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Everything posted by XPerceniol

  1. Hi.. No, wasn't that. the only options I have ticked in ... Folder Options->View: Display the full path in the address bar Do not caches thumbnails Do not show hidden files and folders Hide extensions for known file types Hide protected operating system files That is it. Maybe it was a glitch, because it hasn't happened again
  2. Yeah, I know its not enough, but for what I do, I can get by with it for the time being anyway. That is why I don't think I'm going to upgrade this thing (bad hard drive), everything is held together with duct tape and crazy glue as it is. Yes your version is fine as well - thank you.
  3. Hello there and thank you for the reply. I scanned my computer with 4 programs (Malwarebytes Antimaware / Malwarebytes Ant Root-Kit / Adwcleaner /McAfee Stinger 32) with that 2nd instance of explorer going and they didn't pick up anything at all so I restarted and now only 1 explorer; so I don't have a clue? I need the spoolsv for my Old HP Printer to work.
  4. TY ... I'v been reading today about this and can't come up with a solution that works. I eneabled Web Components and did a few other things in about:config and still El Stinko. I'm not too worried tbh.
  5. Very slow today and anything that pops up (don't how to put it; sorry) on the page is causing lag with only 3 tabs open on V13.5. I only have 3GB of ram. Just hovering the mouse over anything makes the video skip. Will report more later on. I'm having the opposite - videos play better on v11 but it doesn't smooth scroll and it can't keep my with my typing in the address bar for some reason, so I have to type slower Lol? I don't use real-time antivirus and hardly anything is running in the backround on my system. Reducing explorere.exe to lowest helps some. Addiong: --disable-gpu To the loader helped a bit; as well.
  6. Enjoy your holiday tomorrow. I expect it to be quiet - just way I prefer it
  7. Oh, that is good to know ... so you've determined that the "skins" only slowed the load time but didn't slow performance overall? I'll admit, (both) "skinless" and your "XP" are just fine with me. I change between that light (square and blue skin ... I dont' care for that light round skin) and between the dark skin but am using the dark less often anyway.
  8. I couldn't more agree ... you could always publish themes apart/separete from your builds. As I've showed you, I went with the basic white theme without rounded corners as I'm a "Square" guy (still talking about computers, of course). Anything you can get rid of that isn't important sounds great to me! Heck, if I remove the skins, I could live with this bare basic and its faster but no colors. Just your en_skin.srx / iframe.srx / skin.srx only below.
  9. Hello... I'm sorry I didn't notice your reply sooner. Videos are NOW conning up on Serpent 52 Build ID 20211110012942 (and FF52.9.1 for that matter) when they didn't last week and I've changed nothing. I've tried with a brand new clean untouched profile. However, as you can see, I get a blank page on most articles. I took a screenshot below as I don't know what the heck I'm looking at anyway Lol. However, no issues at all with 360 Chrome?
  10. Emmabuntüs was so slow on this computer. Bare in mind I"m also having hardware issues so that could be contributing to it. It didn't work well at all on this. I didn't take any screenshots but memory issues, warnings and errors. Of course, It doesn't help that I'm clueless ... ha-ha ...;) Will keep searching I guess, but some distros are plain ugly to me, but that is just me and what do I know?! I mean well I feel as if I'm intruding upon this good mans thread so I'll likely make this may last posting in this one; but do want to wish @Sampei.Nihira well during this holidays season. Well wishes to you and yours :)
  11. So, I've had my eyes on: DistroWatch.com: Emmabuntüs https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=emmabuntus For quite some time now and I think it has everything I would enjoy ... such as recording software and music programs and I like the look overall. It shows as 2021-10-22 last updated and its for Beginners, as I would need to put on my thinking cap (which I purchased at the dollar store last year - red with 2 antennas on top ) and learn something new ... things get strange when I try to think. Haha! I've still not mastered the Rubik's Cube; but that's a different story ... =P I've got a iso and will burn it tonight and give it a whirl tomorrw and will report back if it picks up the printer. Best wishes to all
  12. Yeah, so looks like 18 is the last live DVD for me I'm going to be trying out some more linux builds this week in search of something that I can use on this old junker here as I'm looking to dual-boot or perhaps even keep acronis ... we'll see as I don't really need that partition - my version IS a live DVD. Searching for 32bit live DVD's try before I make my choice. Any ideas are appreicated. I have lots of "Bright Ideads" but I don't know that is such a good thing. Ha! LinuxLite does work very well but I don't know how to write my own drivers for the HP Printer.
  13. Same! By the time I even doscovered pale moon they were already 'done like dinner' with xp and I used V26 until I found @roytam1. I still have hope(s) he will (somehow) manage keep his browsers working as best as possible given that the internet is a monster compare to when I got here.
  14. So ... good afternoon everyone. Been surfing most of the day and no issues thus far with the just spoofing the OS only. No sites checking my browsr and they can't detect the true OS
  15. I think I'm going to cry myself to sleep after reading this posting ;( Honestly, I WILL move to Linux on my 2 Dell computers and take them as far as I can, then when it comes to purchasing something new, I don't have a clue what I would do then tbh.
  16. Gosh ... its hard to get 1 by you. Seriously, though, I was under the impression that even showing a newmoon icon antagonized MCP and I don't wish to do so at all. I guess we have to be causious per the drama going on over there as I don't want to add to any trouble for us here. Perhaps I should have not even posted this. Oh, and, that is real "whiteout" on the screen ... I used up almost a whole bottle just on that pic. I am blonde ... no not really
  17. Works very well and I'm looking forward to continued development and I'm impressed! Still haning on to Serpent (as you can see) but seems like Chrome IS our future going forward ... whether we like it, or not. Good night all..
  18. K ... so this is your build (of course), I just changed the skin and found this light version works. Yeah, I know, you thought I was just a dark skin fan ... I changed it depending on my mood (which changes from day to day ... Lol) I use: --ssl-version-min=tls1.2 And still, having certificate issues with some sites with ghacks and https://freemusicarchive.org/ Anyway ... will report back another time with any issues. Will just post this for now while I'm (somewhat) alert :)
  19. Hi there.. Just wanted to say, you've been very helpful in the past, and I am always greatful. I feel a bit bad that I came off so harsh; perhaps I woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day ... hopefully you can forgive for a bad day as we are all entitled to such. <OT> I think I need to add more seafood to my diet so I hear that is helpful for the memory. I think I read that somewhere but can't recall: See what I mean <OT> Take good care.
  20. Hello there.. I have only used v13 a few times and went back to v12 (which works very well overall); but I am starting to think, unless you guys are updating/patching (so to speak, of course) , then perhaps, I should upgrade to v13.5 and am trying it today. Thus far, much improved sound and response when changing from 1 video to the next. Much better. Funny because I'm trying to catch up here and I'm seeing people having issues with deleting form local storage ( I leave the directory in place but delete Local Storage\leveldb and I'm not having issued .. but also I don't need to save anything when I'm done. I've been using your default: [RunAfter] DirRemove=%Profile%\safemon|e DirRemove=%Profile%\Webstore Downloads|e DirRemove=%Profile%\BrowserMetrics* DirRemove=%Profile%\ShaderCache DirRemove=%Profile%\GrShaderCache\GPUCache DirRemove=%Profile%\GrShaderCache|e FileDelete=%Profile%\*-journal*;chrome_shutdown_ms*;switch_core*;*.log;Last * FileDelete=%Profile%\Default\*.tmp;*-journal;log;log.old;*.log FileDelete=.\Chrome\Application\*.log;*.tmp DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Code Cache DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\GPUCache DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Media Cache DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Pepper Data DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\DailyBackup DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\File System DirRemove=%Profile%\Default\Service Worker\CacheStorage And used ccleaner to empty the other directories. Again, learning here still. The only problem I'm running into is with 360ChromePortable_13.5.1030_rebuild_3_ungoogled\Chrome\Application\13.5.1030.0\sslblock.zip\sslblock.html This is not in English. I've deleted it and just get a blank page. I'm still having certificate issues that I don't have in v12 for some reason.
  21. Unfortunately; there is now way to watch msn videos on any UXP browser (Serpent and Newmoon - as wel as FF52.9.1 for that matter) at all now ... just a blank page. The only way I can watch videos lately is with 360 on XP Sp3. Its just sad actually tbh. I always hope Roy will come up with a miricle. If anybody can pull it off ... I trust him. I tried every user agent and the only one that even comes close (for me), is: user_pref("general.oscpu.override", "Windows NT 10.0"); user_pref("general.useragent.compatMode.firefox", false); user_pref("general.useragent.compatMode.gecko", false); user_pref("general.useragent.compatMode.version", "62"); user_pref("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win32; x86; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0"); Just saying is all
  22. <OT> Said so very very well; @Mathwiz... please don't assume all people that are struggling with mental/cognitive health issues/disabilities are all mean spirited people. Its more about how those of us that struggle outwardly (may perhaps) take it out on other people and chose to make others suffer as a way to cope. Trust me ... and I'm saddened to have to say such, but being on the "Spectrum" often times reveals said persons true personality and lack of compassion and empathy; but that doesn't mean bitterness and self hatred can't be changed. First hand: I can say, life has dealt some of us a 'bad hand' ... but how we chose to play that hand in life is what counts towards making the best to becoming a human being that others can still find endearing. People can change their behaviors, but only if they (truly) desire to do so. <OT>
  23. Yeah, gonna hang in there 'till the bitter end; as well, until nothing works! I think we all appreciate the benifits of your hobby and should keep a sense of humor about it all. :)
  24. Hi guys.. Yeah, I've done both the Quick scan and Full scan (took 3 hours plus) with Remap ticked, and as you can see, Victoria couldn't find the errors. I tried in safe mode with everything disabled ... chkdsk and still won't remap. As @jaclaz said, its likely due to age and countless 'brown outs' and I'm not shocked. I think I'm gonna let this go really and just use it until it blows up. I have proper armor wear to protect if any Shrapnel comes from it and will wear protective goggles while using it. Seriously, I appreciate your advice and I'm not all that worried. To be honest, I'm more concerned about what I would even purchase going forward as I don't like what I see, but, hey, I guess (as I said) change is ahead whether I like it or not. Ugh at the thought. Long and windy road ahead; it would seem.
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