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Everything posted by Blam-O!
Hello. Indeed it is a good place. In fact it is a great place! . You will find many things here. B) Have phun.
I beleive PerfectDisk has only one service running in the background - "PDSched.exe". You can safely disable this if you want to manualy Defragment your hard disks - if not using the "Scheldule" feature). There are two other services that do need to Run however - "PDEngine.exe" and "PerfectDisk.exe"; Correct me if I' m wrong:). But these last two services only Run when you you click on the PerfectDisk link. B) As Diskeeper goes - version 9.0.515+, you can not saftly disable the background services without generating error's due to the mmc.exe. Because Diskeeper uses this file in some way I don't understand. My testing shows that Diskeeper is on avg faster than PerfectDisk; but does half the job. Where as PerfectDisk may take avg 2-5 min longer - completes the entire task, giving longer lasting performance!
I like it! Only one sug though,... would be really cool/handy if you could possibly make it so the user could upload more than one picure at a time - like 2-4. But other than that, thanks for sharing your Webspace with us. B)
This is only a Test of a POST. Remember this is only a Test. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test Complete! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That was a test of a POST. If this was a Real POST it would have had meaning... (Disclaimer: No "Real" POST where injured/hurt in the Simulation of this Test.)
No, I use Symantec AntiVirus Corp 9. But you can also use Norton Anti-virus 2005. I hear Norton Anti-Virus 2004 works also - but I've haven't tested 2004 myself.
LOL How did you manage to find that one? Good find.
That maybe too suspicious, use this insted: lol
Go to and you can make your own Windows Error Dialog Box. It is really easy to do, Free, Entertaining, and the website will display it for you in png format. Then you can save it, POST it as your Sig, etc... Preview: There is also a "Picture Sign" that you can modify. (*.jpg) Preview: NOTE: You can not directly link to the picture - Use a webserver insted. if you do not have access to one here is a few; All Are FREE B) : * Eazy Share - Must sign up - upload 2 files at a time - File size limit 1 MB - No bandwidth limit - Storage 5 MB - File types allowed: JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG, JPEG, ZIP, RAR * Dynamic Innovations Or if your lazy D I - More Info "Here". * - You MUST sign up to use the above site. - Image size must be under 250KB. - All uploaded images are reviewed. - Innapropriate images will be removed. - Images that are more than 6 months old will be removed. - Allowed File Types: jpg, png, jpeg, gif - The webmaster has the right to remove any image that uses excess bandwidth! * Image Shack - Visit Website for more info. Enjoy! BTW. I hope the arthur of the website doesn't mind all the extra trafic! Edit: LOL - While I was updating my POST with the previews, MCT beat me to it.
That's what I got!! Love it too!!!!!!! i have been using it for about 5-6 years. just wanted to add: They also have different prices depending on what you want - Just Beta, just Windows, just Office, etc.. or all the above. There is also discounts for Corp, and large bus. In the long run, it's very cheap! Think about it, Legal, Fast Downloads, Can access from anywhere, All Downloads are in *.ISO format, Tech Support, Free Newsletter with Newest Microsoft Info, lots of other goodies...
Well, One of mine is eZactly 700MB. It is soo masive because it contains a lot of RAID/SATA/SCSI controller drivers, and installs other applications made for Dell, HP, Compaq, Sony, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Gateway, and IMB. This is an OEM CD. And is widely used for clients, (With a valid Product Key of course). My other CD is around 500MB and install things like WMP, .NET, RegTweaks, some other Misc. ult... This is for my computer only. And I also have an 8 in one DVD. Contains all versons of Windows across 2 DVD's. Bootable too! Only at MSFN!!
Anyone click on the link via DivX? Funny Shizzit. (forward-backward-forward-backward...) True. (Firefox is still free! , oohh wait - so is Opera! LOL)
If you use Divx player to open the link, you can make her spin backwards! Funny looking lol... and yah, only her a** looks nice. Wheres the link for that one? (I like firefox, but have only used Opera for a short time. I don't mind using EI etheir. They all work - end of story )
Finally Updated!!! I'm still updating with more screenShots. They are much better! Please visit my un-finished Website to see more. When I have more time - I will upload the rest & finish my Website. Enjoy your time and try to be patience please. Go Here: (If it says: "forbidden", it's because I 'm currently Uploading the new files. Wait 2-5min and check again.) This URL may change depending on Cox. (Unscheduled Server Outage, ) So Link to this thread insted; I will update my Website Address here. Enjoy! And post back here with any:)
Neither (Laydown) Bar-B-Qs: (Best Flavor) Gas or Charcoal?
Looks Nice on the Website: Downloading; The server is really bogged down to a minium, Avg speed is 7KB/S. I'am on a T1 should be 800KB/S+ I'll try again lator, no way will I wait 2hrs+.... Doohhhp! (Homer) I forgot about the "Mirror". Will upload to my site and post when I have some time... EDIT: Pictures have been uploaded. Enjoy!
Everyone so quick to judge codename Longhorn. I will end up switching to it eventually - Since that’s what 80% of us will do in the long run.... But I will wait for the bugs to crawl out, prob 6months to a year before I will install it on my Primary Computers; really just depends on how it functions, satiability-a must, features, etc... Also by this time I will be using 64bit Edition! One other thing scares me about Longhorn. I Like the Codename, but what if the Final Release version is a really a stupid name? That would SUCK! ~~~~ Micro$oft Windoz BOOM!aRang Loading... ... ... Windoz BOOM!aRang Taking you to Higher Levels - Over and Over Again! ~~~~ (BOOMerang - get it?) Side Note: “According to one Redmond watcher, the next version of the Windows operating system, Longhorn, will be ready for manufacturing in May 2006 and will ship to the public in seven different versions.” ….. “The seven versions will include the Longhorn Home Edition, Longhorn Premium/Media Center Edition, Longhorn Professional Edition, Longhorn Small Business Edition and Longhorn Mobility/Tablet PC Edition.” Hopefully ONE of these will be worth the money...
Love this Program!! Highly Recommend! Thanks for the link. The new version will work off of a Floppy. Only takes two files and a total space of 1.16mb - if running off a floppy (notrax.exe & notrax.lic); 3mb if running via windows programs dir.
I like FireFox as my Primary Browser. I also started using "NoTrax". Was posted by someone else at msfn, can't remember now. Anyway NoTrax has a 10 day trial to try, and $24.95 to keep. But worth the money*. ~~~SkiP NexT_ ~lInE'^^^%$++# !!@@__~~~^^&Cough,*eMule*_``~~~Cough clears throat.
Sorry I 'm not much on Mac like I used to be back when I played KidPix on them.... For the PC I use Multiproxy and "NoTrax". But unfortunately they don't work for Mac. But Symantec offers some software for Mac. I don't believe it is Anonymous... Could try Enterprise/Corp Edition. Here are some other utilities: Java Anonymous Proxy X 1.037 Useful Proxy Info: Try Posting on a Mac Forum: Hope this helps.
Good find but; Dude your killing me! $19.99.... There must be an easy free way. I know of some ways................... Looks like a great app. But I will find another way. IMHO
Hmmmm Trying to think of way to explain Matrix... This is very hard..... I'll try again... Sorry didn't work. Great movie series. I've seen them all more than I have re-installed Windows ME! lol.
I think the easiest way would be to use lots of big decent looking pictures, and then have the words typed underneath the pictures . This way the pictures tell the story for you. Make the map easy to understand, so you can just point to it. And have a hot cute babe wearing just a tight 2 piece Swim Suit present your project - hold up the pictures etc... LOL
Who's bashing? I like both as well, and both have Pros and Cons. It is up to the user & what they use it for that makes up for the difference... IMHO B) ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ WARNING: The following Opinion may be contagious. If you put aside the cost of Windows XP, the Hardware that is recommended for it, and many other cost, you can convert/transfer your existing Files/data over to the new OS install. Of course you will need to Re-install EVERYTHING all over again, update your drivers, update most programs, Games will also need to be re-installed/patched, OS updated, OS tune-up, OS re-configured, etc... That’s only 1-2 hours for most people. Other People may take 1-3+ days - Depending on many factors of course; Speed of computer/user, Experience, Internet Connection, Number of updates, Number of Programs/Games, Number of User Accounts, # of computers to install on, many others etc... Really that’s the easy part. The hard part really is when an '8 year' Windows 98 only User has only seen/used Win 95/98/ME, and then has to (re-)learn how to use Windows (XP) all over again! And make everything work together... (Compatibly Issues) laladaddo... hhmmmm.... (Twirling thumbs) NOTE: The above comments are not my fault, I was born stupid. Is this thing on? Wheres the Edit fuction...
Spicy (Although My Doctor Says "No".) Hard Drive Or Hard Disk?