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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2022 in Posts

  1. To all other members reading this, PLEASE NEVER DO THAT! Not playing by the "rules" makes you ineligible for help, at least as far as I'm concerned... Nothing to be wary of GMFPM - its maintainer is/was a member of the MCP team of devs... I've been using it for years without the slightest issue... What is, in this case? I provided detailed, foolproof, instructions for the migration of GM 3.17 => GMFPM 3.31.4 (which is fully compatible with UXP browsers), but you're unwilling to even test it (you can always use a test St52 profile) ... BTW, people still using FxESR52 in 2022, except for some marginal cases like Firefox Sync, should migrate ASAP to St52, not only for security reasons, but mainly for WebCompat ones... Nothing too complicated for a die-hard Windows XP(/Vista) user, trust me...
    5 points
  2. Sadly, I've stopped maintaining my FF52 profile, I used it to compare with Serpent 52, mostly I would never trust FF from 2018 and Serpent fixed a lot of the security issues.
    4 points
  3. As I've written countless times in the past, Serpent 52.9.0 != Firefox 52.9.x As such, you should NEVER mix profiles between FxESR52 and St52/St55! For UXP-based browsers (like St52), the UserScript Manager of choice is: Greasemonkey for Pale Moon Despite its name, it's also suitable for Serpent 52/55; first 1. Uninstall your very old GM (for Fx) v3.17 (its settings should be kept inside "about:config", already installed scripts should remain intact inside your St52 profile) - restart browser. 2. Install file "greasemonkey-3.31.4-pm_forkBranch.xpi" - restart browser. 3. Installed userscripts and GM settings should have been carried over to GMFPM-3.31.4 Another option for St52 if you only wish to modify web content is ViolentMonkey (a web-extension, NOT backwards-compatible with GM); latest v2.13.0.23b works fine in my copy of St52...
    4 points
  4. The answer is one post above coming from @VistaLover!
    3 points
  5. @XPerceniol These are just some awesome points you wrote over there. I was enlightened after reading them.
    2 points
  6. Spoken for me only, each browser I use has its own profile. I totally agree with @VistaLover, I never use one profile shared by different browsers.
    2 points
  7. Glad to see you back, we were thinking of you Hows the weather down there? Hot up north here and humid so I hope you enjoy the the heat I'd bet its humid. You made it there, please remove any unrealistic expectations. No vacations or cures overnight. Don't feel bad about us, we are here good bad or whatever - no judgment. I think the fact that you came back (especially during your vaca) shows courage and reach out whenever. We don't expect any "good results" nor do we have any expectations, know that you can open up here and unload some that burden on your mind and just to vent, but, yeah, would be nice sometimes to have support in real life, mostly my therapist nowadays and the occasional pleasantries I exchanged with people in the complex are about it for me. Feels that way sometimes and "alone" means something different to others - like I love being alone (I embrace the solitude and its solace), but being 'alone in this world' means (to some) feeling as an outcast that we don't belong and YOU DO BELONG IN THIS WORLD! Small bits of happiness are fleeting hang on only for short time but don't chase them, I hope that makes sense, if not, I"ll try to rephrase. We can't be happy all the time, happy moments, sad moments, angry moments ... let then pass. You cant have one without the others, but the dark times will become less and less once you start to process what is troubling you. You have nothing to be sorry about - not at all. Keeping it bottled up inside is bad and I hope you will find a good therapist so you have something other than online friends. Not saying they aren't good, but better to not rely on them as they can be fickle. I'm already insane Kidding; or am I................ So, please tell us what you enjoyed about the vacation thus far or things you're looking forward to while there! Try to fine several things about the scenery, the food, the accommodations other than that nagging depression and anxiety, We'd love you find a way to enjoy yourself regardless (or in spite) of what you're dealing with. Trust me, you'll have plenty of time when you get back so just enjoy yourself and the folks you are surrounded with.
    2 points
  8. Hello @George King and @Taiga-chan! Thanks for your recommendation and replies! I am always willing to learn new things and expand my programming skills, indeed. And, as I already said, I'll put the multiple language support on the test in due course. But, it is not a high priority for me. Other things in the development of my program package are much more important. The world is international. There are a lot of programs English only. I am mathematician, and consistency is very important for me. If I wanted to add a multiple language support to my program package, all English strings would have to be translated, i.e., the strings inside PopMenu, the menu items of PopMenu, all documentation, and all outputs of my programs. Therefore, the effort would be much greater than it seems at first sight. At the moment, my program package is still under development and will change from version to version. Logically, this continuous development has the highest priority for me. Cheers, AstroSkipper
    2 points
  9. Right : https://github.com/janekptacijarabaci/greasemonkey/commit/60ded5b304d2fb616e61137e9209bb7993b55a9b Please, don't take it as a personal offence, as it was not meant that way... If you're an extension author yourself/quite savvy with browser code and the Javascript language, then I'm quite confident you'll find ways of getting out of whatever "predicament" you find yourself into by not "playing by the rules"... However, the layman user of Serpent 52 (under XP/Vista or, even, 7) will be much better off by doing "things" the recommended way; then it'd be more easy for a volunteer helper (like myself) to troubleshoot reported breakages and offer remedies, if/when possible... I am also of an adventurous "nature", but this trait has sometimes necessitated a complete browser profile rebuilt from scratch, which, depending on the original profile, can last from many hours to even day(s) ; I'd never myself promote "behaviour" that would end up in someone having to rebuild one's browser profile... In the past, I was a Mozilla Nightly Tester (v22.0a1 to v53.0a1), Firefox Nightly was being released then once a day (currently twice daily), profile "breakages" were quite frequent between updates, so one was never to mix profiles even between Firefox Nightly versions... While indeed Basilisk 52 (and, thus, Serpent 52) began its existence as an offspring of Mozilla Firefox 52.6.0 (this is an over-simplification; UXP-take 2 - the platform - began its life as a fork of Mozilla ESR 52.6.0 platform), the close affinity between them might have been a "thing" in early 2019, possibly for somewhat longer, but due to extensive work by upstream (MCP), the two platforms/applications have, by now, diverged so greatly, that their profiles are no longer interchangeable! My 2c/2p (etc.): Never mix profiles between browsers (obviously when they belong to the same "family"), or between different versions of the same browser (and Google/Mozilla have made it now impossible to successfully "downgrade" profiles, as profile migration is only ONE-WAY exclusive: from an older to a newer browser version). UXP-based browsers (and forks) have kept support for old and unmaintained Firefox "legacy" extensions; where the UXP community has created UXP-specific versions of those, it is wise to move on to such an extension fork... E.g., Stylem should be used as the de facto UserStyle manager over the Firefox-specific, old, Stylish v2.0.7/2.1.1... Kindest regards
    1 point
  10. @Joaquim When you play DOS games in Windows, the Volume Control program (sndvol32.exe) should be enough. When you are running in pure DOS, you should look for a mixer/settings program included with the DOS drivers you use.
    1 point
  11. Agree @Joaquim, sound good, without it games that use sound to cue the player or provide feedback are almost unplayable. The VDMSound config does not appear to provide volume options and i believe the project is dead. There was a VDMSound update 2 or something, not sure whether it would make a difference. In the What's New section: DirectSound support for audio mixing https://forum.hardwareheaven.com/threads/dos-games-static-win2k-xp-vdmsound-project-2-0-4.715/ If you're running an NT-based system, an alternative to try is SoundFX 2000 (no personal experience): SoundFX 2000 is THE sound card emulator for DOS programs running on Windows XP, 2000 and NT4. http://www.softsystem.co.uk/products/soundfx.htm Good luck with your sound volume quest.
    1 point
  12. Such a beautiful experience - thank you for sharing it! I use honey in my tea and never forget when that comes from :)
    1 point
  13. I think that's a bit simplistic. <dialog> ... </dialog> is a pretty fundamental XUL construct so I'm pretty sure that there's something happening beyond a compatibility problem with the dialog entity. I still use it in my own extensions. Here is options.xul in all its glory! <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE prefwindow [ <!ENTITY % greasemonkeyDTD SYSTEM "chrome://greasemonkey/locale/greasemonkey.dtd"> <!ENTITY % preferencesDTD SYSTEM "chrome://browser/locale/preferences/preferences.dtd"> %greasemonkeyDTD; %preferencesDTD; ]> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/global.css" type="text/css"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://greasemonkey/skin/bindings.css" type="text/css"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://greasemonkey/skin/options.css" type="text/css"?> <dialog title="Greasemonkey - &prefWindow.titleWin;" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" buttons="accept,cancel" flex="1" id="greasemonkey-options-dialog" persist="screenX screenY" onload="GM_loadOptions()" ondialogaccept="GM_saveOptions()" ondialogcancel="close()" > <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://greasemonkey/content/options.js" /> <dialogheader title="Greasemonkey" description="&prefWindow.titleWin;"/> <vbox flex="1"> <groupbox> <caption label="&prefWindow.titleWin;" /> <checkbox id="secure-update" label="&RequireSecureUpdates;" /> <checkbox id="submit-stats" label="&SubmitStats;" /> <checkbox id="check-sync" label="&EnableFirefoxSync;" /> </groupbox> <groupbox> <caption label="&options.editor;" /> <hbox> <button oncommand="GM_util.setEditor(1)" label="&options.defaultEditor;" flex="1"/> <button oncommand="GM_util.setEditor(0)" label="&options.browseForEditor;" flex="1"/> </hbox> </groupbox> <groupbox flex="2"> <caption label="&options.globalExcludes;" /> <cludes id="globalExcludes" flex="1" /> </groupbox> <groupbox flex="1"> <caption label="&options.newScript.template;" /> <checkbox id="newScript-removeUnused" label="&options.newScript.removeUnused;" /> <textbox id="newScript-template" multiline="true" rows="5" flex="1" wrap="off" /> </groupbox> </vbox> </dialog> Ben.
    1 point
  14. As far as I can see from your output, this is just a compatibility problem of the extension Greasemonkey due to an undefined entity in its options.xul. This file has to be edited to make it fully compatible again. The problematic entity is in line 13 and column 1.
    1 point
  15. If there will be language file in UTF-16 LE BOM format, it should work without issues probably. I'm not sure how works AutoIT strings-file handling.
    1 point
  16. @AstroSkipper Will you support Asia languages as well? When your creation is ready I will translate it for my language.
    1 point
  17. @AstroSkipper There is no problem with "hacking" your compiled string and translate them. It's just recommendation (and learning experience), with MultiLanguage support using simple TXT / INI file for few string P.S. Release stable build first, then try to go with MultiLanguage support
    1 point
  18. @JFX I made a post and added to it a download link to my MediaFire free account for: Spanish_translation.7z Password: alacran This is based in v5.25 Please excuse me for the long time since previous version. And it disapeared, so I'm posting it again. alacran
    1 point
  19. @Damnation 1) extended AcpiInternalDeviceFlagTable[] to set DEV_CAP_PROCESSOR flag to special HID name: 2) extended AcpiInternalDeviceTable[] to enable processor dispatch routines: There can be different DEV_CAP_PROCESSOR processing in Win10 code to proper handle CPU device without Processor opcode First extend two tables and see is it enough or not
    1 point
  20. I had positive contact with the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) - I saved him from drowning, and he was grateful! He came back on my hand... Very funny experience with this friendly insect created by God, like us! Don't be fooled by bad propaganda... https://msfn.org/board/topic/182193-the-msfn-café-a-penny-for-your-thoughts/page/11/#comment-1209309 Why Propaganda is Dangerous: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/why-propaganda-is-dangerous PS. NONE phobia here, sorry
    1 point
  21. (offtopic) Does youtube-dl.exe work on your non SSE2 hardware? Since youtube-dl hasn't released for a long time now, I have compiled it with Python 3.4.4 from the current 'master' branch, which has still recent commits. (most notably, slow downloads from YouTube are now a thing from the past) Furthermore, I've applied a patch (PR) from @dirkf, that resolves age-gate issues. Tested it and it works. See link in signature. Anyone with newer hardware might want to try my XP-compatible yt-dlp: see signature. (I'll try to keep both of them updated)
    1 point
  22. http://blog.livedoor.jp/blackwingcat/archives/2016596.html You can install .net 2.0 sp2 from 3.5SP1 installer package https://www.microsoft.com/cs-CZ/download/details.aspx?id=25150
    1 point
  23. I was also able to run an older version of Spotify(32bit) and the Newer Firefox at the same time. (SysWow64's ExtendedKernel is the 2020 version.)
    1 point
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