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George King

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Everything posted by George King

  1. Are you sure you really need that driver integrated into setup? Try x86 version first. These both XPs are different kernel level 5.1 vs 5.2 I think I’m using in XP2ESD only syssetup.dll patches on 5.2. (I’m out of my machine, cant check it today) https://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/17689-xpw2k3-x64-on-modern-hardware/?do=findComment&comment=138860
  2. setupapi.dll patch should do that job. I mean use any unsigned driver, including modified INFs during setup. Use patched dll just for setup, replace with original one later. REM Patch SETUPAPI REM 8B FF 55 8B EC 8B 45 2C 33 C9 3B REM 33 C0 C2 30 00 8B 45 2C 33 C9 3B expand "%~dp0_output\i386\SETUPAPI.DL_" "%~dp0_output\i386\SETUPAPI.DLL" >nul del /q /s "%~dp0_output\i386\SETUPAPI.DL_" >nul "%~dp0apps\bbe\%ARCH%\bbe.exe" -b "/\x8B\xFF\x55\x8B\xEC\x8B\x45\x2C\x33\xC9\x3B/:11" -e "s/\x8B\xFF\x55\x8B\xEC\x8B\x45\x2C\x33\xC9\x3B/\x33\xC0\xC2\x30\x00\x8B\x45\x2C\x33\xC9\x3B/" "%~dp0_output\i386\SETUPAPI.DLL" -o "%~dp0_output\i386\SETUPAPI2.DLL" del "%~dp0_output\i386\SETUPAPI.DLL" ren "%~dp0_output\i386\SETUPAPI2.DLL" "SETUPAPI.DLL"
  3. @win32 I just noticed your repo return 404. Hope this issue is temporary. But I quess progwrp.dll should looks like virus container without published source (I understand why you have not published source) Btw, I have noticed various issues on my machine when upgraded to latest progwrp.dll and R6 Supermium. I need to check what caused it, But I think using 5002 on XP x64 was fine with R3 without freezing on basic search on Google. My XP machine is powerful enough and nothing else was changed.
  4. I installed it normaly and it works, have not tried anything related to portable.
  5. I have saved Partition Assistant which I know works fine under XP and installer was obtained under XP before the dropped support. https://www.mediafire.com/file/w4s3a5eynl4nsu5/PartitionAssistant-all.exe/file Can be installed silently with /silent switch P.S. Full version require just correct cfg.ini in installation directory.
  6. Fixed links in first post, I'm not sure if it's same, but I grabbed it from my other repository - it should be from my latest builds.
  7. Use UpdatePack instead. https://msfn.org/board/topic/183839-5eraph-updatepacks-x64-v2019/
  8. Great, I'm going to find my USB Floppy and SD Cards reader, then I should probably reproduce it my main machine. I will probably just suppress that error, because issue is caused by something else - Not used drives are mounted, but doesnt contains real disk physically connected IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX, thats probably due that mechanism, because they are another part of HW where you connect another one too. Will see what can I do. I will check also mentioned SSE if it's possible.
  9. @genieautravail Please add screenshots from Disk Management
  10. @genieautravail Can you tell me more about your error 21? I need to know details about that disk which is not listed using ListDisk. Currently it means your disk is unsupported, but I don't know where should I dig, when I don't know nothing about it and can't reproduce it.
  11. I think we should investigate how is done 16TB HDD support in XBOX 360. Maybe we can do something similar. https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/2022/08/09/fatxplorer-3-0-beta-22-16-tb-xbox-360-internal-hdd-support-updated-usb-patches/ https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/2024/01/03/combined-xbox-360-xl-patches-now-available/
  12. Hi @Dietmar, Have you tried ChatGPT 4? Or just stick with free model? This whole app was designed by me with exact “prompts”. These models are really not comparable. I can tell you this. If you think its blind, I don’t really believe. I have spend amount of time to work with free version, Yes, its crap. ChatGPT 4 works much better, 90% of code is compile-able and working code. Depends just on prompt.
  13. Just apply these registry settings into default and Administrator profile.
  14. Exactly, ChatGPT is powerful for coding, but you need to know what you want. Be specific, have knowledge. I have succeed only when using ChatGPT 4, If you use free model 3.5 then its full of crap - no working code after many tries. These model are not comparable. Even I ask for solution, I have not faced mentioned issue - that mean I can reproduce and test. And this tool was not done in simple prompt. I really know what I want. Like give me working code for Visual Studio 2019 in C++ for command line application which will list all connected physical disks with partition details based on XXX structure which will use own structure to store data etc.. And each function was designed using that way.. For example I have fully rewritten POWIS from scratch to get Professional look and usability. Currently I have like 6000 lines of code in HTA, CSS, VBS and JS. Everything based on ChatGPT 4 code. But it takes time of course, but really duable
  15. No idea, as you can see Disk 1 is missing in list. If exist on your machine, it will be probably something with that. Another important thing, I’m not programmer, just enthusiast. I needed tool like this so I managed it in a week with ChatGPT 4… Of course without programing knowledge it wont be possible. If you detect issue I can try to fix it, like I did with special characters replacement to display them correctly in CMD in systems older than 8.0. Source code is released, so you can always try to investigate. Feel free to fork, improve or fix and push request into main tree. Thats why we have source in public repository
  16. @WS7_6608 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/tool-convertnt5skus-convert-windows-nt-5-x-skus-v3-0-0-rc1.84416/
  17. When I decide to publish, then Yes. Now they are private only. BTW, nice spoiler from my MDL topic from currently work-in-progress on POWIS in XP2ESD
  18. Fully updated Windows is always key, specially in XP days. I can't uderstand why a lot of people ignoring UpdatePacks and they crying and complaining. It's still same after another 10 years. Yes, and of course there could be bugs. But I quess I must face these issues, when testing images on real machines. Another point is, many "Windows XP Enthusiast" never have real XP machine and never used them, they are just too young..
  19. ListDisk This tool provides detailed information about connected physical disks, including their partitions and volumes. Download https://github.com/GeorgeK1ng/ListDisk/releases Features Mounting/unmounting partitionsSetting partition labelsModifying MBR partition attributes Available Commands /mount - Mounts a partition to a specified drive letter./unmount - Unmounts a specified partition or drive letter./setlabel - Sets a new label for a specified partition./setactive - Sets or clears the bootable flag of a partition./settype - Changes the MBR type of a partition. Usage Examples /mount 0 1 U - Mounts Partition 1 on Disk 0 as U: drive./unmount 0 1 - Unmounts Partition 1 on Disk 0./unmount U - Unmounts U: drive./setLabel 0 1 Lbl - Sets 'Lbl' as the label for Partition 1 on Disk 0./setactive 0 1 - Marks Partition 1 on Disk 0 as bootable./setactive 0 1 80 - Sets the boot flag for Partition 1 on Disk 0./setactive 0 1 00 - Clears the boot flag for Partition 1 on Disk 0./settype 0 1 0x17 - Sets Partition 1 on Disk 0 to type NTFS Hidden (0x17)./settype 0 1 0x07 - Sets Partition 1 on Disk 0 to type NTFS (0x07). Requirements Operating System: Windows XP and newer. Note for Windows XP Users: This tool requires the installation of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. Please install it from this link.Compatible with Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE).Place ListDisk in %WinDir%\system32 to make it easy accessible from commandline! Note: Use this utility with caution. Incorrect usage may affect data integrity.
  20. Yeah, this one I bought for 19.99. https://a.aliexpress.com/_EHc8Owp
  21. 980 Ti is 2x - 3x bigger than 710. This is my 980 Ti. Im awaiting brand new SZMZ GTX 960 and CCTING R9 280X… I think R9 vs 980Ti on x64 XP will be interesting to compare, both should be 384 bit. Btw, this setup runs now on unknown brand 2TB NVMe from AliExpress which cost 20$.. Dual Boot 11 and XP in CSM.
  22. These are just for drivers searching speedup reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DriverSearching" /v "DontSearchWindowsUpdate" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DriverSearching" /v "DontPromptForWindowsUpdate" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DriverSearching" /v "DontSearchFloppies" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul
  23. Disable New HW UI XP reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceInstall\Settings" /v "SuppressNewHWUI" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul 2003 reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\PlugPlay\Parameters" /v "SuppressUI" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f >nul
  24. Hi, great package! Just check line 56 in Install.bat. It should be %SystemDrive% instead of %ProgramFilest%. Also using %%SystemDrive%% to keep them as variables in registry could be fine too. And line 68 have unneeded colon (:) in InstallDir %SystemDrive%:. SystemDrive returns drive with colon like C:
  25. Everything was changed - see used structures in storport 7 vs 8. After 8056 was changed build environment - see other drivers for PoFx.. functions. It will probably never work. And If then only for specific driver, like Daniels NVMe 8.1 for 7. which have working TRIM in 7. Maybe you can start there instead. I tried patch his already patched files for 7 to XP in past. But without success.
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