Said what
  5. Hello.. I would never log in to 360; nor do I log into anything google for that matter. I'm guess I'm looking for an un 'de'-googled and un360ed - 360 browser. Ha ha :)
  6. You're welcome :) Good luck with your work on this browser. Wow ... You're really into this every day. Gosh, how do find time for anything else? Lol
  7. Thanks for the suggestion - I use portable wise cleaner https://www.wisecleaner.com/download.html
  8. Ok.. So this latest build does crash about 1/2 way through watching a vid. At one point, I actually had to use the task manager to end tasks. The 3rd time it wouldn't start at al unless I restarted my computer and cleaned the registry with wise cleaner. Build 2206 v2 still works well for me, anyway.
  9. I'm feeling: Relaxed (and ready to enjoy a 'party for 1' at home)
  10. Sorry, I've been tied up ... Yeah right ... I wish. Kidding of course (or am I?!) =P I'll try to catch up on your work tomorrow. I didn't get a chance to test your latest build, but you said you abounded it anyway so I'll wait. Unfortunately, this is getting (way) over my head sad to admit it. When I did test it last week, I didn't have more than 1 tab open, and everything worked well.
  11. Hi all.. Sorry I've been MIA - Just a lot going on in real life. Sorry :( Actually, in Serpent its default it set to "True" - so I toggled it. Thanks!
  12. Well.. To be honest, even though Serpent is my default browser (mostly because I quite enjoy the security and 'tor like' features/prefs that I heavily configure/crippled to my liking - though I don't use Tor and won't), I have better success with New Moon 28 on YouTube - its just faster. For example, I actually have trouble posting a song on here from Serpent ... while there is no problem with New Moon picking up the youtube player. For the record: I actually have webgl disabled, and don't use hardware acceleration because my hardware is so aged its of no use to me anyway (worse enabled actually). My main computer still struggles if I ask too much of it; though, better than my (even older) Dell from around 2005 (I think). I'm actually running with (practically all) original hardware here ... I just take VERY good care of my stuff. But much like our own @Sampei.Nihira, its just a matter of time and my computers have paid for themselves many times - I can't complain. I'd be sad, but would allow them to rest in peace. They don't owe me a thing! Back on topic (sorry) :-) I'm willing to be patient with this new project and see what happens going forward as I realize this is a 'work in progress' (especially for me personally re chrome) as I've been unwilling to move away from Firefox only up until recently - and I don't like change all very much Lol. Yeah, its not really a 'go-to' just yet, but hopefully it will be something we can use if all else fails us and turn into something good and safe for XP and Vista. TC
  13. Hi Everyone Been using it all morning on youtube and general browsing and it hasn't crashed once. I'm all in now with this browser build and have high hopes for your project @ArcticFoxie I do have some concerns; though. I'm trying to restrict to TLS 1.2 and 1.3 (and disable 1.0 and 1.1) but don't know how to do that and would like to block mixed content, as well. Enabling this flag didn't work? And the following flag doesn't exist as recommended when I was researching on the net. chrome://flags Under “Minimum SSL/TLS version supported.”, change from “Default” to “TLS 1.1? Some sites (including MSFN) are coming up not secure (start out in green https and changes to red) Not a clue? My root certificates are up to date as far as I know. As I said, this is a huge learning curve for me and I'm learning both this particular browser whilst trying to understand Chromium (seeing as I'm a FF guy) So these are my findings today. Good luck and your work is very much appreciated.
  14. Can I just delete the following folders as I'll never use flash? Chrome/Application/components/npflash Chrome/Application/components/ppflash
  15. So hopefully I did that right and "filtered" that port, rather than closing it as it says its better not "closed". Can I block inbound traffic for 360chrome.exe with the ordinary XP firewall, or am I going to need something else/better? Again, sorry guys, mostly cottage cheese between my ears hate to admit it. @ArcticFoxie just download your new update build, and hopefully, at some point, you'll be able to create a new thread for your project as I've had to go through this thread to find what is relevant to your build. Of course when you are ready and have the time to do such. The only concerns (I wouldn't say "issues') I ran into last night (sorry, forgot to screen grab it) but it creates new entries in the temp folder that remained when closed - I just delete them - as I obsessively watch my appdata and temp folders with CCleaner and will likely clean profile data as I've always done with New Moon and Serpent with custom rules. And again, forgot to screen grab, but, while malwarebytes comes up clean with every scan on all associated files, malwarebytes ADWcleaner doesn't like 360 and flags the reg entries as malware. Thanks and I'm looking forward to working with this. I'll likely not be much help to you other than if you need me to test something and you'll need to explain what you are asking of me. I won't be able to do much over the next 2 days (medical appointments) but will concentrate on it Thursday. TC :)
  16. Holy cow ... I was just about to create an image and post this very question (as its blank). I didn't change it but wondered why would I want the cache on my computer if I"m running it from a pen drive (though I'm not doing that, but do want it 'portable' still to avoid applicationdata directories). Couldn't it be put somewhere withing the man folder itself. Don't know if I put that right. Again, I feel a bit bad for my lack of knowledge here.
  17. Well.. I've never used 360 until today - I'm quite impressed @ArcticFoxie @Dixel and others I'm sure I'm neglecting to mention here that also contributed. I must say, I have avoided this browser as it seemed intimidating to me ... seeing as I'm a clueless blobfish when it comes to Chromium and worry about telemetry, but I trust you both have done a lot to remove what is humanly possible. Below is how I felt about trying this browser. Ya never know, that could actually be me =P Anyway, but on track! Loaded quickly (actually much faster and responsive compare to even PM/FF that I'm used to) and youtube was enjoyable. No issues at all or crashes, but I also don't do much. Sorry, I really would like to somehow help you guys with this, but I have zero knowledge regarding this. Just wanted to say, I'm excited that I gave this a shot and I think this is a much more realistic future than what are currently dealing with; as far as browser. I was putting it off but went with your last upload (unran). Great Job and keep up the good work :)
  18. EDIT: My word, I'm all messed up tonight. Just to note: @VistaLover did answer my question about Advanced Chrome 54 here as he was able to somehow make it work. https://msfn.org/board/topic/180462-my-browser-builds-part-2/page/185/?tab=comments#comment-1196734
  19. Oops ... sorry, double posting I shouldn't be posting when I'm this exhausted.
  20. Sorry for my intrusion (also) as I don't normally post in this thread; but, wanted to note - Iron49.02600 does (indeed) work fine with youtube for me anyway on XP. Though, taking into account its age, I would imagine I should someday give 360 a whirl ... just been putting it off I guess. Thank you guys for the uploads btw :)
  21. Hi Sampei.. Sorry to hear this - I also feel as my rigs have been through the ringer with me in life. I do hope there is some way to get it working again even if by slim chance, but otherwise, you're not alone, I also don't like the choices ahead. I wish you good luck choosing something that suites your needs.
  22. Just FYI.. On both Serpent 52.9.0 and New Moon 28.10 - I took your advice and "toggled": media.av1.enabled - (from true to) false layers.async-pan-zoom.enabled - (from true to) false Roytam1 Already has set: dom.ipc.processCount - 1 I don't really notice much of a difference on youtube tbh. Still causes the browser to stop responding (freeze) every now and again. I've done everything I know to do. I have taken notice its been getting slower and the script is quite heavy nowadays compare to even last month. Often times ... 100% usage to watch a vid now Any other ideas? Thanks in advance.
  23. I usually wind up having reinstall about every 6 months - we'll - I more like recover my PC form Acronis Image software backups. I like to sometimes tweak and super tweak to see what I can get away with without breaking it. Usually, I do 'break it' Lol :) Lately, I've been leaving it alone as I have other pressing issues to deal with. Yeah, I don't know about windows 10, likely not that easy to do.
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