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  1. Thanks for the information and the linked documentation! Personally, I never used a PAC file. But one thing is clear you never stop learning. And here are some further PAC file examples: https://findproxyforurl.com/example-pac-file/
    3 points
  2. Personally, I use very few extensions in Thorium. And those which are only used from time to time have been disabled by me.
    3 points
  3. Inconvenient 'cause those reset with a clean profile, unlike flags.
    3 points
  4. New release: Supermium 122.0.6261.152 (R6) - SECURITY PATCH https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/releases/tag/v122-r6
    2 points
  5. You'd think if that were the problem, the forum could at least be a little bit less opaque and just say, "you can't say '<whatever>' here!" There were no swear words, so next time it happens, I'll just post a screen shot and let someone else explain to me what I said that was 403 forbidden. BTW, on my Chase.com issues, I discovered that, sometimes, it does work in Serpent, although that's rare on my home PC. I now suspect Chase has some kind of timeout, and since my home PC is slower than my work PC, the timeout rarely happens at work. (So now Chase is trying to require not only a modern browser, but also a modern-enough PC to run its Javascript-addled site quickly enough for its taste!)
    2 points
  6. Are they somehow better? For me, they look pale, washed out, bright. Probably, because of my Titan oldie (made in Jan. 2013). But then again, H264 looks fine on it, please explain.
    2 points
  7. No. That is not the case. When closing the main window of ProxHTTPSProxy from my package ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3, its entries are automatically removed from the system proxy settings. If not, you did something wrong. Close the main window of ProxHTTPSProxy and check the system proxy settings by "Open IE Proxy Settings" in the PopMenu!
    2 points
  8. Exactly the opposite, simply letting certain URLs pass, can easily be realised. What you want is not actually the purpose of this proxy. If you only need the proxy for certain connections, only switch it on then and switch it off otherwise. It's as simple as that.
    2 points
  9. In the meantime, I have made various performance improvements to Thorium, on the one hand by selecting suitable flags for my hardware, and on the other hand by generally using a mobile user agent from Android with the help of the ingenious User-Agent Switcher and Manager extension. Today, I have found an additional flag to reduce the FPS when it comes to media which is --max-gum-fps=30. Here is a screenshot from MotionMark which runs now at 45fps and not 60fps.
    2 points
  10. And since you can set records both upwards and downwards, here is my result from the graphics test on the motion mark website in Thorium on my old machine:
    2 points
  11. ... Apologies are in order , it appears to be a "mea culpa" case; I have edited my original post accordingly :
    1 point
  12. so ad's bother you but the fact they can see what you have on your drives does not ?
    1 point
  13. It's a crime,and will be throw into jail
    1 point
  14. They? AVC1 = H264 I never noticed any weird artifacts, washing out, brightness or whatever with VP9 specifically though, certainly not in contrast with H264. I only have H264 forced on XP backports of Chromium on XP because it's much slower with VP9 there, lots of frame dropping. VP9 seemed most balanced to me overall, so normally prefer that. Old desktop's CPU is too slow to run AV1 in decent resolution in a browser, so it's not used there. Though Raspberry Pi 5 can handle it OK up to 1080p @ 30FPS. I'm mostly on Mozilla based browsers and noticed in the past, mostly due to messing with roytam1's forks, that their H264 software decoder seemed slightly less efficient than VP9, I don't recall exact details, must have been some performance hiccups, don't even recall if it was the same on official Pale Moon on officially supported OS, so there was that and I prefer to have choice above 1080p, so stayed with VP9 for YouTube.
    1 point
  15. Thanks again for sharing further, detailed information! And as this thread is about proxies, you are absolutely on-topic.
    1 point
  16. AV1 and VP9, both, smooth out stuff, H265 keeps more detail (8 bit), H264 is behind, trying also keep up. x265 (10 bit) is over-contrast.
    1 point
  17. In France one can get seriously beaten up for a talk like that.
    1 point
  18. In China, we'll talk to you : This is a disease, it needs to be treated...
    1 point
  19. ... You're most welcome ! ... On the contrary, I became an avid fan of them since my beginnings in web navigation ; it was an era when full-blown VPNs were mostly unavailable to non-enterprises or too pricey for individuals, while open (read: misconfigured) HTTP(S) proxies could be easily found via a web search ; PACs offer a convenient way to selectively proxy only certain hosts/domains/etc. out of your total of web requests; was very handy on geo-fenced media portals/services in the ealry 2010s, where you had to (first identify and then) only proxy their geo-location checking scripts, with the media streams themselves (video and/or audio) being accessible "DIRECT"; now, 99.5% of these same media portals, free and paid for, geo-block fully their streams and also encrypt them with DRM ... PACs were also useful when you were employing a paid-for Proxy, but charged by proxy traffic or had quotas imposed on your use of it; by selectively proxying only those hosts that were inaccessible from your physical location, you could use less proxy bandwidth in a given time frame or squeeze more out of your proxy quota... This scenario involved use of proxies to unlock geo-fenced services (or ones regime-censored); if you were using a proxy for privacy reasons, then PACs were less applicable... Already known to me ; below, just for you, some PAC-related documentation, retrieved from my huge set of bookmarks: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Proxy_servers_and_tunneling/Proxy_Auto-Configuration_(PAC)_file https://learn.microsoft.com/el-gr/archive/blogs/ieinternals/understanding-web-proxy-configuration https://superuser.com/questions/191037/local-pac-file-url-format-that-works-with-ie-and-safari-windows https://blog.mikejmcguire.com/2014/05/07/using-proxy-auto-configuration-scripts-with-internet-explorer-11/ https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/how-to-disable-automatic-proxy-caching-in-internet-explorer-92735c9c-8a26-d0d8-7f8a-1b46595cbaba http://io.mysq.to/pac-file-and-proxy-auto-switch-for-firefox-ie11-and-chrome https://calomel.org/proxy_auto_config.html https://www.websense.com/content/support/library/web/v76/pac_file_best_practices/pac_file_best_practices.pdf The IEx articles relate to configuring a Windows "system proxy" (which can then be used by Chromium and its derivatives) ... End of off-topic ...
    1 point
  20. @Anbima My final recommendation for you. Use in 360Chrome a proxy switcher extension like, for example, Proxy SwitchyOmega for a more convenient use of this proxy from inside this browser!
    1 point
  21. I only use Google Search as fallback, but good to know. x.com redirects to twitter.com here. Is it supposed to work with UXP browsers? I only get "something went wrong" page, nothing useful in the console. Maybe it's for the best, I prefer not to touch anything associated with Musk, LOL.
    1 point
  22. Probably contains word it doesn't like, for example you can't mention the notorious config boot configuration file that was used pre-Vista, but it's far from the only word. I recently couldn't post normally in Thorium forum until I reworded what I was trying to say. This forum really went down the toilet, didn't it?
    1 point
  23. Thanks for documenting! The file and folder structure which is expected by your app was clear to me from the very first, though. However, the structure of my Thorium installation is different and isn't supposed to be changed.
    1 point
  24. No. Maybe if you can root the phone and the kernel's USB gadget still supports USB Mass Storage mode and is configurable through files, you could access FAT32/exFAT SD card that way, if you have it. Of course, you don't get to configure that through menus. Not sure about internal storage, as this is usually just a folder on an ext4 formatted partition. There's supposed to be VFAT emulation taking place, but I'm whether this means it could just be exposed to the PC through USB is another question, I never tried and can't say I have a clue what file (if it exists) would correspond to a block device representing internal storage. As @windows2 said, you'll definitely need WMP11. Judging by Samsung Galaxy A15 I'm testing, you might have to convince Windows to configure it as MTP device. Out-of-the-box, it was detected as a camera. This is is the content of one of the folders listed through phone shell's ls command: And this is how the folder appears in Explorer: Besides default layout being centered towards working with cameras, eg. Date Taken and Picture Size columns, Camera Tasks on the left, no full path is shown in Address bar and folder names are truncated. Not good. Likewise, its appearance in My Computer and its properties: Anyway, head to Device Manager to find "the camera", open its Properties, then on Details tab, select Hardware Ids and note the first ID. You will need the part after USB\. Open Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB, there you should find the key that corresponds to the ID noted earlier, inside that key, you should find another key (folder, if you like), if you select it, you should notice CompatibleIDs value on the right. You have to open that value and insert the following line at the beginning: USB\MS_COMP_MTP To be able to do that, you'll probably have to temporarily grant Administrators group (or your user) permissions to the key/folder containing CompatibleIDs, so right-click it->Permissions...->Add...->type Administrators->OK->tick Full Control->OK. After you're done modifying CompatibleIDs, you can remove the permissions. Now you just have to go back to Device Manager, open "the camera" and trigger driver update, so Driver tab->Update Driver...then just accept the defaults to let the wizard configure it properly. Final result:
    1 point
  25. you may try the retro version: https://crystalmark.info/en/software/crystalmarkretro/ for normal version, you should try 3.0.4. as newer versions comes with CMOV.
    1 point
  26. I noticed a huge delay, before it finally got through, when posting inf. in a post. Like it checks something or so.
    1 point
  27. Interesting! Shouldn't Iron 109 correspond to the exact same Chrome 109 version @Cixert uses? Probably his adblock (or something else) interferes with the site, then?
    1 point
  28. I have managed to install Windows XP on a UEFI Class 3 Surface Pro 1. I believe I am the first to do this. The Surface Pro 1 only officially supports Windows 8-10, but I have gotten 7 and Vista to work, and now XP. I’ve gotten WiFi to work with an adapter. I haven’t gotten graphics or audio working yet. Here is the showcase video: Special thanks to George King, as I used his XP2ESD tool to install Windows XP on this laptop. Also thanks to UsefulAGKHelper for his method of installing XP on UEFI Class 3. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Boot the USB. This ISO uses a Windows 10 PE, but has a Windows XP x64 install.wim. 2. Open command prompt by pressing "Shift+F10" 3. On the command prompt, type in the following commands: diskpart sel dis 0 clean conv gpt cre par efi size=100 form quick fs=fat32 assign letter w cre par pri form quick assign letter c exit D:\ (where your USB is) cd sources dism /apply-image /imagefile:install.wim /index:1 /applydir:C:\ - If DISM doesn't work, go to D:\support\tools\gimagex and deploy the image with gimagex.exe in the x64 folder 4. Open up Notepad, and click "Open" or "Save As". Enable all files to be viewed. Go to "D:\EFI partition". Copy the EFI folder onto W:\ (the boot partition) 5. Go back to Command Prompt. Type in "D:\support\tools\Bootice\BOOTICEx64.exe" 6. On Bootice, go to the BCD tab. Click on "Other BCD file". Click on the "...". Go to the BCD file (you can find this in W:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot). Click on "Professional Mode". 7. Click on "Windows XP" under "Application Objects" 8. Under "ApplicationDevice" and "OSDevice", set the boot disk to wherever your XP installation is (most likely disk 0) and the boot part to C:\ (your Windows XP partition). **Every time XP boots, it will always show the boot manager. You can turn it off on Bootice by going to the BCD tab and opening the XP BCD and clicking "Easy Mode", then uncheck "Display boot menu". 9. Reboot. You should be logged in to the Administrator account. If the screen is not displaying anything, you need to reset the resolution. Hit Windows Key + R, and type in desk.cpl. Hit "tab" four times, hit the right arrow four times, hit "tab" once, hit the right arrow once. Then press enter. The screen should now display. USB works on Windows XP. There are no WiFi drivers. You will need to purchase a seperate USB wireless adapter. Also, I have not been able to get sound working on the machine. Getting a USB sound card might fix that.
    1 point
  29. POWIS Powerful Windows Setup This tool was developed to bring new user experience into Windows setup, supporting all Windows versions from Vista and newer. What features are added by POWIS? 1. Windows Recovery Environment boot menu option 2. Multi-Unattended selector 3. Dynamic drivers folder 4. DriverPacks solution using Snappy Driver Installer 5. RunOnceEx setup phase a. Certificates installing from any *.CER files b. Microsoft Office installing – 2007 or 2010 – 2016 or 2019 / 365 using YAOCTRI c. MSI Packages installing d. Products activation using Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3 or your own custom Activate.cmd e. Updates installing f. Applications installing g. Apply personal settings from any *.REG files h. DriverStore cleanup i. Scripts execution from any *.PS1 or *.BAT or *.CMD files 6. ESD support for Windows Vista and Windows 7 What is supported? 1) Any architecture, build and language ISO or extracted setup of Windows Vista SP2*, Windows 7, Windows 8.0, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Servers are untested but they should work too. This could be pointed to bootable USB too. 2) Only clean installations are supported 3) Fully Unattended *NOTE: For dynamic drivers folder and automated skipping product key in Windows Vista is needed Windows 8.0 setup engine, if you want these features enable ESDSUPPORT option in config.ini How to use POWIS? 1) Download and extract this tool, for example to C:\POWIS directory 2) Prepare plugins folder. This folder needs your attention a) driverpacks – place any compressed *.7z DriverPacks here. Snappy Driver Installer install compatible drivers before first reboot of deployed system. All available languages in SDI v1.21.2.2102 are mapped to Windows language codes. So perfect multilanguage support is available. If someone translate SDI, these new translations are needed to be hardcoded in Launch.cmd. You can find log files in %WINDIR%\Logs. Download DriverPacks here or here or here. b) drivers – if you want to apply drivers to deployed system before first boot. Place drivers in INF format into certain folders. All directory is for architecture independent drivers, x64 for 64bit drivers and x86 is for 32bit drivers c) oem – This folder is for Multi-OEM/Retail Project {MRP} - Mk3 which is compatible with POWIS solution from v137.1, Download and extract this project. Needed files are DeCompile.exe, OEM's.7z and OOBE.cmd, then rename OOBE.cmd to OEM.cmd. You can find log files in %WINDIR%\Logs. On Windows 8 and newer you can see black screen during setup for a while. Don’t worry MRP is installed on background. This is caused by Windows setup design, on Windows 7 is this process different and you can see screen with “Setup will continue after restarting your computer“ instead. d) office – All Office versions are supported. For Office 2007 place unattended setup into All subfolder. This Office version is only 32bit and it will be installed on both x86 and x64 systems. For Office 2010 – 2016 create x86 and x64 subfolders and place unattended setup into them. If you want to force 32bit Office on x64 systems place setup into All folder instead. For Office 2019 / 365 is supported YAOCTRI installation method. Just place generated setup directly into office folder. See pictures below e) setup – This folder is here for your own *.CER, *.PS1, *.BAT, *.CMD, *.REG , EXE and MSI files During setup process is setup folder dynamically scanned, so you can add / remove files perfectly on the fly directly on your USB setup media. You need to follow some rules when adding installers. If your applications have EXE installer for both architecture it must have –all in filename. If there exist standalone installers keep –x86 and –x64 in filename instead. To define silent switch create simple TXT file with same name as application installer, but without architecture identificator. So for WinRAR-x86.exe and WinRAR-x64.exe is needed WinRAR.txt with /S inside as only single line. MSI packages are installed automatically with /quiet /norestart switch. If you want to use your own switches do it in same way as you do for EXE installers. *.CER, *.PS1, *.BAT, *.CMD, *.REG are silently launched and applied. In scripts don't forget to exit them. f) unattended – place any Unattended files here, if you do it, you will be prompted for selection when setup begin g) updates – place any updates files *.MSU, *.CAB, *.MSP here and they will be silently installed. Just keep -x86 and -x64 in filename, simply follow the same logic as applications installers 3) Configure options in Config.ini 4) Launch POWIS.cmd as Administrator, then drag and drop extracted Windows setup path or ISO or already created bootable USB into console window. You can also use POWIS directly from CMD in your own scripts. See POWIS.cmd /? for more informations. When you point already created bootable USB, it must be without \ (backslash), like E: or G: not E:\ or G:\ otherwise POWIS end in fail with many errors. I tried to solve this, but on some languages is backslash different character. So this must be carefully driven by user. What is RunOnceEx? RunOnceEx is old build-in Windows feature introduced firstly in Windows 95, which processing commands one by one. In POWIS solution are these steps generated by RunOnceEx.cmd on the fly during setup process. This is also solution for some special cases. 1) Some applications needs created User account and can’t be installed through SetupComplete.cmd. RunOnceEx is processed under Administrator account so this limitation is gone. 2) SetupComplete.cmd and OOBE.cmd are ignored during setup when OEM key is used. This limitation is also gone in POWIS solution with RunOnceEx setup phase. NOTE: You can still use these files if you want, but they have their limitations explained above. To be able to run this solution was developed Watcher.cmd. Small script that runs on background when RunOnceEx is launched to watch every 1 second for explorer.exe and sysprep.exe in Task manager, as these processes needs to be killed immediately after they appears to avoid unneeded user touch and bring better and clean user experience. All steps are readed dynamically, so you can view all 10 steps or only few of them. This dialog is translatable through RunOnceEx.inf. It’s a small INF file with multilanguage strings, this is same method like drivers are localized. Currently are supported these languages. Many thanks for them to translators! English (en-US) Czech (cs-CZ) Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) Spanish (es-ES) Slovak (sk-SK) German (de-DE) Dutch (nl-NL) Norwegian Bokmål (nb-NO) Finnish (fi-FI) Bulgarian (bg-BG) Korean (ko-KR) French (fr-FR) Italian (it-IT) Portuguese (pt-PT) Russian (ru-RU) Danish (da-DK) Slovenian (sl-SI) Croatian (hr-HR) Greek (el-GR) Turkish (tr-TR) Romanian (ro-RO) Swedish (sv-SE) If you want to add your language translation, please translate these strings and submit them with language name / language code. They will be added in next release. FINTEXT = "Windows Post-Setup" CERTEXT = "Installing certificates" SCRIPTTEXT = "Executing scripts" OFFTEXT = "Installing Microsoft Office" MSITEXT = "Installing MSI packages" ACTTEXT = "Activating products" UPDTEXT = "Installing updates" SILTEXT = "Installing applications" TWKTEXT = "Applying personal settings" DRVCLNTEXT = "Removing unused drivers" RBTTEXT = "Reboot" Examples of translated RunOnceEx into Korean, Czech or Italian. This can support any language If you like old Window 95 setup style icon, disable ICONPATCH option in config.ini. I personally want new one instead. This is how original ugly old icon looks. NOTE: When you are removing components with NTLite or any other slimming down tool. Keep protected these Internet Explorer files as they are responsible for RunOnceEx - iernonce.dll + iernonce.dll.mui + IEAdvpack.dll. NOTE: If you remove them before POWIS touch keep calm, POWIS will add all needed files. Yes, it works with Server Core without problem too! What is Clean DriverStore feature? Have you integrated bunch of drivers into your image? CleanDriverStore.cmd is what every installed system with preintegrated drivers needs. All drivers that are not in use are automatically removed from DriverStore. NOTE: Keep all devices connected during setup or your integrated drivers for these devices will be removed! You can save a lot of space at installed machine. If you already updated your system drivers you can run CleanDriverStore.cmd as Administrator manually too! You can find log file in %WINDIR%\Logs. How is provided ESD support for Windows Vista and Windows 7? Yes, it’s possible to bring ESD compression into these older operating systems. This is provided by upgrading setup engine inside WinPE, this mean boot.wim is still original from Windows Vista or Windows 7. POWIS include RES patches, so setup looks same as original! To compress install.wim into install.esd you need to enable ESDSUPPORT + INSTALLRECOMPRESS options and set INSTALLFORMAT to ESD. What you need to do is simple, just provide new setup engine 1) Windows Vista require exactly Windows 8.0. For example English Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 x64 ISO have 3,7GB, compressed to ESD with WinRE option is final ISO 2,6GB a) This bring dynamic drivers folder support and automated skipping product key too b) Small glitch exist in setup after first reboot – setup activate second step „Expanding files“, but don’t worry it’s only glitch and setup is succesfully finished 2) Windows 7 require any Windows from Windows 8.0 and newer, works with Windows 10 20H2 without problem. For example English Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64 ISO have 3,2GB, compressed to ESD with WinRE option is final ISO 2,4GB How looks setup with applied POWIS? Whole Windows setup process is now more script driven. Due this method we are loosing Windows Recovery Environment option in setup known as Repair PC option. But this doesn’t matter as we added new boot option to winre.wim directly from sources folder to be able to enter Windows Recovery Environment. For example, this is how is changed setup structure in Windows 10 20H2v2. New folders and files that are reposponsible for whole magic are added Screenshots are in next posts! Release history 15.07.2021 - v1.0.3 - Added RunOnceEx Swedish (sv-SE) translation - Added Activation plugin folder and moved Activate.cmd inside - Improved setup.cmd for more customizable builds 01.07.2021 - v1.0.2 - Added RunOnceEx Greek (el-GR), Turkish (tr-TR) and Romanian (ro-RO) translations - Added install.esd input support - Now you can use POWIS on setup with install.esd - Added Themes and Wallpapers plugin folders - Added many new customizable options into config.ini - Fixed AutoUnattended selector - Fixed Num Lock default settings in WinPE - Fixed WinRE.wim name and description - Fixed RunOnceEx on NTLited images without Internet Explorer 27.05.2021 - v1.0.1 - Added RunOnceEx Slovenian (sl-SI) and Croatian (hr-HR) translations - Added DISM 10.0.19041.1 - now can POWIS run under Windows 7 host without problem - Fixed forgoten visible logs during upgrading setup engine 24.05.2021 - v1.0 - First public release Download https://www.mediafire.com/file/ekko89b1fqtnf93/POWIS_v1.0.3.7z/file or https://mega.nz/file/zAlDBYBK#DfYEu__hikhVasiDQvyzGhjUtMVLxi3rWw746oF70u8
    1 point
  30. I forgot to update topic here on MSFN. It's updated now 15.07.2021 - v1.0.3 - Added RunOnceEx Swedish (sv-SE) translation - Added Activation plugin folder and moved Activate.cmd inside - Improved setup.cmd for more customizable builds 01.07.2021 - v1.0.2 - Added RunOnceEx Greek (el-GR), Turkish (tr-TR) and Romanian (ro-RO) translations - Added install.esd input support - Now you can use POWIS on setup with install.esd - Added Themes and Wallpapers plugin folders - Added many new customizable options into config.ini - Fixed AutoUnattended selector - Fixed Num Lock default settings in WinPE - Fixed WinRE.wim name and description - Fixed RunOnceEx on NTLited images without Internet Explorer
    1 point
  31. POWIS updated to v1.0.1 27.05.2021 - v1.0.1 - Added RunOnceEx Slovenian (sl-SI) and Croatian (hr-HR) translations - Added DISM 10.0.19041.1 - now can POWIS run under Windows 7 host without problem - Fixed forgoten visible logs during upgrading setup engine
    1 point
  32. Looks to me like that hotfix (and therefore almost certainly others as well) are now only available to paying customers!
    1 point
  33. It's actually KB2963522 that people are looking for, not that one.
    1 point
  34. We are still looking for this missing update: The system or application freezes in a Windows Embedded POSReady 2009-based device. Please help finding it (at least english release) if You can. Everyone here will be very grateful.
    1 point
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