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Everything posted by Legolash2o

  1. Legolash2o

    Next vLite

    Ok... We can only hope EDIT: Is it RC or Final next?
  2. Legolash2o

    Next vLite

    Hey, just wondering when your planning on releasing (or at least hopefully released by) the next vLite? Just waiting for the next vLite so i can reinstall my comp, thanks in advance Lego
  3. If going with an x64 OS, make sure you have all the x64 drivers for your computer and devices i.e. printer, scanner, etc... before you start
  4. Hi, i removed Parental Controls with vlite, settlers VI installed fine but when i went to run it, it gave a parental control error (basically because i removed it) and the game won't work. I was wondering if there was a way to fix this? Like bring it back or copy a file from source, anything really lol P.S. This might cause other new games to fail aswell... also i don't fancy doing a reinstall until the next vLite is released Thanks in advance Lego
  5. I'll test it i got SP1 16659 x64 from M$ Connect website
  6. with your method, will be be able to install Office 2007 and other stuff aswell so there already installed?
  7. @Jimanny You cannot select a XP Source over a network (i see that your XP Disk is on Y:\My2K3CD), i had to copy it to the computer (in your case VMWare) as if it was on the local computer ie. Desktop\My2K3CD. But i think you can save the ISO on the Y:\...
  8. but i cant exactly go back to my retailer and trade my non-SP1 vista disk with a disk with SP1, so i'll want to be able to integrate it... i don't want to buy a new vista sp1 disk
  9. Yes, i agree with this. Best just to force them to use the same date format. Just use the same format as M$ hotfixes...
  10. WOW, alot of words so far... I did have one but realised it was already said.
  11. That's why microsoft made it so SP1 cannot be integrated + as the other quotes say it will take time to update all the versions of vista (Home, Home Premium, Ultimate, etc..), and will be able to in SP2 (hopefully), so i don't think it will be illegal to integrate it they just had some problems... Basically they couldn't be bothered. Also when installing SP1 and read the agreements it says nothing about slipstreaming, integrating, updating offline image, etc.. You can recheck just to be sure. Extra quote - some good news... Hope you don't mind me posting this information, i did add the original link where i got them from so you can see more information. Hope this helps too Lego
  12. SP1 Beta has been released but SP1 Final will be out first quarter of 2008 i think.
  13. I hope they don't, if they do ill just go back to Windows XP x64. But if you have to install SP1 after then you have to keep quite abit of components for it to work, which i normally like to get rid of and gives me invalid shortcuts, links, etc... but still stable/reliable though So i hope nuhi does come up with an idea to slipstream SP1 and that vlite doesnt have to be killed because of it
  14. Legolash2o


    did you have this problem before you got the new 2GB RAM?
  15. Legolash2o

    Rename (vlite)

    still would be nice lol but dont matter, RC is released?
  16. You say that as if you know me (please don't), next time i just wont try n help + i always remove NetDDE n works fine so its probably is preset dependable... not to be big headed or anything but... Netlogon Sorry my bad, didn't have my glasses on
  17. Legolash2o

    Rename (vlite)

    can't this be added on vlite, where you can type your own name or something? lol
  18. Hey good work thanks I was expecting netlogon on the changelog too, oh you forgot to add the IIS unattended thing you fixed aswell, where you had to redo some code or something like that (correct me if im wrong). Netlogon for me just caused Installers not to work properly, but i doubt its the cause of every problem lol
  19. Legolash2o


    I think 1.4 hours is more than adeqaute, should be fine Have you thought the problem could be with your graphics card or graphics card drivers?
  20. .NET 3 also included .NET 2 so just get 3 Personally i think .NET 1 is abit old now and .NET 2 will probobably be able to run .NET 1 apps
  21. thats a good one, nice health plan too
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