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Everything posted by Legolash2o

  1. How do you use a treeview, any information is good as i cannot find any at all lol like when i click a node it will do the code i want it to for that node and also how do check if it is checked or not (checkboxes) Thanks in advance
  2. Download the .zip below, extract it and then integrate the folder, when you get a prompt for pnp or textmode, select textmode.
  3. I meant auto arrange just after they have been added (after they appear on the list), so the user can still manually move things up/down but make an option to disable it if someone wants/needs too like a tick box.
  4. make sure ur integrating sp2 on a clean source
  5. in magiciso open up a xp disk which you know what works then goto 'Tools' > 'Save boot image'. now on ur new magiciso you tried to create, goto 'Tools' > 'Load boot image' and select the one you saved. it should now say bootable
  6. I was planning on calling it "Components to keep to install SP1", but ill just post them in this topic. I didnt mean beta's i meant final's i dont want to get to the point where it says it available (Windows Update) and then not being able to install it. I am testing virtually lol EDIT: actually cannot be bothered lol, when next vlite comes out ill just integrate it and reinstall, id prob do that anyways. At least figured 4 things which are needed. But if anyone has successfully installed SP1 on the vlited vista please upload your preset
  7. theres another component which is causing it, and i really dont wanna reinstall my comp so im gonna test differntly im gonna remove multiple components and install SP1 fully to make sure i find the *&$*£&$* (i didnt actually swear i hit random stuff). i want to find it as i dont want to reinstall everytime there is a new service pack! however i will make a new topic with components which are 100% safe to remove! A new topic because its more than the 0x8007007e. and my list would be at the top too so easier to find it
  8. Failed! Error: 0x800F0826 Event ID: 4375 If someone does get it to install completely can you attach your preset please, thanks
  9. i think thats to do with the ISO process, try making an ISO with another program
  10. Yep good words... dont panic but it does get past the preparing stage so Error Reporting can still be removed from the list, VMWare is just installing SP1 now so hopefully will be done soon. It's just cos i dont wanna reinstall my windows as ive got everything as i want. So if we do find the problem, i might add it to the program which fixes compatibility tab and system restore, so no one else has to reinstall if that made sense lol If my last test doesnt install SP1 then im gonna give up on it lol, stupid 0x800F0826 error EDIT: Windows Error Reporting is off the list
  11. lol i just reliased that system restore needs wer.dll so that means you have to keep 'Error Reporting' too.
  12. why not make it do it automatically?
  13. He got passed the original error message but keeps getting more. I'm talking to blakbyte on msn n figuring out most of the problems, but have managed to get passed the preparing stage (keep looking back at where the list was for updated error messages with solutions - here. Almost done, just doing my last test now Lego
  14. can you check services.msc for it please, if its there then... dont have a clue how im gonna get it back without reinstalling
  15. can i ask if you have removed 'Volume Shadow Copy'?
  16. but doesnt system restore need volume shadow copy, so wont he need to restore that too
  17. Ok, finally finished the problem was 'System Restore' See above list for more details... Lego
  18. Sorry that pic is too small to read, anyways wrong place to post this, i recommend to make a new topic with a bigger picture too
  19. Things you need to keep 0x8007007e System Restore 0x8007C1 Volume Shadow Copy 0x800F0826 Unknown 0x80070005 Windows firewall Internet Connection Sharing Conclusion You need to keep... System: System Restore Service: Volume Shadow Copy (Needed for System Restore to work) Networking: Windows Firewall Service: Internet Connection Sharing (Needed for Windows Firewall to work) There are other components which you need to keep, still finding them...
  20. i wasnt being pushy it was just a question asking if he has tried overwriting them hence the '?' at the end, nothing like try overwriting them now! lol cos that would of been pushy. I would of tried it myself but i dont have the 2 files but i didnt intend for it to seem pushy Process of elimination, so we can at least say its been tried. The files already there could of been corrupted or just had a problem with them, so replacing them with a sorta 'original' files might of fixed it. Don't know if that makes sense lol hmm, has anyone actually tried to manually install with a non-vlited vista? Sounds silly but again... process of elimination. You don't want to do lots of hard working trying to find the problem when its the Service Pack itself.
  21. they do that so you have to ring microsoft, and they get some money for the phone call charge Thats what i got told anyway... probably true lol cos its microsoft
  22. tried overwriting them with the new files? maybe abit risky lol
  23. added, just thought i'd let you know... but does vista have a SourcePath registry entry?
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