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  1. We are working with one of our friend from far East, Their soon gonna be a newer Chrome on XP , I will replace Boring SSL with OpenSSL [No need of Proxy for TLS1.3 and ECC] and port Angle Library to DirectX 9[ Smooth Scrolling] , He already got Chromium 92 working. Please Kindly have patience and i cannot reveal more as per my promise to him. Dont ask me when it is coming , but it is coming.
    7 points
  2. I know, I even admitted that the 2nd reason is a really stupid reason for me to feel sad, but me not having people to talk with is really sad (what I am actually trying to say is, I hope people (and moderators as well) are fine with my behavior/posts here generally in this forum [a.k.a., not annoyed by my behavior]). You are trying to say, I should not mind it that much? But thankfully, I have you, msfntor, D.Draker, and a few others to talk with here.
    3 points
  3. Hi! greetings, sorry my english,im still using XP as my main OS, i dont use windows vista+ or linux or whatever, just XP. How many people still use as main os? My main problem right now is web browsing. For now we have Chromium 86 (360browser 13.5) & Firefox 68 (Mypal 68) , but this browsers will be outdated soon, and no one, have DRM support (netflix for example). For netflix still regular firefox+silverlight still work... but how long? Of course if no project for more modern web browsers happens and project like one core api did not grow up fast, will be a big problem for any XP users that need to use the computer for everyday work and web browsing I thinking ideas, VMs i dont like, too much resource lost, slow, etc How about a secondary mini computer running linux + xwin server in XP? how will be the speed of xwindows rendering? VNC is too slow
    2 points
  4. I'm new here, but I'd be happy to test them, I have some experience with 360 Extreme Explorer. Ouch, that's sad, I hope your neck gets well soon!
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. This one works on XP. At least a bit earlier version I tried. This is a simple and easy to use tool. Paid, but has free proxies, also. From what I know, this software was made a Latvian guy. What struck me as weird, it checks the speed of the servers by connecting to Yadnex, so I don't know how deep the ties to the KGB/FSB/Russia are. The connection can be blocked. Also, you can change in the paid version. "Full support of Socks v5 and Elite servers". https://www.proxyswitcher.com/
    2 points
  7. You're right. Don't update anything, not worth it, 'cause the engine is ancient anyways. And ,actually, I was talking to another user. Who's roytams1 , I don't even know, sorry. Again, thanks for the worries about my gym, I know you're trying to help.
    2 points
  8. Believe me, I have exactly this same feeling as you.
    1 point
  9. All what I hope is that it succeeds. Good luck, friend!
    1 point
  10. Yes, because this test concern MSFN website, not browsers... MSFN is "F", very bad.
    1 point
  11. Try sleeping without a pillow a few nights?
    1 point
  12. Hope you enjoy trying them ... even for the experience. I'm enjoying AF V13.0.2170.0 and (overall) its working alright, but I miss V11 very much.
    1 point
  13. Treating diseases with leeches Below you can find several different diseases which medical leeches UK can effectively cure without the need of a long and costly treatment. Please, note that the list of diseases is not full and the information is only sketchy - to find out more about the range of use of our medical leechs follow to the treatment section on our website. Diseases that medical leeches can effectively cure: Alopecia Alopecia is a condition resulting in the los of hair which is mainly relate to the decrease in blood circulation in certain areas under the skin. Leech therapy allows the blood circulation to return to its normal track, which results in the increased delivery of several important nutrients which stimulate the growth of hair. At the same time the saliva of medical leeches makes it possible to eradicate the source of dandruff or bacteria. Arthritis It is a serious condition that negatively affects the joints and makes the everyday like a painful experience especially in cases whete it influences the joints responsible for the bearing of the entire bodyweight. The application of medicinal leeches UK allows for the increase in production of the synovial fluid which makes it possible to move the bone surface at the joints without any pain. Leech saliva possesses several important compounds not only reducing the pain but also getting rid of the inflammation sources. However, in order to be effective, some specialists advise to repeat the treatment for arthritis every 6 to 8 months. Cardiovascular disease It is a disease causing, most often, the hypertension and atherosclerosis of the heart. One of the best things of using hirudotherapy (treatment by leeches) is the fact that it is one of the enzymes in the leech saliva which makes the cardiovascular disease treatment extremely efficient - the enzyme has the anticoagulative properties and constitute an excellent solution for those with heart attack or stroke problems. Diabetic treatment Diabetes is one of the most common diseases you can find in the world. It is also one of the most problematic ones as the failure of the pancreas is responsible for the considerable decrease in the insulin production whose shortage leads to overworking of the heart which has to pump the blood with a more effort (without the right amount of insuling the glucose cannot be dissolved in the blood and so the blood thickens). The use of medicinal leeches for the treatment of diabetes was already in use during the ancient time-period. The saliva of leeches UK contains various enzymes that allow the blood to dissolve the surplus of glucose and thus making the blood transportation less problematic. Here: https://www.leeches.uk.com/why-leeches/medical-leeches-news/treating-diseases-with-leeches.html How to use leeches: https://www.leeches.uk.com/how-to-use-leeches.html Leech therapy for eyes: https://www.leeches.uk.com/why-leeches/medical-leeches-news/leech-therapy-for-eyes.html Yeah it's NOT for me.. four you all rather! and before all to our @D.D! D.D, if you are still looking for a pet companion, adopt leeches (just an idea, which passed through my mind earlier, if not pass...)
    1 point
  14. People may not know this, but I struggle with speech and sometimes my words don't come out right, not far off from my writing. I appear very nervous and unsure and quirky. I have many social "tics" Tourette-like in nature and I've even been known to stumble and fall and struggle to get up in public.
    1 point
  15. ^^ Good to hear Just hit Noon here and need to get out of sweat pants and at least start moving around. I hope to go to Starbucks, but nobody has said anything yet. I hope everybody is doing well today.
    1 point
  16. Because I can see what is behind the eyes and through they eyes and smile. Call it body-language, but I feel its more. But what do I know. Rarely has my "instinct" and "gut feeling(s)" been wrong.
    1 point
  17. 1. Just a chuckle (not at your situation, of course). "annoyed by my behaviour" Can you believe the staff puts up with me?!?! (Mister Blobfish) I'm like the least helpful person and you know there people here that be all like ... 'will he ever shut up and go away' hehe =P I'm shocked I wasn't banned along time ago, but I do love the forum. 2. I'm glad you feel comfortable and I like you, you seem so kind and polite and very helpful. I wonder why you feel you chose to isolate. So young, but, again, anything helpful I'd say would be hypocritical as I can't follow my own advice. Honestly, I mostly talk to my therapist and med provider nowadays. I assumed you mean actually talking to somebody, people seem to be very unapproachable and I gave up. I think (I don't know) focus on your studies and do well because knowledge is power. Wishing you well and I hope you feel less sad and maybe in schooling you'll find somebody you can relate to. I know its hard to trust people when countless times they let you down ( I know too well ) and trust is earned not given, but at least try (easier said than done) to be open. Might have more to say when my mind clears up a bit.
    1 point
  18. - so this is about website security. "Content Security Policy is an effective measure to protect your site from XSS attacks. By whitelisting sources of approved content, you can prevent the browser from loading malicious assets." Here for msfn.org: https://securityheaders.com/?q=msfn.org&followRedirects=on - uh NOTHING good for our website...F - so all is missing.. "Ouch, you should work on your security posture immediately:" - I've already posted this in the ancient times... a long time ago, I think.... SECURITY Headers - Analyse your HTTP Response Headers: Home page: https://securityheaders.com/ - and article to read and apply: Referer and Referrer-Policy best practices: https://web.dev/referrer-best-practices/
    1 point
  19. I guess I didn't talk enough about Python 2.7 to convey that I wasn't using GRIT with Python 3 myself. Anyway, pip install six (on the command line) should fix that error. You may actually find it more convenient to simply run these scripts from the command line, e.g. python pak_util.py -h , etc. (I almost never bother with IDLE since I use another editor.) And just in case you haven't got yourself a brotli.exe (version 1.0.7 or higher), even with Python 3 you'll still need to install Brotli with pip, add the import (judging from your screenshot you haven't done that yet), and edit the function I mentioned (at least the Brotli part of it). As for having to use Python and not a GUI extractor... well, you asked what software I used and I told you what I used, you can blame Google for not creating a GUI for it. Actually the reason I didn't tell you right when you first asked and just said it should work as always was because I had no idea that you'd never decompressed any of the Brotli content from paks. I mean you've been doing these repacks for so long and I'm pretty sure I've seen you mention a number of times now completely safe your builds are even for stuff like banking. When you have hundreds of binary blobs you don't know the contents of? I mean I seriously doubt you're pouring over Proxomitron logs or whatever every time you use the browser. I don't want to get into a long argument over this, but I was honestly quite surprised.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. What worries me, @AstroSkipper may not approve because it's free and maybe crap.
    1 point
  22. Of course you would need to learn. But some may do it unintentionally. I mean leech the hell out of someone.
    1 point
  23. Wish you well. Read my post to Mina above, it's too for you! 50 - you're young already, not so young that Mina, but nonetheless STILL young, YOU! Yes YOU!
    1 point
  24. But what happens to you Mina, well you are a beautiful and young boy, life is in front of you, so move, go into life, which is outside, not in front of the screen with all of us untouchable spirits... Life - you can touch it; everything that cannot be touched, is not alive for you! Be alive - move! Speak to the living rather! (Well I told you all this already, sorry...)
    1 point
  25. But enough for the OT for now - I'd like to get back to the above, please.
    1 point
  26. Speaking solely for myself, "do not care" I was "hesitant" to go public with build 2022. Rest assured, there is no hesitation regarding build 2036. The user base is just too tiny. I applaud roytam1's constant updates, but this project will NOT follow that same course. NONE of roytam1's releases 'work' for MY "modern" web sites - 360Chrome still works for MY "modern" web sites. And TWO-PLUS YEARS LATER, after weekly updates, NONE of the roytam1 releases has gained functionality for MY "modern" web sites. I have no plans to perform "constant" updates herein and never gain any true "functionality". Seems pointless "to me". BUT this test is probably solely for Mr. D.Draker - to the best of my knowledge, your gym membership web site is one of a very small handful of web sites that 360Chrome can not "do". I could be wrong (I am "sometimes", lol), but you seem to NOT WANT to test your gym membership on build 2036. So TO ME, the post regarding it is basically a TINY degree of "stirring the pot" (I doubt that was the intent, lol). Because XP browsers will ALWAYS be "outdated" - and us XP Users really "do not care". We have other reasons for running XP and "constantly" DEBATING this is NOT "open for debate" - ESPECIALLY here at MSFN (ask any of the moderators). IF, on the other hand, build 2036 does return functionality to one of the very small handful of web sites that the current release can not "do", then (and only then) shall hesitation be removed Maybe "too early" for me to have "replied", but I think I worded it "okay"...
    1 point
  27. For us - yes. Sadly not for all.
    1 point
  28. 1 - Saying that "XP is outdated crap" is definitely ill-mannered and not welcome in the society of MSFN, where the most users are XP/vista, including the moderators. 2 - Yes, we are , also I'm sure you're Russian. Who else would be that rude ? The French were and are well-mannered and witty people. Thanks for the compliment . 3 - I don't own a "cat". EDIT: I'd gladly make you a compliment too, and your country/nationality is hidden. But let me guess, Russia ? *Surprise* - I already guessed, so no compliment. You're lucky our XP superfan @TrevMUN is busy , and @msfntor is simply very polite and calm.
    1 point
  29. That's the most important part. Good to know.
    1 point
  30. Eh, it's nothing. I feel quite well otherwise, somehow.
    1 point
  31. Oh hi @mina7601 and @XPerceniol, I'm a bit sad about the day being over already and the foggy weather.
    1 point
  32. Because I'll be less active here due to monthly exams of November (October monthly exams started on October 26 and ended on November 3) starting on November 28 (no end date specified yet), and I am afraid I might get sick again after the end of November monthly exams, like on November 5.
    1 point
  33. Hey @UCyborg, it's been a while since you've been last online here. How are you, brother? I hope all is well!
    1 point
  34. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect
    1 point
  35. I often get confused between the two, I question whether its a good idea to trust a unknown proxy with my information, who knows if its was/is compromised or a honey pot.
    1 point
  36. Eventually there will be better web browsing options available if we have enough patience. I mean with One Core API, Chrome 102 does already kind of work on XP, even though there is definitely a lot of work to do (extensions and downloads don't work, no sound, etc). Just a few years back no one would have imagined that we will ever have Firefox 52 running on Windows 98...
    1 point
  37. I do and will stick with it until it doesn't work at all and worry later, but its getting harder and harder to enjoy it.
    1 point
  38. Let me just add one closing/final OT post: @all: Thanks for your wishes! @AstroSkipper: I wish you that you get rid of the permanent coughing soon! kind regards soggi
    1 point
  39. Agreed. I will revisit the Win10 skin one of these days.
    1 point
  40. Yeah, we found the problem in V4, thanks yo @gmkid and @WinFX. V5 is almost restored (some bugs in the history and the Troubleshooter is not working), and v3 is working (old catalog system).
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. My best wishes for a full recovery to all who have had COVID, but back on topic now please.
    1 point
  43. Hello @Cixert! I happened to see in the issues of Mypal 68 that you have update problems. I am referring to the issue "update keeping settings #169": https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/issues/169 The name of the poster is Cixert, so I think it's probably you. When I updated Mypal 68 the very first time months ago, I had the same problem after copying the new files over the old ones. I solved it by editing the file profile.ini and changing the location of my profile folder. If you need help, please post the content of your profile.ini file here, and maybe, we can solve your update problems too by changing some entries in this file. Kind regards, AstroSkipper
    1 point
  44. AstroSkipper, ArcticFoxie, we3fan and you all are right! Why oh why am I haunted again by my softwares from the past.... I still have uMatrix v1.4.4 in Extreme 360Chrome v12.0, but.... he is disable... and in addition, I never use this Extreme version. So why would I use uMatrix again, after all it doesn't have the "Block Element" capability I use in uBlock; uBlock sufficiently defends me from ads, malware (the good Custom lists are updated!), and my possible 3-rd party enemies, having it set to block 3-party scripts and 3-rd party frames, and maybe 3-rd party women. One good defender is enough, what's too much is unhealthy. I see you all finally agree with me, my heartfelt warm thanks!
    1 point
  45. I used AdBlockPlus and uBlok before, Because they are so simple to used for me
    1 point
  46. - uBlock it's sufficient to me, with my lists I've found, anti-malware too. And I move on to other things, life is short...
    1 point
  47. Oh, it's fine, we all here to learn something we didn't know before ... and teach the others of something we know. Exchange of knowledge.
    1 point
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