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Everything posted by Legolash2o

  1. WOW! that takes time to get ur head round.... Microsoft?
  2. hahaha i loved it, was crying of laughter :D
  3. I hate it when i drop a contact LENS
  4. Woah! Thats huge, wonder what 1gb will be 20 years from now
  5. XP Pro x64, W2K3 Std/Ent x64, Vista Ultimate x64
  6. IE7 mainly but sometimes Firefox 2 if something goes wrong with IE7
  7. I mainly use a mouse but trackerballs are really good
  8. Desktop: Windows Vista Server: Windows 2003
  9. Im guessing that if you skip it that you will still be able to activate it after installation, if you remove it then you wont be able to activate windows.
  10. Thats why i posted, it would be very useful to have it come with nlite/vlite (i say vlite cos ive ran that on xp a few times), the downside is the larger download size ("12MB") which is ok for most but some people might be on a slower connection. but in genereal great idea
  11. Ye, change the title back and change the topic description to something like "Sorted" or something like that
  12. I'm continually amazed how some people expect/demand that other internet users serve as their own personal servants with little regard to the fact that there are real individuals on the other side of their monitor taking time out of their own busy lives to offer help. I think this kind of attitude should be met with a ban before the whole internet becomes useless as the majority of users become selfish, demanding and thankless. kingprageeth (and I guess you really are a king as you certainly act that way!), I hope you don't require any further assistance - and if you do then I hope nobody is foolish enough to give it. Now, please feel free to take another two weeks to come up with some immature joke and a matching picture for me. Well said! You cant treat people like that, if your asking someone for help then treat them with respect, better than no ideas at all, which is why your here in the first place. Why put that if your just going to completely chuck it back in peoples faces when they do give a idea, i recommend you to think carefully when asking for future help and treat people with more respect otherwise you wont get any. (at least not from me). I want one too Just to see what you come up with...
  13. hmm, i also installed .NET just for nLite & vLite and did take sometime installing... but i use vista now so dont need it but if it comes with nlite doesn't that mean the download size would be bigger? P.S. it gets intalled with Visual Studio 2005 anyway lol
  14. Ok i do alot of programming (just started a tweaker program called LegoTweaker) I test my tweaks out on VMWare so i have VS2005 & VMWare open at the same time at least, i did do abit web development. I listen to alot of music during work so thats sometimes VS2005, VMWare, WMP & sometimes Internet Explorer open at the same time. (on VMWare i have XP and Vista guest machines). I also play a few games + vista is quite a memory hog anyways!
  15. thats just the most updated, i havent tested any system/services, the list basically says whats safe to remove to complete SP1 installlation and not if its stable after SP1. I think im gonna wait for new vlite which hopefully nuhi will release soon. P.S. I've stopped testing Lego
  16. ok thanks alot everyone, uve been great
  17. haha lol its only a year or so and regulary cleaned (remove the dust), looks in very good condition too
  18. lol this is getting interesting... getting 2 completlely different answers lmao its ok no need to explain how dual channel works i looked on google
  19. i was mainly looking for a simple yes or no answer like lmao but thnks anyway
  20. I currently have a socket 939 AMD 3000+ CPU (using the heatsink and fan which came with it). i want to upgrade to AMD 4600+ x2 (DualCore) but i only get the chip itself and no heatsink or fan, i was wondering since there both socket 939 if i can use my heatskink and fan from my older 3800+ CPU? Obvisouly get new thermal paste though... Thanks in advance
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